Nightmares, Castles, and Knights

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America and Soviet had been together for about three weeks but America still wasn't fully comfortable letting him sleep in his nest. Though America was far more comfortable letting him sit next to it. Then Soviet woke up to hearing America crying. He got up to check on him as his crying wasn't normal. Soviet poked his head into America's room to find him curled up and crying in his nest cuddling his little bear plush Soviet won him at a fair. 

He slowly opened the door and quietly walked over and sat down not too far but not next to America's nest. "Hey honey bunny what's wrong?" Soviet said in a calm caring whisper causing America to look at him from under the covers. "Uhna." America said sadly and Soviet nodded. "Do you want to tell me what happened Honey?" America looked down and cuddled into the blankets.

"Nightmare.." America mumbled quietly. Soviet gently moved to make himself a bit more open so America, if he wanted, could cuddle into him easier. "Do you want to tell me what it was about?" America shook his head no. "Do you just not want to say it or do you not want to tell me about it at all in any way?" America beeped once and Soviet nodded. "Do you wanna play 50 questions or do you wanna draw what happened?" America wiggled around a bit then beeped once this caused Soviet to sigh and stretch. 

"Alright. Was it about war?" America beeped twice and Soviet nodded. "Was it about being little?" America was quiet then beeped once and Soviet nodded. "Was it about being hurt for being little?" America sighed and wiggled into Soviet's lap partly this move caused Soviet to gently move closer to make America more comfortable. "I see.. is that why you didn't come to my bedroom?" America nodded and Soviet sighed. "Are you alright with me touching your head honey?" America nodded but seemed a little.. unsure. Soviet smiled. "It's ok. You can move my hand if you'd be uncomfortable with you moving my hand." America looked up happily, nodded, and gently grabbed Soviet's big red hand. Then just happily started playing with his big hand.

Soviet giggled as Ame played with his hand that was then placed onto Ame’s head by Ame himself. "Ame." Soviet said to get his attention, which he was successful at because Ame looked up at him. "I just want to let you know. That I will never hate you or hurt you no matter what those mean dreams say." Ame smiled and fully cuddled into Soviet and Soviet giggled. "Do you wanna go get snacks Ame?" Ame jumped up and stumbled over himself a bit and then happily trotted downstairs.

Soviet walked a bit behind the giggling American and when Soviet got off the stairs he noticed Ame staring into the mirror, "Is everything alright Ame?" Ame looked oddly at Soviet, "Why is there a weird mirror in here and why does it make me… soo….. big……" Ame ask as he turn to stare at Soviet and Soviet chuckled he couldn't help it, Ame's face was just.. hilarious. "You ok Ame?" He started to freak out, "How can I reach areas I shouldn't?! Why are.. MY wings!! There SOOO BIG!!!!" Soviet walked over and gently helped him sit down. "You'll be ok. You just got bigger. Because you're strong and cool." Ame nodded and smiled but still was worried because he could help but ask. "Are.. you telling the truth?" Soviet nodded and let Ame cuddle into him and he gently rocked back and forth, "Can.. Can we go get the snack now?" Ame asked and Soviet picked him up and took him to the kitchen.

Soviet happily made Ame some dino nuggets with strawberries and Ame was a very happy giggly boy. After the two ate they both walked over to the basement steps Ame looked up to Sov. "Mmm carry?" Soviet nodded and picked up Ame and walked down the steps. Soviet got downstairs and opened the basement door to the adult version of a child's playground. He cracked a smile and set his lover down so he could go play, which he happily did. Then Soviet remembered that he had to remind Ame to do his journal, so, "Don't forget to do your journal, my little freedom fighter." Ame nodded and smiled then happily went back to playing with the lego cops and robbers. Soviet chuckled and grabbed a fake sword and put on a mask, "Hello there Chosen One." Ame bounced up and tried to roll to get his fake sword but umm.. he very much over shot that roll. Soviet couldn't help but snort a bit at this over shooting of the roll.

