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The first book I read — If I remember it correctly, the first book I read is not the chapter that starts with Once Upon A Time. That wasn't romance or comedy or fantasy that we all enjoyed reading. The first book I read can't lose its track just like the chapters in the book without the bookmark. In fact, the first book I read has only one character — that is ambitious, playful, intimidating, and vulnerable.

The first time I read a book, it wasn't usually tickling in the stomach. It wasn't the particular Princess and Prince story in the romance book, nor the dragons and vampire in fantasy. It wasn't comedy either — you can't laugh at something like the talking animals because the first story I read — has no one.

The first book I read — it's tragic.

Usually the least desired book to read in our generation — hell, who wouldn't want a happy ending, right?

But oh, It's tragic. Full of fighting and sighing and breathing — full of darkness, full of anger, full of despair and sadness.

Though...the first book I read — wasn't actually.... in the book. It wasn't in every line of chapters nor pages of books — If I remember, It's in the eye.

In the eye?

Or maybe the first book I read wasn't actually in the paper but in the eye.

You can't bend the chapters because in just one look, you can clearly see the plot of the story by just thinking of the possible outcome of life. You can't put the bookmark for it so as not to lose track of when you need to rest because you can clearly see the emotions when the painstaking memories strike your mind.

It's always in the eye.

So maybe... This may be confusing as to why a book has something to do with the eye but I never intended to look at the book just like how I look at my lifeless eye.

Just like a book— full of anger, despair, sadness, memories, stories, just like what I see in the mirror—when my eyes opened or blinked— all I can see is — an open tragic book.


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