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~~~~JAI'S P.O.V~~~

'Ew, why is she here ' Lisa said 

' she's Luke's girl ' I said

 ' what dose luke see in that ' she snorts

 ' who knows ' i laugh she joins , Lisa straddles me and we started making out 

 ' come on we're going now !' beau complains

 ' okay , okay ' i said 

we jumped into the car I look at Bailey in her black dress , her hair curled , her red lipstick clinging on to her lips ' babe , babe ? ' Lisa snapped me out of my trance ' yeah babe ' I look at her , she was dressed in a really tight bright red dress her boobs were basically hanging out ! 

 ' we are here ' Beau cheered .


We all jump out of beau's car 

' come on Luke ' 

I laugh grabbing his hand dragging him into the pub

 ' one vodka ' I scream over the music to the bar tender 


' hey lukkeeyy' i slur 

' babe your drunk ' he laughs 

' no im not you soo sillyy ' I laugh

 ' come on home time ' he said ' NO ' I stomp my foot

 ' come on baby ' luke pouted 

 ' nahhhh' i slurred 

he opened his mouth to say something but I connected my lips onto his almost immediately he kissed back I smiled into the kiss he did the same , I tug on his lip ring making him let out a quiet moan I smirked before moving my lips to his neck finding his soft spot he moans my name . I woke up in Jai's bed , I spin around in the persons grasp to find Luke I sigh in relief 

'hey babe ' I groan

 as Luke opens his eyes and smiled 

' want some panadol ? ' he asked 

' yes please ' I hold my head 

' here ' luke hands me one of his shirts

 ' thanks ' I smile 

he walks out , I pull my dress off and slip on Lukes shirt , I walk down stairs and found luke in the kitchen he hands me a panadol and a cup of water

 ' thank you babe ' I sigh

 ' no worries babe ' he kisses my cheek before wrapping his arms around my waist and rests his head on me shoulder .


I arrived at school , and went to my locker I grabbed what I needed and shut my locker to be face to face with the dick himself

 ' fuck off ' I growled

 ' why would I leave ' he chuckled

 ' to be with your slut of a girlfriend ' I say

 ' she's not a fucking slut ' he said getting defensive

 ' how long have yous been dating ! ' I smirk

 ' 5 weeks ' he raised an eye brow

 ' did you know she's cheated on you 3 times already ' I smile sarcastically and walking away before he answered .

Jai hasn't bullied me since this morning which was weird 

' hey Baby ' Luke said giving me a peck on the lips

 ' hey babe ' i grin

 ' no jai ? ' luke raised a brow

' yeah , it was weird ' i furrow my eye brows ,

we heard the cafeteria doors open I look over my shoulder to see Jai all sad and shit

 ' whats up with Jai ' I ask Beau as he sat down

 ' ah , he texted me saying him and Lisa broke up ' he said

 ' poor boy ' I muttered

 'what do you mean he bullies you ' luke whispers in my ear

 ' well he looked happy with her thats all ' I say facing Luke

 'im going to talk to him ' I say

' are you sure ' luke said ' yeah ' I smiled and kissed his cheek , I walk over to jai .

' hey Jai ? ' I said 

' go away ' he sniffled as I found him in the hall way

 ' no ' I said 

'Go Away ' he said louder 

I just hug him but soon he hugs back as I whispered soothing things in his ear

 ' you alright ? ' I whispered 

' yeah , I just thought she loved me like how you love luke with all your heart ' he sniffled

 ' hey jai ? ' 

' yeah ' he looks up at me 

 'do you still wear it ?'I ask he smiled weakly before lifting his collar alittle and pulling out the infinity sign I smile at him .

word count : 793

my bully *jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now