Two: Kid, what did you do?

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"Rent is due at the end of the month. Don't be late." As Peter walks into his new apartment turning on the light he freezes and drops the box in shock. Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark sat in his new apartment looking at the door.

"About damn time kid, you have some explaining to do." Tony quickly said.

"I—YOU TWO ARE DEAD!?" Peter backed away shaking his head. "I must be dreaming there's no way..."

"Kid, calm down." Tony rolled his eyes. Natasha looked at him and smiled.

"Hey pete." He sat down on the couch confused.

"How?" He asked. Natasha shrugged.

"All I know, is that I was dying...and suddenly I'm here." She looked at the photos. "We found your place cuz Tony is kind of a stalker."

"Not a stalker." Tony looked at Peter sadly. "What the hell happened?"

"Well, like I said two died." Peter awkwardly reached forward and touched Tony's arm.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tony asked.

"I was...just trying to make sure you are actually a real human being and not my imagination." Peters replied.

"Peter, are you okay?" Natasha asked.

"No, I'm not." Peter sighed. "Look, with the help of Dr. Strange I managed to mess up time...but to fix it I had to make everyone forget Peter Parker...I made everyone forget me so that everyone in the universe could be saved." Peter wiped tears from his eyes. "Well, not everyone."

"Jesus Christ kid..." Tony walked over and hugged him.

"I don't know how you two are here—."

"We don't know either but I promise we'll figure this out together and WE WILL get people to remember you." Peter smiled.

"Thanks, Mr. Stark." Tony smiled.

"Now, let's figure out a way we can go around and not be recognized ourselves because I'd much rather not be bombarded by agents and be kidnapped or anything." That made Peter laugh.

"Yeah, yeah let's figure that out." Tony grabbed some stuff from peters closet, meanwhile Natasha sat besides him on the couch.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Peter watched as Tony went through his closet. He shrugged.

"To be honest, I don't know how I feel. I just...lost my best friends. Lost Aunt May...I lost the only family I had left all so I could save them." Tears flowed down peters face as he turned to look at Natasha. "They don't know who I am." She held him in a hug.

"Peter, we will figure this out I promise." Peter leaned into her shoulder and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Oh hell no we are not going out in those." Peter looked up and saw him holding some old renaissance faire costumes that he completely forgot he had hiding in his closet in the first place. He snorted.

"Oh wow, yeah uh...that would definitely be an interesting look for you." Peter stood and grabbed the fake boobs putting them up against Tony's chest. That made Natasha burst into a fit of laughter.

"Would you be serious for like ten seconds kid?" Tony grabbed the boobs. "These aren't even my size."

"Oh and you know this why?" Natasha asked. Tony threw the boobs at her.

"Lost a bet. Don't judge." She burst into laughter.

"Okay now I really need to see that"

"Guys focus. We have to figure out how you two came back. The only person I can think of to go to is Dr. Strange." Peter grabbed his jacket then turned to look at Tony and Natasha. "Be adults, stop playing with the boobs." Peter snatched the fake boobs away laughing.

"Alright alright, let's go." Natasha and Tony threw the wigs and costumes on and followed Peter.

"Hey's everyone doing by the way?" Natasha caught up with Peter. Peter shook his head.

"In case this is some really weird reality warp thing, I don't think it's wise to tell you guys." Peter stopped walking and watched as MJ walked out of the coffee shop.

"She'll remember, you just have to have faith Peter." Peter looked at Natasha and frowned.

"She said I love you, right before I made her forget me." Peter continued walking with his head down. "I don't like magic."

"Yeah, neither do I." She followed him as they reached the building. "But magic sometimes isn't as strong as Dr. strange May make it seem. There's always a way to break a curse. Think of all the magic curse broken in Disney movies." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well, life isn't a fairy tale." Peter knocked on the door and Stephan strange opened it.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"Uh, hi. I'm Peter Parker and uhm I think you might know my friends." Natasha waved and so did Tony. "Tony stark and Natasha romanoff."

"Come in." He stepped aside and peter let the two walk in before him.

"I don't think I had anything to do with this!" Peter raised his hands in defense. "But I might need you to help me figure out why this is happening."

"Alright, well...that's confusing." Peter looked behind him and saw Tony juggling the fake boobs.

"Oh my god..." he face Palmed. "I'm sorry about him."

"Yeah...let's figure this out. Because you definitely messed up big time kid."

Sorry this chapter is so short lol I hope you like it anyways!

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