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"You did well today, but you all will have a long way to go before you will be able to take on Alexander, and even then, you're going to need extra assistance." Ares said to the group. 

"Extra assistance?" Keith asked. "Are we getting another teammate?"

"No. Not only does Alexander have a physical advantage to you all, he also has aegis."

"Wait, what is the aegis?" asked Josh. 

Ares gave a stern look to his son's interruption. "Aegis is the ancient and holy armor of Zeus. It was crafted by Hephaestus, and it contains supernatural powers that enhance his already tremendous abilities." he explained. 

"Of course he does." Ban said rolling his eyes. 

"Do not fret. Hecate and I have been rendezvousing with Hephaestus ourselves about getting you each your own armor that belonged to each of your parents. This will also enhance all of your own powers the same way it did for Alexander." he continued. "Unfortunately, the armor you will need has been scattered across the Mediterranean sea." 

"Why is it scattered across the sea?" Josh asked in disbelief. "Why do you gods insist on making things so difficult for us?"

"It has been spread across the sea, so that Alexander may not find and destroy them." Hecate snapped. "The gods are not strong enough to guard them properly at the moment. It was not safe to keep in Olympus." 

"What does that have to do with us?" Rose asked. "You expect us to go on a wild goose chase around the Mediterranean without any real proper training?" 

"We will work to unlock a few more aspects of your powers before we send you off, however we are not given the luxury of time. The most we will be able to give you all is three days."

"Three days?" The group exclaimed together. There was simply no way that would be enough time. 

"Not only are you severely under preparing us, but you have also failed to mention how we are to find the armor in the Mediterranean in the first place!" Jasmine said. "How should we know where to even begin looking." 

"Perhaps if you pathetic, crying bottom feeders would stop interrupting the you would know." Hecate said clearly losing her patience. "You will travel the path of Odysseus. Each of you armor is hidden on one of the islands from the famous Odyssey." 

"So the Odyssey was real?" Keith asked in disbelief.

"Of course it was" Ares said. "You will need to visit the island of the cyclops first. That is where you will find Aphrodite's armor. With it, Rose will be able to change her appearance in more ways than one. She can take on the image of anyone within a distance of up to 1,000 miles. She will also be able to change her size. She could shrink to the size of a mouse or even grow to the height of a giant. Of course we will see how far her abilities can waver without the armor during your three days of training as well." 

"Wow that sounds amazing." Rose said. Finding out that she could use her powers in a way that wasn't manipulating others intrigued her. She wanted to be able to be a strong fighter the way that both Jasmine and Ban had displayed to the group. 

"Yeah getting eaten alive by a cyclops sounds like a great time." Ban scoffed. 

Rose cut her eyes towards him. "Obviously I was talking about the armor." 

Ban turned away from her and back towards Ares as she kept staring at him menacingly. 

"Next you will go to Aeaea, Circe's island." He said. Beware, she is a trickster, and she enjoys toying with humans. Last time she had human visitors, they were turned into pigs for an entire year. This is where you will find Josh's armor. This will allow him superhuman strength. He will be able to lift 4,000 pounds with ease. It will also give him the knowledge of every fighting style in human history."

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