A Big Day

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After Soviet had lived with America for a couple of months the two of them had grown rather close. It was one of Soviet's birthdays. He and America went out to eat at one of Soviet's favorite restaurants. "I can't believe I moved in with you 5 months ago!" America giggled. "I can't believe humanity made it to the year 1994!" Soviet giggled and nodded as he ordered his meal: Red wine, with a spicy alfredo spaghetti pasta bowl, with shrimp; and America ordered the same drink, but with a medium rare steak, with buttered mash potatoes.

"I thank you for everything Soviet." America said, embarrassed. "Of course, anything to help." America nodded and kinda played with the bread in his hands and Soviet notice. "Is everything alright America?" America sighed and shook his head. "I.. want to ask you a question but I'm worried you'd hate me.." Soviet sighed. "America, there is literally nothing in this world you could really do to make me hate you. You'd have to kill one of my kids to do that." America bit the roll in his hand and swallowed. "You sure that's all?" Soviet thought. "Or abuse me, but you, do that? Don't make me laugh." 

America nodded and took a breath. "Soviet, are you interested in having a relationship?" Soviet blinked. "Ey?" America took a deep breath. "Do you. Want..to..be.." America mumbled the  Relationship part, and Soviet blinked and thought for a second. "Is..is that even possible without it being weird?" America looked down, then looked over. "Foods coming, we'll pick up the conversation later."

After they ate; they stayed for a bit. "Sooo. Do you want to pick up that conversation again?" America sighed and nodded. "I know; dating a little, one you take care of, and the fact they are also the same gender as you.." Soviet nodded and sighed. "The same gender thing doesn't bother me as much as it does others. But the fact that I am your caregiver does..but that tends to happen to most lovers, right? Where they become the caregiver of the one they love if they have any conditions." America nodded and smiled as he messed with his dessert, a chocolate lava fudge cake he had got a bit ago. 

"So is that a maybe?" America asked excitedly, with anticipation clinging to his chest. "It's.. not a hard no..maybe if we get you in to see someone that could help with any underlying issues.." America scoffed. "I'm perfectly healthy. It's just a giant stress reliever." Soviet shook his head and started standing up. "Then I'm sorry, it's a no." America grabbed Soviet's hand. "What do you mean no?!" America asked, trying not to raise his voice.

"If forcing your hand, America, is the only way to get you to go see a professional, so be it. I will break it, I want to make sure you are healthy in every way, but you have kept fighting me every step of the way. If this is the only way I can possibly have you go see anyone and be honest with your issues, so be it." Soviet said as he looked at the man across from him. America sighed and stood up. "..at home.. We'll talk about it at home."

The two got back, and once they took their boots and coats off, America burst. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D DO THAT TO ME!!!" Soviet sighed, but didn't say anything. "HOLDING OUR POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP OVER MY HEAD TO SEE SOME FUCKING MENTAL DOCTOR! WHAT THE FUCK SOVIET WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING!? I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!" America yelled, enraged that someone he loved would pull this shit on him..then he noticed Soviet crying.

"I'm sorry..I truly just..wanted to help.." Soviet said, upset that he had hurt America. America stopped yelling and sighed whilst he walked over and brushed the hair away from Soviet's hands, which were covering his face. "I.." America took a breath. "I know, but the way you went about it… it's manipulative Soviet, and you know it. I know you were trying to do something good, but please..never do that again. I felt..very upset that you were using our relationship like that. I know you're worried, I know you want to help me, I know you care deeply, and I know on some level the amount of stress I'm under isn't healthy. But ultimately, I have to make that decision..and I'm so scared of doing it. I..I will go, but I'm not ready yet. Maybe when the world's far more open and everything has..quilted down. Alright."

Soviet nodded, still apologizing heavily for making America feel hurt. America gently sat down with Soviet on the couch and cuddled him to help them both calm down. Once Soviet did, he explained that he had read some things that made him very worried, and America assured Soviet that; yes he did have some dark thoughts, but that's all they were to him. Thoughts in an ever flowing sea of them, and with Soviet around, there are far less of those mean thoughts. Soviet nodded, still worried, but now with better understanding that, for America, it really is just a de-stressor to him.. but there was a tiny nagging voice that there could be something darker. But Soviet shook his head and held America close.

"I swear to you. I will be your shield. Tell me anything, love and I will protect you." Soviet said and America smiled and nodded then broke when he realized that Soviet said love. "IS THAT A YESS!!!???" America asked excitedly, and Soviet nodded and gently kissed America's forehead. Who squealed with joy and curled up into the mountain, sized, red, commi boi, that is his new boyfriend.

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