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"What is that?" I asked him. He sighed

"You can keep your job here and break up with Hyunjin or.. You can turn around and wipe that tear off your cheek"

"Huh?" I turned, The lights turned off, Hyunjin held a birthday cake

"Happy birthday Dambi!" Hyunjin smiled, everyone in the room began singing,
I stood up

"Make a wish" Hyunjin smiled.

I blew the candles and closed my eyes
I wish to be with you forever.

I smiled and looked at him

he handed me the cake.


I sat down on my couch and relaxed, I jumped at the sudden knock on my bottom door.

What if it's the sasaeng?

I bit my bottom lip and slowly crept to my door. I unlocked it and slowly crept toward the stairs, I looked down as the figure knocked again.

I ran down and unlocked it. Hyunjin entered quickly and shut the door behind him, he locked it as I jogged upstairs.

He quickly followed me up.

"What are you up to lately?" Hyunjin asked once we got inside my house, I looked around "Just relaxing or decorating" I smiled.

Hyunjin looked around then jogged to my kitchen

"Got any snacks?"

"Nope" I put my lips together as he opened the empty fridge

"oh." he looked at me "did you eat?"

"No.. I planned on getting groceries tomorrow and ordering today" I smiled.

He looked at the closed doors

"Which one is the bathroom?" he walked up to my bedroom door and opened it, he looked inside

"The other- one.." I mumbled as he walked inside my room.
He opened the closet and looked around

"What are you doing..?" I asked, he looked at me "Inspecting" he smiled.

I raised an eyebrow "Don't you have to go to the bathroom?"

He held his butt "YEP" he ran out and toward the bathroom.
I shook my head and sat down on my couch.

I scrolled through my ordering app to find something that stuck out, I ordered for two then turned on the television.


I snuggled with Hyunjin on the couch as we ate dinner and watched a movie, as it got later and later and we began to grow tired I got my bed ready for the two of us.

I sat down as he stood and waited for him to join me,
he walked over tiredly and plopped down, his arms immediately closed around me as we laid down.

When we woke up I got dressed

"You need to get some clothes to leave here" I looked at him, he looked through my closet "I guess so" he chuckled.

We got on our masks after I did my makeup then we headed to the store in his car.

As I got groceries he went clothes shopping, once we got back to my house he helped me bring stuff up then put it away.

I watched as he entered my room with his clothes then went to go make breakfast.

"Babe, do you have work today?" I spoke, "Later today" he replied opening the bedroom door.

I placed the food and some drinks on the table nearby then sat down.

I waited for Hyunjin to finish changing patiently.

After eating I handed him a spare key to my house then we went to work.

"Don't be too obvious." my coworkers voice floated around in my head

School was coming to an end, unlike the stalking. Though my house has not been leaked, it's still a possibility.

I walked into the music company after Stray Kids and some staff waving around as people shot pictures of me.

Is this what it feels like to be.. Loved?

One Kiss• HyunjinxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now