Robotnik Returns

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An an old woman is pushing a shopping cart with her pet dog in it. She looks down for a second to her dog before noticing a high speed chase with a stolen truck being chased by the Seattle Police Department. It appears that robbers have hijacked it. "They're still on us!" His fellow bank robber throws him a stick of dynamite which he taps the top of to ignite it. "This'll slow them down!" The bank robber throws the dynamite at one of the police cars who drive around the explosion that occurs when the dynamite stick touches the ground, causing the police car to hit a group of trash cans. the cars proceed to drive past one building of from where you and Sonic are watching the ordeal. Sonic proceeds to tighten his shoes, do some stretches, jump in place and readying his chaos energy, crack his knuckles, do some air punches, 

and eat a chili dog, then looks at you. "You ready, sis?" He asked. You looked at him before sighing. "Actually Sonic, I was thinking... maybe we should take a break." You said. He frowns. "What? Why?" He asked. "It's just... don't you want to relax for a bit? Besides, we've been doing a lot of this lately and..." you continued. "Oh come on, (Y/N)! Why don't you want to help? What we're doing here is a good thing! We're helping to protect the people!" He protested. You sighed again. "I know, but..." you didn't have the heart to tell him that he wasn't really doing a good job. You then took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, fine. I'm in." You said. Sonic smiled. The two of you leap off the building and swiftly follow the chase, passing several other cars, all to the tune of Run DMC's "Tricky." Sonic makes flying noises. "Watch out! 'Cuse me! 

Pardon me! Coming through!" You and Sonic speed up to the side window of the truck Sonic kicks the driver while holding to the railing on the roof of the truck. "Good evening, gentlemen. Mind if I drive?" Sonic kicks at the driver and makes the door on his side open up with him clinging onto it. Sonic takes the wheel, and you jump in beside him. "Better buckle up!" Sonic makes a right turn, making the bank robbers in the back hit one another from the movement. The Seattle Police Department continue the chase as sticks of dynamite fall out of the truck and explode upon hitting the ground. "How we doing back there?" Sonic asked, he turns one way, making the bank robbers hit one wall in the truck. "And now this way!" Sonic proceeds to make another turn, making the bank robbers hit the other wall whilst all the money they stole flies out of the truck. Sonic laughs as the chase continues. "Woo-hoo!" 

The hostage in the back of the truck looks to sonic, mumbling due to his mouth being covered with duct tape. "Oh! Here, let me get that for you." You said as you took it off his mouth. "What the heck are you two?!" He asked. "Um... I'm (Y/N). And this is my brother... Sonic." You said, pointing to Sonic. "Fear not, citizen. We are the heroes you need and the heroes you deserve. The blue and (F/C) dawn that banishes the darkest-- Holy crap!" Sonic quickly spots a pedestrian on the road and proceed to scream with the hostage as he takes the wheel and drives around her. The hostage continues to scream. "Sonic, be careful!" You scolded. "Don't worry! Nobody's gonna get hurt!" He shouted. The chase continues as the bag of dynamite proceeds to slide right next to you and Sonic. "Huh. What are those?" He asked. "Bombs, Sonic! They're bombs!" You shouted. "Relax, they're not even lit! so I'll say again, nobody's gonna get--" The dynamite sticks turn on as their fuses ignite. "You were saying?" You asked sarcastically.

"Ahh! I was wrong! We're all gonna die!" Sonic shouted. "Why aren't you slowing down?!" The hostage asked. "That would require brakes." Sonic said. "What?!" You looked down and saw that there were no breaks. "Oh god..." you mumbled. Sonic presses on the breaks to no avail as they are blocked by the body of one of the unconscious bank robbers. Sonic takes the bag of dynamite with his foot and picks it up with his hand. "Ahh, ohh. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!" Sonic shouted. "Why don't you just let the police handle this?!" The hostage asked. "Because that's not what heroes do!" Sonic shouted. He throws all the dynamite sticks out the window. They all fall into a random garbage truck before they explode, scattering its trash everywhere. "Thank you very much! Please hold your applause!" You just face palmed. Trash falls on the windshield of the truck. The chase continues. The hostage hears a hissing. "Hey, ya hear that? There's one bomb left!" The hostage said. "Uh... uh oh." Sonic zooms toward the truck's small cubby and proceeds to look under. "Did you check under the seat?" You asked. "Of course I checked under the seat!" Sonic shouted. The car chase continues. "You are terrible at this!" The hostage shouted. Sonic latches onto the wire on the door separating him and the hostage. "You know what? Your negative attitude is not helping anyone!" Sonic shouted. You see a sizzling in Sonic's head quills. "It's in your hair!" You shouted. 

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