You know him? ( GiyuxOCS)

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This is chapter 20 so i hope you enjoy reading this story 😃

⚠️ Trigger warning⚠️ Cursing, Alkohol, mentioning of raping, violent

 POV: Sanemi

I actually didn't wanted to go to that After party, but we have to go. So we changed in our normal clothes and drove with the bus to that house.

Megumi: This place is huge.

Tōji : You're right. Ah, Sanemi. Do you actually drink?

Me: I never drank, so I pass

Tōji: Your such a pain in the ass.

I just ignored them and sat on the couch until some random girl came over to me.

Ai: ~Hi, what's your name~

Me: I don't have to tell you that.

Ai: ~My name is Ai. I'm the assistant from the Highschool xxx~

Me: Nice to meet you Ai.

Ai: ~Do you have a girlfriend or are you single~

I actually have a boyfriend...wait...did I just called Giyu my boyfriend?...THAT WOULD BE SO FUCKING GREAT!...No, he's not my boyfriend

Me: I'm taken

Ai: ~Your such a pretty boy~

Then a guy came behind her and smacked her ass and told her to go to another guy...really nice of you to treat a girl like that...but I don't have to care.

Issei: I'm sorry for her

Me: It's fine.

Issei: Your team was really good.

Me: Thanks

Issei: Do you actually know that guy with the black-blue long hair? That one that looks like a girl from behind?

Me: Yes. Why do you ask?

Issei: What is his name again? I think it was something with Giyu, or wasn't it?

I looked at that boy...why does he know who Giyu is?...

Me: Why do you ask?

Issei: You know, I'm not gay, but I would do anything to have sex with him again...he was really awesome in bed, you know.

I got mad pissed...he had sex with him!?...and he tells it so normal!?...WHY DOES HE SPEAK ABOUT GIYU AS WAS HE A WHORE!?💢💢...Calm yourself have to wait until he really talks shit about him, even if he now do that.

Me: You had sex with him?

Issei: Yes.

Me: But he doesn't look like someone who would have sex with some stranger like you?

Issei: I know. But let me tell you how it actually happened.

(A/N:This happened, when Giyu was in 9th grade and Issei was in 1 year of Highschool)


POV: 3rd person

In Middle school, Giyu Tomioka was a Assistant of the Football club. They played against a Highschool team. What seems to be unfair, but the middle school won. So they had an After party and actually Alkohol wasn't allowed, but some students thought it was funny and it wouldn't be that bad, to be drunk. Giyu sat on the couch, but there were so many people and they were drunk, so he stood up, took a ice tea bottle and filled it in his cup, but didn't recognized that the drink he took was whiskey and not ice tea.

(A/N: I don't really know, if Whiskey smell but we would say that it doesn't smell like anything)

He walked to a bedroom, where nobody was inside and sat on the bed and drank his drink. When he was done with his drink, he felt dizzy,his head hurts and it felt like he has to puke. Then somebody opened the door, that person was Issei.

Issei: Is everything ok?

Giyu didn't answer , because if he would, he would just puke, so he shook his head, so Issei walked up to him and sat next to Giyu. Giyu felt that his body doesn't listen to him, so he sat on that strangers lap and touched they're cheek.

Giyu: ~What is your name?~

Issei: My name is Issei. And yours?

Giyu: ~My name is Giyu~

Giyu: ~Issei,Are you a virgin?~

Issei: Yes, why do you ask?

Giyu: ~Do you wanna have sex with me?~

Issei didn't answer and they both kissed each other, he didn't knew what to do so he just let the stranger touch his body. Then when issei kissed his neck, Giyu thought from nowhere, that this isn't a good idea, so he tried to push him away and cried but Issei didn't let him go and took his belt of and knot his writs together and fucked him. The next day, when Giyu woke up, he puked his soul out and went to the bathroom, that was in the next room. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that he had hickeys all over his neck and started to cry, but tried to cry not so loud so he wouldn't wake up that person. He then walked back, even when his back hurt like hell and his legs too, but he tried to ignore that and put his pants and everything on. But then Issei woke up.

Issei: what time is it, Giyu

Giyu flinched by the way that guy said his name, so he just took his clothes and wanted to walk away, but Issei catches Giyu and shut the door closed, before Giyu could even opened it.

Issei: Where are you going?

Giyu: I wa-wanted to go out

Issei turned him around, lifted Giyu's chin and smirked at him.

Issei: I don't think that we have to stop now, or don't you think so?

Giyu: Let me go!

Issei yanked him on the bed and grabbed his neck a bit to harsh, what he then noticed but saw that Giyu got red in his face and moaned from nowhere, so he continued and they had sex again. After that, they heard that someone knocked on the door, so Issei let go of him and walked to the door.

Issei: Yes?

Ai: We have to go now

Issei: Ok

He took his clothes and just went away, without saying anything to Giyu.When Giyu was all alone on the bed, with hickeys, blue spots and a red mark on his neck he didn't even cried. He just felt so empty inside of him. So he put his clothes back on, limped to the bus and when he arrived, he didn't told anybody, that he lost his virginity on a boy, he didn't even knew. And after a while, he found out that he's gay.


I looked at him with a pissed he raped him...Giyu, when he was 14...with 14 he lost his virginity on a guy like him. I don't know why, but I was mad pissed, so I punched that guy. Everybody looked at us, how issei felt with his head on the table, but wasn't unconscious.


I just smiled at him and punched multiple times until he bleed out. They had to call an Ambulance and I got suspended for one month out of the Football team. Nobody told in the school what happened, what I was proud of.

Word count: 1906 words

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