Team Sonic Vs Robotnik

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Through a Ring, you, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles on the Tornado arrive to see the tornado Robotnik has made. "That can only be one thing." Tails said. "The fearsome power of the Emerald." Knuckles said. "If that thing really turns thoughts into power, we are in big trouble. Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts." Sonic said. "Hey, guys, are you sure it was a good idea bringing you-know-who aboard?" Tails asked you and Sonic. "Knuckles isn't really a bad guy. He's just a little... mixed up." Sonic said. "I am not mixed up! I have steely focus. And I'm complex. And that's a lot for some people." He replied. 

"Hope you're not still mad I hit you with that car." Tails said. "I was completely uninjured. And my revenge will come when you least expect it, fox." Knuckles said. The Tornado heads toward Green Hills as you. Tails, Sonic, and Knuckles see the Giant Eggman Robot. "How are we supposed to beat this thing?" Tails asked. "We need a plan. Knuckles, use your strength to..." Knuckles folds his arms across his chest and willingly falls off the wing of the Tornado and plummets down to the ground below. "Jump off the plane. Wow. Okay, this is what we're gonna do." You said. You and Sonic get on top of the top wing of the Tornado, facing the Giant Eggman Robot. "Step 1: Light taunting. Step 2: I have no idea." Sonic said. "Great plan, Sonic." You said sarcastically. Maddie and Tom look up to see the Tornado heading straight for the Giant Eggman Robot. "Sound." Maddie said. The Tornado proceeds to circle the Giant Eggman Robot. 

"Nice action figure, Eggman. Does it do anything or just stand there looking ugly." You said. "Like a blister, they keep coming back! They're on the okay-to-kill list. Shoot the missiles. Make a decision." Robotnik said. "Uh, I need a moment, sir. I'm trying to figure out how to do this." Stone said. "Did you even glance at a manual?" Robotnik asked. "No!" Stone shouted. Robotnik teleports right next to Stone and proceeds to press buttons on the control pad. "I'll do it. Pardon my lightning. You might want to ground yourself." Robotnik said. The Giant Eggman Robot proceeds to shoot a barrage of missiles from its chest towards the Tornado. "Uh oh." Tails said. "I'm gonna pop that thing open like a can of chili..." Missile fly right toward the Tornado at top speed. "Hang on! Yeah!" Tails does a barrel roll with the Tornado, dodging all the missiles and relieving you and Sonic. "Close one." You said. Two of the missiles hit you and Sonic, making you both fly away with it. "Sonic! (Y/N)!" Tails shouted. 

Knuckles enters the scene, running towards the Giant Eggman Robot on the ground, getting its attention. "Robotnik! DECEIVER!" He shouted. "Die, mosquito." Robotnik said. Robotnik puts his Giant Eggman Robot's hand on the ground and makes it run right towards Knuckles. Knuckles generates chaos energy in his fist and punches the robot hand very hard, making it flinch. Robotnik pulls his hand backward. "Oooh. I felt that." He said. Tails flies the Tornado at the Giant Eggman Robot. Robotnik thrusts the Great Eggman Robot's hands around in an attempt to catch him. Robotnik moves around like a monster. While the Tornado flies around the Great Eggman Robot, Tails deploys a pair of machineguns from the cowling behind the propeller, but the small caliber rounds have no effect on the Great Eggman Robot's heavy armor. The robot's mustache clams together, crushing one of the Tornado's wings and making it crash to the streets in a ball of fire. Tails uses his twin-tails to fly out of the Tornado before it crashes and lands safely to the ground.

Robotnik is shocked by what had just occurred. "What just happened?" He asked. "It's the Stache Smasher." Stone holds up a Sega Genesis-style manual. "Right here in the manual." He said. You and Sonic are seen riding on top of the missiles that hit you both earlier. "Return to sender!" You and Sonic leap off as the missile strike the Giant Eggman Robot on its kneecap. In the head, Stone is rattled about in his seat and knocked unconscious. "Stone?" Robotnik looks at Stone on the floor. "Great. Next thing you know, there'll be a report about a hostile work environment." He said. You, Tails, Sonic, and Knuckles regroup behind a peeled piece of street. "Those were our best attacks and they did nothing!" Knuckles said. "We can't beat Robotnik as long as he's got that Emerald. He's too powerful." Tails said.

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