I want to be resonated with that which weaves together loose ends of dead will and glorious defeats and of the victory of truths that will inevitably prevail. Hope as the warm shade of affirmation enough for every beating heart to rise from within the ashes of unjust reality just one more day. The only intangible belief that truly carves out the difference. As the thing with feathers running wild and free enough to make another face smile in the wake of a distant traumatised memory that awaits unravelling. I want to be the courage that lives on in those that are tied not by blood but by spirit and be the endless well of love dug in the centre of humanity. I want to be resonated with what this fragile world breathes on and what breathes within every fragment of this voluminous world. Hope as that which unknowingly lives and never truly dies. The only belief that can essentially be not a thing but is indefinitely in the essence everything. Hope.
If I could choose another name for myself, I'd want to be called Hope.
- yuva
Heartache & Hope
PoetryA compilation of the experiences I encountered and the emotions I felt on my journey to heal from heartache I the purest vessel of art and expression: poetry.