Love has its wars

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(Y/n pov)

It was the next day after my surgery. Simon was by my side the whole time. I was able to stand and walk. There was some pain but the doctor said it should go away within a few days. "You got everything, love?" Ghost asked. I turned and looked at him. "Sir yes sir." I reply jokingly. We both walk out of the hospital room with bags and make our way up to the front desk.

Simon calls price to request a car to pick us up as i discharge myself. "Alright miss Skar have a good day." The receptionist said while handing back my ID. I walked over to Simon just as he hung up the phone. "So?" I ask eagerly. "A car will be here in 5 to 10 minutes." He replied. We walked out the main doors and sat on a bench outside the hospital.

We both received weird looks as we where both wearing masks. I laughed it off but Simon took it as a compliment. We sat there until a black car with black tint pulls up in front of us and rolls down the windows. "Skar.ghost. Put your belongings in the trunk then get it." A familiar face says. We do as she says.

When we got in the car i smiled to myself and said hello to my old friend. "Hello Aarseth, what they put you as an Uber driver." i say jokingly. She turns and looks at me and gives me a cold stare. "The one thing we have in common is that our brothers where killed by a psychopath." She said. "Whoa. Feisty. But you forgot one thing. My brother didn't eat his friends brain."  I added on.

The driver and Simon where silent just listening. She smiled and held out her hand. I took it and we shook hands. "It's good to see you again Skar." She says. "Same with you Aarseth." I replied. She turned back around and the driver started driving. Simon just stares at me. I laughed and looked out the window while leaning my head on his shoulder the whole time.

~one week later~

I have been on bed rest for no reason for a whole week. Simon is never around and recently i have been having flashbacks of graves. I was sitting curled up in the corner of the bed when the door opens. I look up to see Simon in the doorway. He practically ignores me and takes his mask off. He walked over to the bathroom and shut the door.

I was already crying but this just made me cry harder. When he came out he finally noticed my sobbing presence. "What's wrong." He asked. He sounded liked he cared but annoyed at the same time. "I just want to get out of this house." I replied to his question. He stayed silent. "You never talk to me anymore." I said. I opend my mouth to say something but he cut me off. "Fucking bullshit." He said with a hint of anger in his voice.

I stood up in anger. "It's not bullshit. I've been ignored by you for almost a fucking week. Nothing about this is bullshit. I've been getting the silent treatment from a man who barely fucking talks in the first place. You open up to me, confess your love then ignore me." I said almost yelling. I stepped closer to him not releasing it. I new he was a ticking time bomb but i wanted him to explode.

"I work my ass off every day to kill that motherfucker that has almost killed all of us. I train and fight everyday. I'm tired. I just want to come home to a nice warm meal and a good nights rest. Not a fucking bitch that screams at me." He replied using the same pitch of tone i was at.

"Did you just call me a bitch?!" I yelled. "Yeah and i don't regret it. Your a fucking bipolar bitch who sits on her ass and does nothing. You order people around to do your shit. You don't do it yourself like the rest of us do. You know what? I pity you." He yelled back. Without thinking i ran over to him and pushed him into a bookshelf.

He looked back at he with pure rage. Tick.Tok.tick.tok.boom. Next thing i new i was on the floor with a pain on my face. I feel warm liquid spill from my nose and a swelling pain around my eye. Ghost seemed to come out of his trance and sees what he has done. I knew he was going to explode but i didn't think he would put his hands on me like that.

My eyes go blurry as tears start streaming down my face. "Y/n..." he whispers. He comes over to me in a rush and try's to help me up. "Don't fucking touch me!" I scream. He backs away and has guilt plastered all over his face. He's insecure of a lot of things but emotions was definitely one of them.

There was a knock at the door. "Everything alright in there?!" Price asked. I peek around the corner and see price and soap through the window. I walk over to the door but a voice stops me in my tracks. "Y/n. I'm sorry." He says. I turn to look at him. I'm socked when i see a tear fall from his eye. "I know." I say as i turn back to the door.

I open the door and walk out on the porch with soap and price. "What happened?!" Soap asked. "SHIT!" Simon yells from inside. There's a large bang that makes me jump. Soap rushed to open the door but stops in the doorway. He turns to price and whispers "keep her out." Loud enough for me to hear.

"Did he hit you?" Price asked. I was silent. I didn't answer any questions he asked me. I had nothing to say. I asked for some type of attention and i got it. I sat on the steps listening to the muffled talking and arguing from inside. Price rubs my back as i sob into his shoulder.  I knew tomorrow i was going to give Simon the biggest hug i had ever given him. I love him to much to be mad. I did ask for it after all.

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