Chapter 6

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TW: Swearing and I think that is all, please let me know if more should be added.

POV Tommy

I wake up to the sun coming through the lounge room windows and straight into my eyes I let out a groan of annoyance, I decide to get up and go to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat. When I walk into the kitchen, I see Y/N cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Tommy." Spoke Y/N.

"How the fuck do you do that, you didn't even turn around and good morning to you too woman." I said.

"How did you sleep?" Asked Y/N.

"It was good. What about you-Wait did you even get sleep?" I asked.

"Yes, Tommy I got some sleep and it was ok." Answered Y/N.

"How much is 'some sleep' Y/N." Asked Ranboo.


"Tommy, shut the fuck up everyone else is still asleep." Scolded Y/N.

"It's not my fault that they are still asleep." I said.

"You are unbelievable, you know that Tommy. Anyway, how did you get there Ranboo, I didn't hear you walk in or anything like that?" Asked Y/N.

"Oh, I um, I teleported." Answered Ranboo looking at the floor of the kitchen.

"That's pretty fucken cool Ranboo." Said Y/N.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. And you didn't answer my question, how much is 'some sleep' Y/N? Ranboo asked again.

"Hello Tubbo and Michael, and to answer your question Ranboo about 3-5 hours of sleep." Answered Y/N. Me and Ranboo both turn around to see Tubbo standing there with Michael in his arms.

"Ok seriously how the fuck do you do that?" I asked.

"What do you mean Tommy, do what?" Y/N asked back.

"I mean how can you tell when someone is there and who it is without even looking?" I asked.

"To be honest I have no idea, I have always been able to do it, even when I was quite young." Answered Y/N.

"You kind of remind me of Technoblade, but like a female version." Spoke Tubbo. Me and Ranboo agree with him.

"Good morning Zarah and Emily." Said Y/N.

"Good morning everyone and Y/N I hope you know I am never going to get used to that nor understand how to do that." Spoke Zarah.

"Believe me I know cause you gave up years ago." Said Y/N.

"Boo." We all turn to Michael trying to get out of Tubbo's and doing grabby hands to Ranboo.

"Okay seriously Michael is too cute for his own good. I mean the more you look at him the more you would want to adopt him." Said Ranboo taking Michael and placing him on his right hip.

"Pancakes and waffles?" Asked Michael pointing to the kitchen table.

"Yep, now everyone go and take a seat while I go and find some cups and something for us to drink." Said Y/N.

"Hey Woman, last night you said you had a surprise for us today, or was that a lie to get us to go to bed?" I asked as we make our way to the table, in return I got a slap to the back of the head and when I turn around, I can see that the person who slapped me was Tubbo. I give Tubbo a death stare which Tubbo sticks his tongue out at me and everyone starts laughing, to which I soon join in because why the fuck not and it was also kind of funny.

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