Five: mother spider is very protective

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Peter looked over the notes again feeling his eyes getting heavy. He leaned into his arms as he yawned. He'd been up all night working. He heard movement behind him and he turned to face Natasha.

"Peter, go to bed kid." She walked over and sat next to him.

"If I sleep, we won't be any closer to finding out how you two are alive." She smiled at him and closed the book he was reading.

"You need sleep Peter, I know how much you need answers right now but this won't help if you are sleep deprived."

"I dont want to leave all these questions." Peter pulled his journal close and closed it looking away from Natasha. She sighed and grabbed his hands.

"Peter, it's almost four in the morning." Peter looked at the time and shrugged.

"I've pulled all nighters before."

"Not this time." She pulled him to his feet. "You are getting to bed." She dragged him up the stairs. "Oh by the way, I will not let you go to school tomorrow."

"You do realize I have to go in at seven right?"

"That's if you were going." She folded her arms across her chest. "You are running on no sleep, and stressed the fuck out. Go to sleep." Peter hugged her and smiled as he slowly opened the bedroom door.

"Thanks for caring so much." She smiled.

"Anytime Peter."

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