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Trust me this story get way better at like chapter 20 bc the rest was written when I was like 12 😂
Bailey's P.O.V~~~~

I take a deep breath as I step into the school gates , I make it to my locker before hearing a all so familiar voice

' well isn't it the loser herself ' he said coldly

I roll my eyes and started walking ' oh babe don't leave' he sarcastically said and my bully was Jai brooks , his brothers are lovely unlike him ,when , me , Beau , Luke and Jai  started year 7 we all promised that we wouldn't choose popularity get the best of us , so we all had a symbol the infinity sign to show that we'll be with each-other forever we doubt that Jai still wears it .

Luke <3 : Hey where are you xx

Bailey x : My locker xx

Luke <3 : Okay see you soon x

Bailey x : Okay xxx

'hey " Luke smiles

' hello ' I half smile

' jai ? ' I nod and sigh , we walking class which was Math , me and Luke sit next to each other in class .


I sat in between Luke and Beau as Skip and James sit on the other side

' hey guys ' I smile

' hey ' they coursed back

' what class did you get ' Skip asked me

' Math with Luke ' I reply

' I had tech with James ' he smirked

' What , no fair!' I cross my arms and pouted class he had was my favourite he laughs

' what are you doing after school luke ' I asked

' um , not much ' he shrugged

' can I come over ? '

' what about Jai ' he asks

' who gives a fuck about him ' I giggled

' true , okay you can I guess ' he said as if he had to think , the bell rang

' see ya ' I say and kissed everyone's cheek and left to class .


I wait at the school gates for Luke and Beau

" who you waiting for ' Jai asked

' go away' i said

'awe babe ' he teased

'im waiting for luke ' i say

'him' he laughs

' what happen ' I asked him

' what do you mean ' he said coldly

' you know what the fuck I mean Jai ' clearly getting angry

' no i dont ' he said

' GRADE FUCKING 7 ' I yell at him , ' WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING  PROMISES ' I scream I saw Luke

' Bye Jai ' I said angrily

' Hey Luke ' I mumble grabbing his hand lacing it with mine

' hey B ' he said softly   , we stopped at the park where they film Q'n'A's I leaned against the tree ' hey Luke ? ' ' yeah ' he whispers looking into my eyes

'what happen to jai ' he sighed before telling me the story .

~~JAI"S P.O.V~~

who you waiting for ? ' i asked bailey

" go away " she said

' aw babe ' i tease

" im waiting fro Luke ' she said , of course it fucking luke

' him ' I laugh

' what happen ' she asked

' what do you mean ' I say coldly

' you know what the fuck I mean Jai ' she was getting angry

' no i dont '

' FUCKING GRADE 7 ' She yelled in my face , WHY CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR PROMISES ' she yelled , she glances over my shoulder

' Bye Jai ' she said angrily to me

I turn around and saw her holding Lukes hand , fucking Luke's ,what the fuck

' hey Babe ' I hear Lisa purr in my ear

' fuck off ' I grumble

' what the fuck , babe ? '

' what ! '  I say still staring at Bailey holding Lukes hand

' what are you looking at ? ' she asked

' nothing ' I finally look at my girlfriend and kiss her .  Lisa  went home , I started walking home I pass the park we film in and aw Bailey and Luke , Luke leaned in she did to their lips connected ,I kept walking , why am I jealous ?

word count : 733

my bully *jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now