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~~~BAILEYS P.O.V~~~~

Me and Luke walk back to his place hand in hand , oh and Luke asked me to be his girlfriend and of course i said yes , we entered the cute little house

' hey Beau and james ' I said completely ignoring Jai

 ' hey B ' James and Beau said in sync

 ' what ya watchin' ' I ask Beau 

' Titanic ' he answered , Luke went on to the lounge I sat in between Luke and Jai , I snuggled into luke as tears brimmed my eyes I glance at Beau who had tears running down his face as everyone else looked bored I jump up and jogged to beau

 ' come here beau we can cry together ' I giggle/cry  ' okay ' he laughs as tears fell I hug beau .

~~JAI'S P.O.V~~

I hear the door open then close we all look over to see who entered Luke and Bailey hands laced together 

' hey Beau and james ' Bailey smiled purposely ignoring me I sigh quietly

 'hey B ' Beau and James said in sync

 ' what ya watchin' ' Bailey asked

 'Titanic ' Beau replied , Luke sat at the end of the lounge I was sitting on Bailey sat  between us , snuggling into Luke She glance at Beau before jumping up and said 

' come here beau we can cry together ' she giggled/cried 

' okay ' beau laughs as tears flowed down his cheeks , I look over at Luke who was smiling dreamily while staring at Bailey , I was jealous , but I have Lisa , I shake my head then stared at the screen , I figured it out ., I have a crush on Bailey and its not a small one .

~~~~next dayyy ~~~~


I woke up to my phone vibrating , I unlock it to see luke messaged me .

Lukey <3 : hey babe , wanna come film ?xx

Bailey xx : hey :) , sure what time <3 xx

Lukey <3 : at 3 we'll pick you up <3 xxx

Bailey xx: okay babe xx

Lukey <3 :  se you soon baby ;) xx :*

Bailey xx : okay babe c u soon :*

Finally the boys arrived , Luke links his arm with mine as we walked to the car , I sat on his lap and lied my head on his shoulder he looks down at me I smile he leans down and pecked my lips ' MY POOR EYE'S ' Beau squealed I giggled at him luke kisses my cheek I smile at him .

~~WE ARRIVED AT JAHOO ALLEY ~~ (you know what i mean if you watched the milk challenge )

' What you doing " I furrow my eyebrows

 ' milk challenge ' James answers 

'okay ? ' I said ' 

anyway this is teddy ' Skip introduced me to him

 ' okay so Teddy this is Bailey Luke's girlfriend and Bailey this is Teddy our mate ' Jai explains

 ' okay ' I smile ' nice to meet you ' I shake Teddy's hand ' you to ' he nods .


' Bailey give me a kiss ' Luke said right after he threw up

 'eww no ' I laugh

 ' Pweasee ' he pouts

 ' if you brush teeth ' I giggled he crosses his arms and did they puppy dog face

 ' not gonna work ' I tell him

 ' fine ' he whines I laugh shaking my head .

I waited in Luke & jai's room for Luke 

 ' can I have a kiss now ? ' Luke pouts after he had brushed his teeth

 ' okay ' I sigh as if i didn't want to, he pushes me into the wall and kissed me I smile into the kiss ' Hey Luke mum want- , never mind ' jai muttered the last bit 

' what did mum want ' Luke asked 

' nothing ' Jai said awkwardly I laugh as jai walked out , looking back into the beautiful brown eye's of Luke .

~~JAI'S P.O.V~~

' okay mum' I sigh walking up to our room I open the door 

' hey luke mum want-never mind ' I muttered the last bit as I saw them making out against the wall 

' what did mum want ? ' luke asked turning around 

' nothing ' I said rolling my eye's I walk out .

I grab my phone out of my pocket and call Lisa

Lisa : hey baby

Jai : sup babe

Lisa : what are you doing ?

Jai : nothing , wanna come over ?

Lisa : sure b there in 5

Jai : k bye baby

Lisa : bye babe

~~~BAILEY'S P.O.V~~~

Me and Luke walk down stairs hand in hand , to be face with Lisa as soon as she saw me  she glared I roll my eyes as Luke dragged me to the lounge and started watching a random T.V show , ' I love you Bailey ' he whispers 

' I love you Lukey ' I smiled kisses

 'please no babies on my lounge ' Beau gags 

 I giggled and gave luke one more peck on the lips .

word count : 886

my bully *jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now