Chapter #1: Greetings, whore.

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Traffic was the worst on the way to work during rush hour. Harley had a client that booked her in for 6:15 and she had to get petrol on the way too. She was worried about the prices of the petrol more than anything, she struggled for money and being a hooker was just about paying her rents and putting food on the table for herself. She had to keep up with this job because she had no where else to go; no partner, no family, no close friends. Not many people were left in her life. She's embarrassed to tell the friends that she does have about her situation so she tends to stay quiet about it. Harley couldn't exactly find a different job either, she failed school and this was the only job that could keep her financialy stable without her needing any qualifications.

5:45. Just about 3 more minutes of traffic then she'd be able to fill up at the petrol station. Then it would take her 20 minutes to drive to her work studio, or dungeon, as some people would put it. She owned this studio which took enough time to save up for, but its saved her a huge job in terms of money, she no longer had to worry about renting it out every week and having to take all her 'equipment' to and from it.

3 more minutes passed. She was at the petrol station. She quickly rushed out the car and filled the car up, watching as the price went up with each litre. It totalled all up to £50. She wasnt pleased about it but it's around what she'd earn in one session with a client, so it wouldn't set her back too far. She hopped back into her car after paying and drove off to her studio.

Harley arrived at 6:10. The client was sitting in the waiting room for her.
"I'm so sorry I'm late," She exclaimed as she rushed through the door. "there was lots of traffic and I needed to fill up."
"it's fine, just as long as it doesnt take time off my session." The client said.
Harley went around to her desk to check the bookings for that evening.
"You must me Richard, my 6:15?" Harley asked.
"Yep, that's me"
"Okay, and you've booked for an hour session today?"
"Yep, correct."
"Okay, that'll be £50 please sir."
"Hey, don't be calling me them kind of names just yet, we havent even started."
Harley nervously laughed at this mans attempt at a joke.
This comment made Harley look back down at her schedule to see how long she had to be in this god forsaken place for. Only one more client afterwards. What client was it though? Gladly, it was a kind customer who has come many times before so she was able to tolerate the rest the day.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get myself ready and you can too. It will take about 3 minutes so feel free to have some water while you wait for me to prepare everything." Harley explained.
"thanks sweetheart. If you're good, expect a big tip" Said the client.
'I hate sessions with middle aged egotistical twats.'

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