Living at Homeplate with Sole

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Makes the roof trailer thing on the top of the house look all nice. He probably likes to sit up there and just watch people in the market. It calms him down a lot. He wants to bring Duncan to come live with you and Shaun. He's pretty easy to live with, aside from him getting into a few altercations with the people from the upper stands occasionally.

Living with you allows Ellie to have her own place. The biggest problem is having Myrna as your neighbor. She's gonna constantly complain to security about Nick living so much closer to her. But besides that, Nick is great to live with. He'll get himself a chair and put it in one of the corners. Just like one of those designated 'dad' chairs. Lots of stories from his cases too that he'll be glad to tell you.

Cait is honestly just happy to have someone who actually wants to live with her. It means so much to her so she'll try to be the best roommate she can. You need groceries? She's got it. Had a long day and want to get a drink? She'd gladly be your drinking buddy. Someone's giving you trouble? Let her get her bat. It's a huge sentiment in itself that you trust her as much as she trusts you and she'd never take it for granted.

He feels awkward. You'll have to force him out of his comfort zone a bit, and he's horrible at decorating but other than that he's great to have around. Having such a large guy is great for home security and he's willing to go with you wherever you want so you'll hardly find yourself alone. Danse doesn't think that the other citizens like him too much, and he's right, but you still try to help him be more approachable.

Preston is always out doing something. It's rare for the two of you to be at Homeplate at the same time due to how busy the two of you can get. When he is home he tends to the different plants he managed to start growing on the roof. It makes the place look very lively and a lot less wasteland-like.

Cleanest house in all the commonwealth?? Codsworth will make it his life's mission to have the best holiday decorations on the block, even if no one else understands what it is. It'll almost feel like a pre-war house with how sanitized he makes it. Whenever you leave to do a quest he'll cook something up for when you come back. He's kinda like a housewife. Since he doesn't sleep he'll hang out with Percy during the night and then come back and help you out in the morning.

If she's coming, Nat's coming. It'll allow her to turn her old home into more of a workplace than it is now. You'll get the newspaper for free too. Piper probably won't do too much around the house besides keeping it somewhat organized, however, she likes taking you and Nat up to the roof to look at the stars, or watch the sunrise or anything like that. It makes her feel at peace and she just thinks it's a great time overall.

She doesn't really need sleep, so at night, if she's bored, she'll just start to organize and clean everything. She was so excited when you told her she could live with you. She takes notes on everything she sees in the marketplace and about the people she meets. Over time she'll end up being great friends with those scientist ladies and even Dr. Sun.

You're gonna also have a big problem with Myrna since Strong is constantly threatening Percy. Security isn't gonna like your new roommate either so be ready for a whole lot of complaints from your neighbors. On the plus side, Strong makes it so no one wants to go anywhere near your house, so no one trying to break in :)

If he stayed, it'd most likely be temporary, he much prefers Goodneighbor. Although he loves harassing the rich people. Hancock would be all over Diamond City if he started staying at Homeplate with you. You'd find him in the bars, making friends with the poor people near the wall, or arguing with the guards. At the end of the day he's going back to his town, he really can't stand Diamond City for much longer than a few days.

Deacon feels really weird about it. He's never stayed anywhere for more than a couple of weeks at most. Even the Railroad HQ switches every now and then. Most people are going to love him due to how charismatic he is. He's also going to have a ridiculous amount of clothes that he'd gladly let you borrow if you ever needed them. This is a huge step for him and he really wants it to work out, so if you ever needed any help with anything, please tell him.

He hates it. He doesn't understand why you don't just live in the Institute. He thinks that Diamond City is dirty and contaminated and is constantly looming over you, threatening anyone who gets too close. The only good thing about living at Homeplate would be that it's easier to gather information and spy for the Institute.

As long as he gets a bed and a bowl then he's happy. He likes to wander around the city a lot. You'll catch him just sniffing around the alleys, usually looking for Nick or delivering papers for Piper. He loves living in Diamond City and loves that he gets to be around so many friendly people!

Old Longfellow
He refused when you offered. He much prefers his cabin in Far Harbor and wouldn't ever live somewhere like Diamond City.

Gage will go wherever you do. You're the boss, and if this is where you're gonna stay then he'll be right behind you. The two of you are most likely going to be thrown in prison tho since Gage has a habit of shooting anyone who bad-mouths you. Homeplate's going to be a pig sty as well.

In all honesty, Sturges would be a great roommate, he'd set up the power for the both of you and try to make Homeplate feel a little homier. He'd be making bank too, the citizens would be paying him to help set something up or to fix something that broke.

DiMA thought it'd be good to go down to the Commonwealth again to do more research. He'd definitely struggle to fit in and would most likely try to find a way to assassinate Mayor McDonough to create peace like how he did with the Children of Atom and Far Harbor. He's happy to be able to live close to his brother but it's probably best to leave him in Acadia.

Travis is pretty happy to finally get out of his small one-room trailer and into Home Plate. He likes being able to walk over to the radio shack, it makes the gig start to feel like a real job. The best thing about living with Travis is that he's VERY organized. Nothing will ever be out of place. Living in his old place has taught him how to keep things clean and put away, so you'll find that Home Plate is seemingly never out of order. Only real downside, in his opinion, is the amount of new neighbors he suddenly has, sometimes he doesn't want to leave the house in fear that they'll try and talk to him.

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