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No ones POV

A Sheriff's car drives up to the intersection of a Georgia county road.. Wrecked and abandoned vehicles are scattered across the intersection. A sheriff's deputy gets out and takes a gas can and funnel out of the trunk. He walks past the remains of an eighteen wheeler and more wrecked or abandoned cars and down a hill toward the gas station. The empty camp is littered with children's toys, tents and household items. Dead people still sit in some of the cars. He looks up. A homemade sign reads No Gas. He looks around for other options. On hearing the sounds he looks in their direction. He kneels down to look under a car. He sees a child in a pink housecoat and bunny slippers stoop and pick up a teddy bear. He stands up and sees a girl about age eight walking away. "Little girl? I'm a policeman. Little girl. Don't be afraid, okay? Little girl?" Rick said The child turns around. Her eyes are dead. Her mouth is gashed and dried blood has stained her pajamas. The deputy sighs in disappointment and sorrow. Little Girl Walker slowly starts shuffling toward him, gaining speed as she comes "Oh my God" Rick said he backs up and pulls out his weapon and puts a bullet in the head of Little Girl Walker. Rick's face is pained and sorrowed as he lowers his weapon

Hane and Rick are eating burgers, the remains of their box meals still set on the seat between them. They share a puddle of ketchup as they eat their fries. "What's the difference between men and women?" Rick asked, "This a joke?" Shane asked "No, I'm serious" Rick said "I never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light. They're born thinking the switch only goes one way – on" Shane said Rick mutters "They're struck blind the second they leave a room. I mean every woman I ever let have a key – I swear to God, it's like I come home, house all lit up. And my job, you see, apparently – because my chromosomes happen to be different – is I then gotta walk through that house, turn off every single light this chick left on" Shane said "Is that right?" Rick said "Yeah, baby, Mmm. Oh, Reverend Shane's a-preaching to ya now, boy" Shane said they both laugh "Then – The same chick mind you she'll bitch about global warming. You see, this is – this is when Reverend Shane wants to quote from the Guy Gospel and say, "Um, darling, maybe you and every other pair of boobs on this planet just figure out the light switch, you see, goes both ways maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming" Shane said "You say that?" Rick asked " Mmm. Yeah, well, a polite version Still, man that– that earns me this look of loathing you would not believe. And that's when the Exorcist voice pops out "You sound just like my damn father! Always—always yelling about the power bill, telling me to turn off the damn lights!" Shane said

"And what do you say to that?" Risk asked "I know what I want to say. I want to say, "Bitch, you mean to tell me you've been hearing this your entire life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?" Shane said, they both laugh "You know, I—I don't actually say that though" Shane said "That would be bad" Rick said "Right right. I go with the – I go with the polite version there, too" Shane said "Very wise" Rick said "Yes sir" Shane laughed "Mm-hmm" Rick said "Well. So how's it with Lori, man?" Shane asked "She's good – She's good at turning off lights. Really good. I'm the one who sometimes forgets" Rick said trying to avoid the topic of Lori "Not what I meant" Shane said Rick sighed "We didn't have a great night" Rick said "Hey look, man, I may have failed to amuse with my sermon, but I did try. The least you can do is –is speak" Shane said "That's –That's what she always says. "Speak. Speak." You'd think I was the most closed-mouthed son of a bitch ever to hear her tell it" Rick said "Do you express your thoughts? Do you share your feelings, that kind of stuff?" Shane asked Rick never understood why Shane was obsessed with the Lori topic

"Thing is lately, whenever I try, everything I say makes her impatient, like she didn't want to hear it after all. It's like she's pissed at me all the time and I don't know why" Rick said "Look, man. That's just shit couples go through Yeah, it's a phase" Shane said "The last thing she said this morning, "Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all." She said that in front of our kids. Imagine going to school with that in your head. The difference between men and women? I would never say something that cruel to her and certainly not in front of Carl or Masie" Rick said the radio beeps "All available units, high-speed pursuit in progress. Linden County units request local assistance. Highway 18 eastbound. GTA, ADW, 2-17, 2-4-3. Advise extreme caution" the dispatcher said Shane slam dunks the bag of their meal into the trash can. Rick drives off tires squealing on a rural blacktop roadway a couple of crows feast on the carcass of an animal. Two sheriff's cars approach, sirens blaring. "Suspects are two male Caucasians. Be advised they have fired upon police officers. One Linden County officer is wounded" the dispatcher said one of the cars stops and takes position on the road while Rick takes his car a few hundred feet further. Slamming his brakes he hits the trunk release. Shane jumps out and grabs a spike strip from the trunk. He and Rick run further up the road about thirty feet.

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