Return Of The Ravengers

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It was dark out now, and the full moon was out. You were hiding in one of the trees, keeping an eye out for any possible enemies, while Rocket continued working on the ship. Rocket insisted on helping you, but you rejected him. God, was there anything that he did trust you with? You sighed and rolled your eyes at the thought of how untrustworthy Rocket thought you were, as you continued to scan the area. You smirked and your ears twitched when you saw one of The Ravengers, leading the rest of them. Perfect. The Ravengers all made their way closer, all holding their own flashlights. As The Ravengers made their way closer to the ship where Rocket was, one of them stepped on one of your devices that you had put on the ground. A beeping sound went off, and The Ravenger looked down in surprise. All of The Ravengers quickly looked to the right, where a bunch of small needles came shooting out from the trees towards them. The needles hit them, and they fell to the ground and fainted, which woke up Nebula. Groot watched worriedly from the window. You hummed to the song that was playing from the radio, as you watched more Ravengers coming closer. You swung from branch to branch, which caught the attention of The Ravengers. Who began shooting up at the branches. You quickly dodged their shots, as you jumped from tree to tree. You hid on one of the trees, as you pushed a button on one of your devices, which sent off another device that was on the ground. The Ravengers screamed as they were lifted up into the air, and then crashed back onto the ground.

You pushed another button, that triggered another one of your devices, that lifted more Ravengers into the air. You continued the process, pushing multiple buttons and lifting multiple Ravengers up and down. Then you jumped from the tree, and onto each Ravenger, clipping another device onto each of their heads. Then you jumped back into a tree, and pushed another button. This time, blue lightning appeared and shocked each one of The Ravengers who all fell to the ground. You jumped off the tree, landing on your paws. Then you looked around suspiciously as your ears twitched. Someone was nearby. You turned around, and saw one of The Ravengers standing behind you. "Ain't so tough now without all your toys, are you?" He asked, before chuckling. You jumped onto him and punched him, and he fell to the ground. Then you lunged yourself toward the other Ravenger, who grabbed you, and you struggled in his arms, biting him multiple times, but he wouldn't let go. Then Rocket appeared from nowhere and punched him rapidly on the head. He screamed and dropped you to the ground. He lifted his head, and Rocket punched him again, this time he fainted. Suddenly a familiar whistle sound was heard. The red glowing arrow flew towards you and Rocket and stopping inches away from you. You flinched. "Crap" Rocket mumbled. Yundo chuckled as he and the other Ravengers surrounded you and Rocket. "Hey there, rats!" Yundo said. "How's it going, you blue idiot?" You asked. "Not so bad. We got ourselves a pretty good little gig here. This golden gal with quite a high opinion of herself has offered us a large sum to deliver you and your pals over to her because she wants to kill y'all" Yundo said. The others chuckled.

"Your friends. There's too many of them. They need my help. If you care about them you need to get me out of these bonds. They are going to kill them!" Nebula said as Groot hesitated to free her. "I tell you, it was pretty easy to find you. I put a tracer on your ship back there during the war over Xandar" Yundo said. "Give us your word you won't hurt Groot and we'll tell you where the batteries are" Rocket said. "Lucky for you, my word don't mean squat. Otherwise, I'd actually hand you over" Yundo said. You looked surprised. What? Yundo wasn't going to hand you over? Then why was he here? "Otherwise, you'd what?" Taser face asked angrily. "We'll take them batteries. They're worth what? A quarter mill on the open market?" Yundo asked. "That Priestess offered us a million. A quarter is only one third of that!" Taser face said. "A quarter ain't a third" "A quarter is 25" "No" "We can't even buy a pair of boots with 25 units" "Enough!" Yundo said. "The point is, we ain't stupid enough to help kill the Guardians of the Galaxy! The whole dang Nova Corps would be on us" he said. "That ain't right! I just gotta say this one time, Captain. No matter how many times Quill betrays you, you protect him like none of the rest of us much matter!" Kraglin said. "Yeah!" The others said in agreement. "I'm the one who sticks up for you!" Kraglin said. "Take it easy, Kraglin" "Damn straight, lad. He's gone soft. Suppose it's time for a change in leadership!" Taser face said as he held his gun and pointed it at Yundo. The others agreed, and began pointing their guns towards Yundo. "Put your damn guns down!" "Whoa! Whoa!

