To Tell You A Secret

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America was pacing back and forth, his black raven wings fluffed up, sweating, and anxious.. He was so scared to tell Soviet about his stupid condition.. How would he take it? What would he think? Would he hate him? The two of them were close friends and managed to hold their friendship all the way through the Cold War.. Soviet smiled. "So what did you wish to tell me, America?" America started to panic and rub the round rock in his pocket. "I.. I.. please don't hate me after this.." Soviet looked shocked and surprised. "What no never! Nothing you could ever do would make me hate you." America held his breath with his wings pinned to his back. "Promise.." Soviet got down on his knees to look less scary.

"I absolutely promise and I will not tell anyone." America nodded at Soviet's words trying to steady his breathing more. "I.. I.. I have.. a condition.. that due to trauma and something in my brain. Makes me believe I'm much younger than I actually am.. and I.. I.. I.. I had.. a caregiver at one point.. but.. they.." America started to hyperventilate and Soviet gently took America's hand. "Yes." America looked at him confused, and through shaky breaths said, "Yes?" Soviet gently rubbed his thumb against America's hand. "Yes, I'll help you. Do you want to sit in my lap?"

America blushed, nodded, curled into Soviet, and tried to keep his wings out of Soviet's face. "Do you want to tell me anything more America?" America nodded and he started to calm down. "The condition is called Age Regression. I had a previous caregiver but they.. passed away long ago and I was always too afraid of getting attached to anyone else." Soviet nodded "Do you mind if i play with your hair?" America shook his head then realized Soviet might not understand what he ment. "No I don't mind." America said in a hushed tone and Soviet gently ran his hand through America's hair. "And if I understand this you basically want me to be a parent. When you are like that?" America nodded looking away embarrassed.

Soviet smiled and nodded. "Yeah I can do that." America smiled and hugged Soviet. "Thank you." America whispered into Soviet jacket as Soviet stood up holding America in his arms, as Soviet smiled realizing America's wings were stretched out a bit and relaxed. "No problem, hell I can even live with you if you like! Not like I have anything to do anymore. All of my kids are grown and I no longer have a country." America looked shocked and smiled. "Wait really!?" Soviet chuckled at America’s joy because his happiness was so infectious. "Of course! I would love to live with my best friend! And if it also helps you then that's double cool." America hugged Soviet and started to cry. Soviet just happily held America and gently made sure not to touch his wings.

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