chapter 3

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Andlynn woke up to the sun shining through the windows and the pinetrees were visable, A flash of lance went quickly through her head he was walking to school with his camouflage backpack strap on his shoulder. She checked her phone while off in the distance she. can hear Troy off in the distance making coffee the smell lofted up to her room, giving her the motivation to get up and ready for school. Picking a pair of ripped jeans and a silk purple cropped t-shirt making her feel comfy and confident. Her hair was still in a side braid from her night at the diner, taking one last look at her self in the mirror before grabbing her bag and leaving. While all the rest of the house hold has barley even awoken yet. She stepped carefully down stairs and into the kitchen where     Troy sat at the table.
"Goodmorning bitch" he said in a cheerful tone
"Morning " andalynn said rolling her eyes
" is there coffee still?"
"In you your dreams"
" Troy? Can I have some money for lunch?
"How much"
" ten bucks"
"In my wallet"
She looked at the time oh crap I have to go bye Troy thank you again shorty taking some coffee and pouring it into a black Textured Starbucks tumbler and grabbing a birthday cake pop tart from the cupboard.
"Bye have a good day" he called back
The minute she stepped outside the energy had changed from cold and lonely to happy and positive. The crisp Autumn air was cool and relaxing and the fall colors made it even more inviting. She was on her way to school less then minute. When she checked her phone there was a text from Stacy,
"Hey I love you thank you for being my friend"
This sent a chill down andaylnns spine
"Are you okay she texted back"
No reply this made Andalynn very nervous why would Stacey just randomly say that what the heck she thought as she sat down in first period where she just sat in her seat and had music blasting in her ear while trying to read her book. The day had seemed to fly by before she knew it. Third period had found itself to andalynn. Lance sat back where andalynn was.
She turned her head to see Lance looking at her,
"How is your day"
"It's great"
"That's good"
"I so hope she doesn't assign homework"
"Me either"
They both chuckled.
As the teacher started class Andalynn felt her eyes get heavy again her self grow tired.
She had her head down and was asleep in seconds.
Lance gently nudged andalynns shoulder trying to wake her up. She quickly bolted up and was very surprised.
"You just scared me!"
"Sorry" he said apologetically.
"Your fine"
"The bells about to ring and I didn't want you to be late for your next class"
"Well thank you"
With that the two of them picked up their bags and left the class room.
"I'm up stairs"
"Who do you have next period?" Andalynn said curiously.
"Science with Mr, Thomas"
"Good luck
She said and with that they were on their marry way and the day was almost over.
As usall the halls were shortly filled with students just trying to get out of the school halls for their weekends to start for the two days of freedom. You could just feel the excitement through the whole school.
Andalynn was extremely thankful for the weekend because she only had one thing on her mind and that was relaxation . Exhausted she got in her truck and threw her bag in the passenger seat. As she bagan to drive the weather had drastically changed from being warm and inviting to cold and lonely like someone had flipped a switch and it was so different. Whe. She got home the house was still empty Troy's Truck was no longer in the drive way. Her parents were still at work. And Bailey must of already been there she thought. Her stomach growled loudly "I will get something at work she thought" the rain and the wind had begun once
More Andalynn had a eerie feeling like something was about to come,something life changing she pushed the feeling down and continued to get ready for work.
No sooner then later she was at work about to clock In to her shift when her mother came out of their office
"Hey honey"
"Hey mom"
"Thank you for coming in"
"Your welcome mom"
"We have enough girls on the floor so I'm going to need you at the bar."
"Sounds good" Andalynn said putting on her Apron. "
The bar was a horse shoe with a big flatscreen where three men sat  drinking coffee
Of course the news was on
"Hey gentleman"
"Hey honey can I have a cheeseburger with fries."
"This man likes his cheeseburger"
"Anything else?"
That will be all
The third man called out  can I get some coffee?
She grabbed the coffee pot.
Then Andalynn got a glance at the television 
The t.v wrote in big red letters small town teen killed in homicide
She went by the name of  Stacy lynn.
Andalynn stomach dropped she felt nauseated.
She dropped the coffee pot and ran to the bathroom.
Regurgitating all of her breakfast and lunch. How could that be I was just with her yesterday. Then she remberd the text that was sent this morning . Did she know that she was going to be killed dose she know that someone wanted her dead. How could anyone know that someone wanted her gone. It was to much to take in at the moment. Andalynn felt like a zombie after that her shift felt longer then it was supposed to she felt exhausted. Her mom came out of the office
"What is it what happened?"
"I saw the news she's dead my best friend is dead! Andalynn fell to the ground  sobbing. Her mother ran to her and hugged her"
"Im  so sorry honey"
"Are you almost done with your closing"
"Good  now get out of here"
"With that she got in her truck and drove away"

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