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"Well, I'm not completely sure why Hecate brought us here. So, we have plenty of time to look for her," Keith said.

The pair set off back up the river. It was safe to assume, by his calm demeanor about their current situation, that Keith was also a demigod. She just couldn't quite figure out who his parent was. She tried to determine it by studying him. He had bright blonde, shaggy hair, crystal blue eyes, and his smile was honestly quite beautiful. He walked with his shoulders held back and gave the impression that he knew where he was going.

Finally giving up, she questioned him, "So, are you also a demigod?"

Keith forced a smile and nodded his head. "Unfortunately, yes. My dad is Apollo."

"Aha, the sun god. That actually makes perfect sense!" She mentally scolded herself for not figuring that out sooner.

"I guess so," he shrugged his shoulders. "But trust me when I say, I'm way more charming than that guy could dream of being." He grinned as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"What about you?" he asked.

"My dad is Poseidon." She removed his arm from her shoulder as she raised her eyebrow.

Keith let out a snort and an ugly laugh at that. "So you're telling me that the demigod of Poseidon almost drowned in the river? Now that's just perfect!"

Jasmine felt her cheeks heat up again. Why was this man so... insufferable? "Give me a break!" she defended. "I only found out this morning."

"Well, I guess that makes sense. I've known who my old man is my whole life." Keith's smile weakened, and his eyes dimmed just slightly.

"Why does this upset you?" Jasmine asked curiously.

She could probably guess, but she wanted to ask to be polite and keep the conversation flowing. The gods weren't known for being stand-up parents. However, his knowledge of his past both intrigued her and flared her inner green-eyed monster. She wished she could have known who her father was sooner. She wondered why her mother never told her.

"My mom was in love with the asshole, and he never bothered to be there for her." Keith shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "On the bright side, that means I never had to go through the displeasure of talking to the guy." He smiled beautifully, but it didn't reach his eyes.

He was trying to pretend it didn't bother him, but Jasmine noticed his fist clench tightly as he spoke.

This was something she could obviously relate to. She had never even met Poseidon, but she also never really had the desire to... Well, maybe not until she found out he was a god.

"I've never met my dad," Jasmine shrugged.

"Consider yourself lucky," he said. Jasmine gave him a confused look. Keith sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Think about it, Jasmine. They never bothered to meet us in our twenty years of life until they needed us. We are just tools to them. They ignore us our whole lives and then force us to help them when they are too lazy to do something themselves."

"You're right," Jasmine crossed her arms. She really didn't get much of a choice in coming. Hecate had dragged her here. Honestly, it would be better to say she kidnapped them. "I just try to tell myself that we are here to save humanity."

"Plus, it would be kinda cool to use some of their powers," Jasmine smiled mischievously.

Keith gave her a wide grin. "You're right. That would be pretty awesome. It's about time I got something worthwhile from that asshole."

"I found you!" a new voice suddenly exclaimed. Keith and Jasmine turned towards the source to find the other girl from the river. Up close, it was obvious just how beautiful she was. It wasn't just her natural beauty that drew you in, though. Her aura was calling. It made both Keith and Jasmine take a step forward, subconsciously wanting to be closer to her.

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