8-Not so sweet

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Rayan continued his chase through the streets of Talon... You and Tuk-Tuk try to keep up but eventually you stop at a narrow bridge that Tuk-Tuk is too big to cross. You notice a Faster path and you two change the direction.

Rayan chases after the Ongis and Noi, he leaps over a man asleep in a boat.
Noi throws her diaper at Rayan. He successfully dodged them."Ah! Diaper!"

As he continues to chase them You
finally cornered the Ongis and the Con-Baby by closing a door. They slamed right into it cosing them to roll down on the ground. You smile to yourself and jump over the door.
Having no escape, the little Moi snaps her fingers and the Ongis hand you back your gem. "Thanks."

"So, it's none of my business, but
using your baby charm to rip people
off is super sketchy." Rayan kneels down and boops Moi on the nose
"Alright, where's your family?"

Noi scoffs at Rayan and walks away with the two largest Ongis.
The smallest ongi however hangs back and poses as a stone statue to tell you two what's happened to Noi's parents.

You look over at Noi and the Ongis as they split a piece of food. You look back up at Dang Hai's house and you get an idea. You smirked at Rayan and he looks at you confused "Hey. How would you like to earn some honest loot?" You Yell after Noi. She and her ogris stop mid track.

It's showtime.
Several scary Bodyguards stand at the ready in front of the Talon Chief's fancy home. Noi cutely waddles in front of them and falls down. She stands and coos, being adorable. The Ongis join in.
All eyes go to Noi and the Ongis as...
Rayan and You sneak into Dang Hai's palace. You sneaks up the steps and you find a big guy standing on the balcony.Rayan immediately points his sword at his back.

"Alright, Dang Hai, I'll take that
dragon gem piece." The guy turns to reveal a guy holding a basket full of flowers "Whoa! I'm not Dang Hai! I'm Chai, the flower guy."

"Where is Dang Hai?" You ask."He's right over there."The flower guy points to a decorated statue... it's a
stoned Dang Hai."What? Who has his gem piece?" Rayan asked again
"The most vicious Chief Talon has ever seen." He dramatically replied.

As you and Rayan share a glance the Flower guy Takes your hand. "Is the pretty lady interested in buying some flowers. I can show you the best ones I have." the guy was getting closer to you and it Drove Rayan Incredibly jealous.

Suddenly he took a hold of his head and slamed it into the wall. Flower guy fell to the floor dropping his Basket.
"Violent are we?" You question looking between the guy and Rayan.

"Come on, we need go hurry." He avoided the question with a blush on his face, he holds your hand and you two run out of the house.

Dang-Hu walks with Sisu through the market towards the city's edge.
"Those folks were like crazy mad. I
just wanted to bring some gifts to
the Talon Chief, Dang Hai." Sisu admitted.

"Is that who you're looking for
dear? I know exactly where he is." Talons chieftess smirks. "You do?"
"Mm-hmm. I'll take you there."

"SEE! That's what I've been trying
to tell my Friends. But they're all
like - "You can't trust people.
Don't talk to anyone."

Two large Henchman join Sisu and Dang-Hu as they walk.She gives them big smiles, but they don't react to her at all.

From the looks exchanged between Dang Hu and her "sons" we sense that she's more Mob Boss than Sweet Old Mother. The Henchmen nod and lower a draw-bridge for Sisu and Dang Hu
to cross. They cross the bridge and...

"Come, dear. Chief Dang Hai is just
outside the city, beyond the gates."

... they continue on through some gates."Away from the water, huh? Wow. He really likes living on the edge."

Dang Hu leads Sisu out of the gates into the jungle. It's creepy, quiet.
Sisu is relieved to see someone else out there "Hi there, Dang Hai. I'm Sisu and I've come here to offer you some-"

but she's shocked to see it's a Stone Person. The rattle of druun....Sisu looks and finds a Druun emerge from the woods, it approaches her - but a "glow" pushes it away.

Dang Hu stands by the doors with her two large bodyguards "Now, you're going to tell me where I can find those other dragon gem pieces. Or..."

Dang Hu reveals she's holding a dragon gem piece of her own. "I'll have to leave you outside with that... thing. Take your pick."

The Druun paces back and forth, looking for a way past Dang Hu. She steps backward into the city walls, not giving Sisu a moment to react.
"But I trusted you."

"Big mistake."
Dang Hu steps behind the gates.
"You better talk fast. It looks hungry."
More druun begin to emerge from the woods."No, no, no." Sisu starts to panic.

Mob Boss lowers the gem and the Druun rushes towards Sisu as
Rayan blasts through the city gates you fall off Tuk-Tuk and by jumping over the old lady you snatch the gem pice ."HEY!"

"Stop them!" The chief orders
"Sisu, I told you to stay on the
boat!" "Sorry!" As the druun comes closer to them you scare it away with them gem.

You jump back onto Tuk-Tuk and hand sisu the gem."Hold onto this for me, will ya?" Rayan barrels towards the chieftess. A giant blast of fog covers the area, scaring away the druun.Rayan clears out and the door closes "Fog?!" Rayan asks as Tuk-Tuk hurried rolls out if Talon. "Yeah, that was my brother Jagan's magic."

"Okay, three down, three to go!"
You all hop onto the board.
"Alright, Captain Boun. Next stop-"
He ducks down as a bowl flies towards him."Spine!"

You turn to see Boun standing there with Noi and the Ongis chugging
down congee like frat boys at a keg party."Thanks for the new customers!"

Sisu looks at you confused "Yeah, I sorta promised to buy them all the congee they could eat." You replied while playing with your fingers.

"Well, we're stuck with them for awhile. Cause Ongis have nine
stomachs." Boun stares at his spoon whit wide eyes."Oh, toi."

Rayan and you walk over to Sisu who's sitting at the table. "I can't believe it. That old lady was really going to hurt me."

However as you set down, Rayan suddenly cuddles up to you. He sits behind you and brings your back into his chest as he hugs you."Well, I'm sorry, Sisu, that's what the world is now. You can't trust anyone."
Noi approaches Sisu,She super adorable."Does that include babies?"

"Uh, well.." You move your hand from side to side, not sure how to answer.
"She's so cute. I mean looks at
those cheeks!"
Noi grabs Sisu by the cheeks.
"Hi, I'm Sisu." Sisu muffled
"Soo-soo."Noi climbs onto her face.
"Aw, she loves my face."

"Watch out she doesn't steal your
teeth. Here, lemme help you." You got up to help Sisu but Noi doesn't seem to let go of her."Oh, that's so sweet... okay, too much sweetness, too much sweetness! It's too much!"

Raya and the last dragon/ Male Raya×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now