There must be some kind of peaceful resolution to this, fellas. Or even a violent one where Y/N and I are standing over there" Rocket said as he pointed to the right. You rolled your eyes. Suddenly the top of Yundo's head was shot off, and he fell to the ground and fainted. You gasped, and quickly turned around, to see Nebula holding a gun that was pointed at Yundo. She shot you next, causing you to fall over and pass out. "Y/N!" Rocket cried, before growling at Nebula, who shot Rocket next, as he fell to the ground. All of The Ravengers turned their attention to her. "Well, hello, boys" she said, then took a bite out of a vegetable she was holding. Then she quickly spit it out. "It's not ripe" she said.


Groot was locked inside a small cage that hung from the ceiling, while Yundo was tied to a chair. You were tied to a chair next to Rocket, who was also tied up. Even though the two of you were right next to each other, you still refused to look at him. Rocket sighed, as he looked over at you. You saw him staring, and immediately looked away from him. Rocket sighed and looked away. Figures. Of course his sister would still be mad at him. You watched helplessly as The Ravengers dragged other Ravengers toward a glass window and threw each of them overboard. You hadn't seen something this awful in a long time. Each Ravenger who was pulled by was begging Yundo for help. But Yundo stayed motionless in his seat. You turned your attention to the now emotionless Yundo, and began to feel sorry for him. Taser face approached Yundo, and he looked at the ground. "You're the one who killed those men. By leading them down the wrong path. Because you're weak" he said and punched him in the face. The other Ravengers laughed. "And stupid!" He said as he punched Yundo a second time. "It's time for the Ravagers to rise once again to glory with a new captain... Taser face!" He said. The others cheered in agreement. You bursted out laughing. Taser face turned his attention to you. "I'm sorry. Your name is... It's Taserface?" You asked. "That's right" he said. "Do you shoot tasers out of your face?" You asked. Rocket chuckled. "It's metaphorical!" He said. "Yeah!" The other Ravengers said. "For what?" You asked. "For it is a name what strikes fear... into the hearts of anyone what hears it!" He said. The other Ravengers nodded slightly. "Okay" they said. "Okay... whatever you say" Rocket said. Taser face held a small knife and pointed at Rocket. "You shut up. You're next" he said. You growled at him as Rocket tried to hold back laughter.

Then Taser face held the knife to Yundo's neck. "Udonta, I have waited a long time to do-" he was cut off when he heard you and Rocket snickering. "What?!" He asked. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry! I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, sir... looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness saying to yourself... You know what would be a really kick-ass name? Taserface!" Rocket said and started laughing. You tried your hardest not to laugh as well. "That's how I hear you in my head!" He said. The Ravengers tried to hold their laughter. "What was your second choice? Scrotum Hat?" You asked. The other Ravengers all started laughing. Taser face lugged towards you with his knife. Rocket gasped. "New plan. We're killing you first" he said as he held his knife close to you. "Well, dying is certainly better than having to live an entire life... as a moronic shitbag who thinks Taser face is a cool name" you said. "That's enough killing for today" Nebula said as she entered the room. Taser face stood up and all of the Ravengers looked at her. "She's the daughter of Thanos" one of them whispered. "I thought you were the biggest sadist in the galaxy" Taser face said. "That was when Daddy was paying my bills. The Priestess wants to kill the fox herself. And she has bounties on her head. In at least 12 Kree provinces" she said. Taser face growled and stepped towards her. "I assure you... I am not as easy a mark as an old man without his magic stick or a talking woodland beast" she said, causing him to stop in his tracks. "I want 10% of the take... and a couple more things" she said.

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