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For a while we just stayed like this. Slouched in each others' arms on Jihoon's couch. It felt nice to be close to someone again.
Who am I kidding? It felt absolutely amazing to have my friend back AND being able to cuddle him to death.

At some point I shuffled away from him though.
"Soooo... Who is Soonyoung?"
I wiggled my eyebrows. Jihoon just rolled his eyes.
"Why did I think you would forget about him?"
"Because you're dumb hehe."
At this, he rolled his eyes again before beginning to sign again. Did I mention before how I absolutely love him for using sign language? No? Then I'll do it now! I LOVE JIHOON FOR USING SIGN LANGUAGE SO DAMN MUCH!!

"Only a weirdo like you would actually say 'hehe' out loud..."
I just gave him an innocent smile.
"To return to my question..."
"Yes, yes. Would you give me a SECOND, you impatient sunflower!"
"Sun... flower...? Did you
mix up your signs?"
"No, I meant what I said. Sunflower. Can I not call you an impatient sunflower now or what?"
"You can... it's just a bit... unconventional?"
"And that's a problem because...?"
"No problem. I was just wondering. That's all. So about Soonyoung..."

"As I was saying before a certain someone interrupted me because he didn't like me calling him an impatient sunflower...", a death glare was being sent in my direction, "Soonyoung is just a friend of mine. AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, YES, I do indeed have a problem with that situation as well... But Soonyoung... Let's just say he's sometimes a bit slow to catch on... This has been going on for years now and he still doesn't get it!! How can a man be this blind??? You will see what I mean later on. You are staying, right?"
"Staying for what?"

"For Soonyoung and the others to come over of course. We're having a movie night tonight!"

"Who  e x a c t l y  are 'the others'?"
"Wait. Let me count."
My eyes grew big. THAT many people??? How many human beings does he think I can handle within one day???

"So there's obviously Soonyoung and me. That's two..."
The maths skills people! I am impressed... shhahshsjsj.

"Then there should be the chinese. That is, if Jun doesn't get to drive this time. That makes four of us..."
The chinese? As in two of my old friends, Minghao and Junhui?? I can already see it... it's gonna be all of them... every single one out of my old friends group...

"Uff... who else is coming. Mhmmm... Oh, I think Seungkwan said he'd be free today, so he'll be here. Wait, what number am I at?"
"Five." Seungkwan is coming as well?? I knew it!! Now the only one missing is Jisoo.

"Ah yes, thank you. Five. Mhmmm... Who else, who else, who else... Ah right!!! Vernon is coming later, I think, and so are Seokmin and Joshua."

Vernon? Seokmin? Joshua? I don't think I've met any of them before.

"That's eight. Yep. Should be everyone. So? What do you say? You're staying?"

He looked at me with this special glint to his eyes.
"Do I even have a choice?"
"Nopeeee. You have to face the rest at some point anyways. So why not today?"
He's got a point. "Fineeee... But you'll have to help me deal with all of them. I don't think I can do another round of explaining today..."
"Deal!" He grinned.

"Now that this is over and done with, what do you want to do? Soonyoung won't be here for another three hours or so. And the others will take even longer."

"I don't know... But if you don't mind, could we maybe bake a cake or something? Or do anything else? Other than talking I mean?
I don't really feel like any more serious talks at the moment. I haven't spoken this much in quite a while and it's exhausting!! And after all, I need to keep at least some of my mental ability for tonight, if I want to be able to deal with all the others. There will be enough time in the future to ask more questions and talk about serious stuff."

"Sure thing. Sounds like a plan. Any cake ideas?"
"A few..."
"Well that's great. Because I don't..."

And that was that.
We spent the rest of the afternoon trying to make a chocolate-caramel-banana cake. The emphasis is on trying.
In the process we successfully broke two eggs on the kitchen floor, got ourselves dusted in flour, destroyed Jihoon's hand mixer and burned whatever was left of the dough. So much for a nice chocolate-caramel-banana cake.

"Come here you troll!! I'll give you a new hair colour!"
Jihoon wasn't signing for once because his hands were busy reaching for my poor hair to cover it with the same chocolate-caramel mix I had smeared all over his favourite t shirt and very handsome face. His words, not mine.
"Who are you calling a troll, you dwarf?!"
He glared at me and made a sudden leap in my direction. He almost caught me.
In all the chaos Jihoon suddenly stilled. I looked at him questioningly. Was that a new tactic?

"That was the bell. Soonyoung must be here already. Time really does fly by when you're having fun..."

He gave me a quick grin, washed his hands and rushed to the door.
I should probably take care of my appearance before meeting Soonyoung, Jihoon's crush (silently fangirling in my mind while thinking about Jihoon having a crush).

Well, shit. It's too late for this now. Because when I turn around, he's already there. Or at least I assume this tall mf in the tiger onsie is him?

There is this aura around him... I just know we're going to have a lot of fun together...

Or maybe it was his bright, teeth flashing grin.


I don't know what I should question most about this introduction. The grammar, the fact that I could literally see him talking in caps or the tiger part.

After this rather unique introduction Jihoon hit Soonyoung in the side and mumbled something I couldn't grasp because his face was turned away.

What I could tell however, was, how Soonyoung's eyes became bigger and bigger. He even clasped a hand in front of his mouth.
The poor boy seemed to be in complete shock...
I wondered what Jihoon said...


Can anyone please explain what just happened?


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