Chapter 6

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She got a text saying to come outside and her stomach tightened she grabbed her black leather jacket that hung on the chair and her convers. Running down the stairs
"I'm going out with a friend be back in a bit"
"Wait a minute," Her mother said sternly.
"Who are you going with?"
"His name is Lance he is in my history class"
"How old is this Lance"
"He is my age"
"Where are you two going?"
"Some restaurant mother"
"He is here can I go now?" Andaylnn said getting annoyed.
"As long as your butt gets back here by even I don't care where you go"

She ran to the door and grabbed her purse. Looking at the blue Ford Fusion it didn't look half bad. Lance had on a blue long sleeve with his hair in a slicked-back ponytail.
He didn't look half bad he is one hundred percent better looking outside of school than in maybe because he was still the new kid so he couldn't be one hundred percent himself. He was different his hair was a bit darker his stare a bit softer.  He seems happier than the guy in school than the guy she saw in school roaming the halls. With his headphones in and a straight face.
"So how was your day" he finally broke the salience between them
"It was good can't complain I guess," she said positively.
"where are we going," she asked
He turned to look at her with a smile "there is this little restaurant in the nearby town. it's a little bit upscale than the one we have  in this town."
"May I know the name?"
"jewelers"  The road was dark and quiet with trees surrounding the road and the sky began to get dark preparing for the evening ahead.
"What do you think of the rain"
"it's not convenient because my truck gets muddy and it is getting cold with the autumn breeze"
"right," he said chuckling a little.

Andaylynn did everything she could to forget the unpleasant events of the day that somehow stuck in her mind like a movie on replay she was exhausted but couldn't show Lance she was. Sooner than ever they arrived in the parking lot of the restaurant. Lance got out and opened the door for her what a gentleman she thought. there was not a cloud in sight and the sky was clear displaying a beautiful evening sky the stars were just little luminous balls of gas but how beautiful could a little ball of gas could be? The moon was full and shine down upon the earth it was like a different dimension a different life, Something that could take andaylnn away from her problems. A non-permanent escape.

"It's beautiful isn't it" he looked at her
"Yes it is I guess it is just been a while since I saw the sky and looked at the stars"
"the sky may be beautiful but I have never seen a lady more beautiful than you Andaylnn"
she blushed and looked down at the ground. no sooner were they in the door than the lights were made of diamonds and the floor of red carpet Andaylnn felt a little underdressed at this point.  It was way different from any restaurant she had been in before. The music was slow with a Jazzy tone to it,and the tables looked almost new.  Lance looked at her admiring how she looked at the tables how she walked. Just goregous he thought. The server had shown them to their table and they sat down to eat. Andaylnn looked at Lance and the way he looked in the kights of the resturant he was diffrent he was well spoken he was strong.

"tell me about yourself"
"i like to read and binge
"I've been working at my familys diner since middle school"
  Wait Lance interupted your parents work at the diner we went to?
"yep" Andaylnn said cheerfully.

The rest of the night was met with Laughter and cheerful converstion. The two never realized they had so much in common.  They were happy they would have met. Andaylynns eyes trailed from his eyes to his shirt that was clean cut and white with the accent from Lance's abs. To stop herself from starring she  asked another question.

"where did you guys move from"
"well we are orginally from kentucky but then we moved to Chicago and Now here"
"How do you like Seattle?"
"it is good but there is litterly so much rain".
"yeah even in the winter"
"well it is getting late we should get going"
       "I second that"
the two paid for their meals and left  when she walked out of the restirant she took out a  deep breathe and took in the diffrent air and the slight scent of pine. Lance followed shortly behind her  and grabbed her shoulder. wait up you.  she looked up and Lance's beutiful blue eyes
"can I kiss you?"
"yes" she said in  a faint voice
as soon as she said that one word she felt Lance's lips on her's they felt of velvet  and fleece her heart skipped five beats as she struggled to conatin her excitment. when they broke away she let a little smile fall from her lips.
"Let's get you home"  The drive  was quicker then before and she fell into the thoughts and event's of the day seem to melt away.  sooner then later she was
standing in front of her house  telling Lance goodbye and the clock striking twleve. As soon as she got in the door she noticed that Troy was standing in the kitchen looking right at her.

"Where the hell have you been"
"what do you mean out"
"I mean outside"
"I had a date"
Troy looked at her blankly "how was your date?"
"it was fine"
"I am going to bed"
With that she headed off to her room and closed the door.

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