Dance Battle

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"Uh, guys? Where are we?" Tails asked. "Welcome to the Wadecave! At least, that's what I would say to a woman that's not my mom." Wade said. "Wade, focus. We need to figure out why Knuckles thinks I'm the key to finding the Master Emerald, and why did he mention Longclaw?" You asked. "There must be a connection." Tails said. "Wait a minute, there is." Sonic gets out the safe worlds map and points to the emerald on it. "There's an emerald on the map Longclaw gave us. We never knew what it meant before." You said. "Something's happening." Tails said. The map glows as the black outlines turn green and shut the lights off. Sonic let's go of the map and the map falls to the floor as green smoke surrounds the map. Then a hologram of longclaw emerges from the map as she is spreading her wings. 

"Longclaw?" You and Sonic asked. "Hello, Sonic. Hello, (Y/N). If your watching this, then something has happened to me and I pray that you've made it to Earth unharmed. This world has been chosen for a very important reason. It's the secret location of the Master Emerald." Longclaw spreads her wings out, revealing an image of the Master Emerald, amazing everyone. "Woah..." Tails said. "The emerald has the power to turn thoughts into reality." Longclaw said. "Just like the stay puffed marshmallow man from Ghostbusters." Wade said. Tails shushed him and you snickered. "In the wrong hands, it can threaten all life in the universe. Protecting the emerald was my sacred duty, and now, I must pass that responsibility to you two." She said. Sonic looks at you. "This is our moment." He said. "Follow the map, find the emerald, and keep it safe. Sonic (Y/N), you have a heart like no other creature I've met. I love you two so much. Goodbye." The hologram ends as Longclaw sinks into the map, fading.

"No, no, no, wait." You said. The hologram of Longclaw's feather floats into your hand, which fades as you close your hands. "We won't let you down, Longclaw." You said. Tails looks concerned for you. "So, is he like... your dad?" Wade asked Tails. "What?" Tails asked in disbelief. Sonic walks over to the map and picks it up. "According to the map, the first clue is in Siberia. It's a compass that'll lead us to the emerald." He said. "And with Knuckles already here, it's a race." Tails said. "Knuckles? Ya know, I knew a kid in middle school named Knuckles. Could fit his whole fist in his mouth. If this is the same Knuckles, then we're screwed." Wade said. You sighed and looked at him. "Could you not?" You asked. "This Knuckles, that Knuckles, doesn't matter. We're gonna get there first." Sonic throws a Ring and opens a portal that has Siberia on the other side. "Hehehe, ummm. What do you mean 

"we"?" Tails asked. "You're coming with me." You smiled at him, and he blushed a little. "Oh, no, no, no, no. I-I just came here to warn you. I'm not a field guy." Tails objected. "Don't worry, we got your back. We're not gonna let anything happen to you." You make a fist and lifts it to Tails, who walks over to you. "It's a power bump. On Earth, it means an unbreakable promise." You said. "Okay, I'm in!" You and Tails power bump. Later, you, Sonic and Tails are walking slowly against the wind in a blizzard. "I absolutely cannot find my way. We are completely, totally, unequivocally lost." Sonic said. Tails looks at his Miles Electric's screen, which flickers. "Sonic, in this weather, there's no way we're gonna get any readings on this thing!" Tails taps the Miles Electric's screen. "Should we go back?" He asked. The screen shifts to a view of an open bar ahead of you and Sonic. "No, no, no. There's a light up ahead. Maybe we can take shelter in there." You look over a snowdrift and spots some snow gear and clothing hanging outside the bar.

"Ahhh. Perfect." Sonic said. Sonic ducks back down behind the snowdrift. "Are you sure about this? We don't know who's inside." Tails said. "Don't worry. On Earth, people are very welcoming, and love taking complete strangers into their homes." Sonic said. The bar is brightly lit up while bar patrons mingle, socialize, and party. The front door then slowly opens while the bar patrons' slowly become silent. The screen then switches to the door opening entirely, with you, Sonic and Tails standing in its opening, dressed from head to toe in snow gear. You, Sonic and Tails look into the bar. One patron slowly turns around and glares at you, Sonic and Tails, who gasp in surprise. Another bar patron slowly pulls out a knife and jams it into the table, making you, Sonic and Tails gasp again. You, Sonic and Tails then spot an old lady sitting in a rocking chair and knitting. The old lady looks towards you, Sonic and Tails, who breathe a sigh of relief. The old lady then reveals that she is knitting a cloth a skull and crossbones on it, causing you, Sonic and Tails to scream in fear. The chef in the par then uses a butchers knife to chop off a fish's head. The fish head lands in front of you, Sonic and Tails. "Run." The fish said. Tails faints with a groan and falls to the ground. 

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