2: Fuckin' Hell

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The last 3-4 weeks had been weird to say the least, Limbo's daily routine was as followed, wake up, shower, annoy Ghost, gym with soap, get hit on by Alejandro and apologising after she pulled his ear like a mother, sparing with Gaz, cleaning guns with Rudy, shower, eat and try to sleep.

"Ay! Lassie" Soap whistled at her.

"Call me like a dog again Soap, I'll make sure I bite you like one" Limbo sneered back.

"Come on you know you love me" he winked playfully as they walked side by side into the gym. Towels on shoulders and water bottles in hand, they looked shocked when they walked in to see the rest of task force 141 in the gym too. "woah" Soap said stopping in his track. "Price you work out?"

"oh buzz off Soap" Price laughed. Limbo suddenly felt off, in her gym wear which consisted of some shorts and a sports bra with a loose tank jersey over it. Wrapping her arms around her abdomen she stepped into the gym. "Limbo glad to see you." Price gave her a warm smile.

All eyes were on her. She set her stuff down by the wall, normally when she was sparing with Gaz or training with Soap, she would take her restricting tank off, but she saw Alejandro's eyes on her. She stood still hugging her abdomen.

"Limbo-" Alejandro's eyes trailed on her before his sight was blocked by a protecting Gaz in front of her.

"thanks" she smiled sweetly at the man. "But you didn't need to, I can handle myself, you know that Kyle"

"I know trust me the way you knock me on my ass every day, but I could tell you where about to punch him and trust me you don't wanna do that in front of Price" he smiled back. She punched his shoulder lightly as he made his way over to a sparing mat he had placed on the floor. "Shall we. Give these tossers something to talk about." He gestured to the mat.

"oh you're on Gaz" she smiled wickedly practically ripping her top of. Limbo wasn't skinny, she was thick and buff, she looked like a modern god scar littered her arms and back like straw in a barn. And a single tattoo on her rib, 'heaven and hell' to insane tribute to the ones she sent to limbo or bardo or wherever they go when she ended them. Again, everyone's eyes were on her.

"Gaz mate you sure about this" Soap warned him.

"I've got her this time" Kyle said standing on the opposite side of the mat.

"ooo oh this is gonna be fun, no backing out now Gaz, no holding back." She smiled.

"yes ma'am" he stood feet squared, hands up ready to fight.

"I'll give you a freebie Gaz come and get it" her eyes turned to venom, her aura around her dark and powerful, she was a god to meek men, muscle toned body and tall stance. The air around the gym felt tight as all of the task force watched them. Gaz rushed, he swung a powerful right. Limbo was quick on her feet avoiding the attack grabbing his wrist and pulling him forward, he stubbled. "rushing in again Gaz, didn't you learn from before" she laughed like a villain. The adrenaline she got from fighting was pumping in her veins like pure oxygen. She was feeling kind of high. She was quick like a fox slick and not seen as she grabbed him by the shoulders wrapping her arms around his neck, flipping them backwards as they where falling, limbo rotated and landed on Gaz's chest with him under her. Gaz let out a groan in pain and the gasp of the air leaving his lungs as (Y/n) sat restricting his air take in as he heaved. 

"take me to dinner first Limbo" Kyle laughed.

"you wish." She laughed getting of him "up again, don't rush this time."  (Y/n) rolled her shoulders stretching them after, she was warming up nicely, Gaz was a horrible fighter most big men are, they may make a heavy fighter hurt like a bitch if you get hit but they weren't good.  Gaz stood moving towards her, she stood watching his every muscle move trying to predict where he would strike.

Limbo // Simon "Ghost" Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now