Chapter-4,The Western Prince

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"I will not"said Navier."What a relief.We were afraid you might send that girl a gift as costom dictates."said the three of Navier's Lady in waiting."Yea would be a waste of money if you ask me"also added Y/n.As the lady in waiting try to hold there laughter.

There are three main reasons an Empress send a mistress a gift.First,if they are friends.
Second,if the mistress if a high-ranking nobel.Or Third,if the mistress is of the same bloodline as the empress.But,
Rashta doesn't fall into any of those categories.

"Don't worry,there's no reason for me to send her a gift."said Navier."If only Laura was here to hear you say that.Why she would've absolutely jump of joy."said one of the lady in waiting."OH!Right is the rumor true,your majesty"said the same woman."Rumor?"asked Navier."That the Western Prince will be attending the New Year's Ceremony"said Y/n before the lady in wait could answer.Tho,Y/n already knew that Heinrey would be in the New Year's ceremony.

"I herad that he is gorgous.That one look in his eyes is enough to captivate any women.But,I also heard that he is as stubborn as a mule..........."said the lady in wait.
(Yes I didn't feel like writing all the things she said so🙃,yea hope you understand my lazyass🙂)

"But in any case,is he really coming?!"asked the three lady in wait.Navier chuckled nervously and said"I can't verify the truth of those rumors,but,yes,he is coming to this New Year's Ceremony."


"Come in"

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡

(It's not the time Y/n can shine brightly yet yall jusy wait in you were taking a walk it got boring as they were talking about Heinrey ik its not that long when they were talking about Heinrey but just pretend🙂)

".....Unlike the last time we met,
his majesty has taken you as his mistress.Congratulations."
said Navier."Thank you!"said Rashta.

𝕐/𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍.

"-ank you!"I heard Rashta say'Hmmm I was out on a walk for that long,I don't think that I was on the walk that long
meh whatever'I thought.As I walked in the room.I can see that Rashta did not like me being here."Oh,Lady Rashta what brings you here?"I said acting nice."To see my sister,her majesty!"said Rashta.

I saw that Eliza had spit out her drink out of shock."Huh?Who do you think you are to call mom your sister you...rascal"I said angry at Rashta."What?sister....."said Navier."We're sisters now because we have the same husband"said Rashta."NO!YOU......*sigh*Lady Rashta that is not how it works"I said trying to clam down so that I don't punch Rashta.
(I don't know if its like that or not so please excuse me)

"What?"said Navier."So,can I call you big sister from now on?"asked Rashta."Did you not hear what I said just now?"I said angry at her."No,Rashta heard what you said but if you can call her nother or mo-""You can not call her big sister cause your rank is still lower than an Empress,please don't call her big sister."I said with a fake smile.

"We have the same husband?"said Navier."And what big sister like what Y/n said you can not call me those."said Navier'What a loser'I thought."Pardon?Do you you dislike me?Is that why?"said Rashta almost crying.'Ugh I'm so tired of this girl'I thought."It has nothing to do with liking or disliking you in the first place............That you have become his mistress doesn't mean 𝙬𝙚 have become sisters"said Navier.I smirked,as the other lady in wait glared at her."GET OUT!"I shouted.As she ran out of room.

Hope yall enjoy I couldn't write that long of a story as I will try to write more and the chapters will be quite many hope yall don't mind and I will be using Heinrey😊Have a great day/night/evening.

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