"Are you ok there Ame?" The American jumped up kind of still confused and disoriented about his new found height. "Yeah I'm fine!" Ame said as he picked up the sword and raised it up, "NOW…umm wait what are we doing?" Soviet smiled, "I'm a big bad bear who's going to eat the Princess." Ame looked confused and tilted his head, "But bears can't talk or hold a sword." Soviet thought for a second, "Well I'm a magical bear." Ame smiled, "That makes sense. Well magical bear prepared to lose for I'm the chosen knight by the great silver sword to slay you and save the princess!" The two battled and eventually Soviet let Ame hit and 'kill' him, "Ah!" Soviet screamed as he fell onto the floor, "You may have beaten me oh Chosen One of the Silver Blade but I was merely a distraction! The princess is now in another castle with the great Soviet Union and his dastardly plan is coming to fruition to marry the princess to gain control over the kingdom then kill her!!" Soviet laughed as he acted as if he was dying. 

Ame looked a bit angry and looked around, "Well you could have told me the directions before you died.." Soviet sat up, "Oh it's right over there about half a mile can't miss it! It's the black castle with lava, thunder, and lightning all around it not to be confused with Dracula's castle right next to it." Ame nodded, "Ok now go back to being dead." Soviet made the death sound all over again and Ame walked to the other side of the room and sat down as Soviet stood up and made the maze and door to the castle. Ame went through the maze after Soviet set it up thinking it would be easier because he's somehow taller then he should be but he choked that up to magic but it was oddly still hard to get through it. And once Ame reached the doors to the castle he opened them and walked in and sat down waiting for Soviet to construct the room. Soviet behind Ame constructed the main room and made it look like there were other rooms coming off of it. Ame explored and Soviet built and played the henchmen Ame fought to get to the main bad guy finally he got to the throne room and Soviet cleared his throat, 

"You have arrived just in time you see the princess up at the altar about to say I do but once you scream stop she turns to look at you," Soviet raised his voice to a higher pitch, "OH Great Knight you came at last! Please save me!!" Soviet dropped his voice back down but added a menissing growl and dipped into his accent more, "Ah, you've finally arrived!" Soviet said with an evil laugh and Ame lifted his sword, "You go down NOW!" Soviet chuckled, "Then come!" Ame ran at Soviet and he blocked his attack and this happened several times back and forth then Ame took a 'devastating' strike. "HA! LOOK HOW WEAK YOUR CHOSEN KNIGHT IS!!" Soviet said in a hollowing evil laugh as the princess cried and begged for her Knight to get back up. After a bit Ame stood up and Soviet just walked over and 'stepped' on him, "Pathetic thing! Stay down!" Ame let his body lay on the floor but then the princess let out a magical burst that threw the power of love to save her knight! And with her magic now unlocked she and her knight together took on and beat the evil king.

"The princess and the Knight lived happily ever after the end." Soviet said as he kissed Ame's forehead, "Now go write in your journal about your newest adventure." Ame nodded and yawned as he walked over to his nest, grabbed his journal, wrote in it, and then fell asleep. Soviet rubbed Ame's wings and waited for his adorable lover to waken from his little nap. 

America eventually woke up an hour later and looked around and smiled, "I hate you." He said with a chuckle, "I know." Soviet said getting a kiss from his now sitting up lover. "Sooo where did I throw my child dairy this time?" Soviet chuckled, "Under the pillow love." America laughed, "WHICH One I haVE FIve!!" Soviet facepalmed a bit at himself, "Oh right the blue and green fluffy one." America nodded, pulling it out, "Thank you." America added a snicker at the end. Soviet picked up his lover, "How about we go upstairs?~" America gave Soviet a playful light smack on the arm, "Soviet no, you know I have to wait an hour just to make sure I don't slip again." Soviet chuckled, "I know just playing around with you love." America nodded, "Well how about you make jokes as you make us... uhh.. lunch??" America said not actually knowing what time or even day it was.

"Lunch and it's the same day love." Soviet said, noticing his lover's confusion. "Thank you." America said, playing with Soviet's jacket. "Pancakes?" Soviet said. "Pancakes." America said in agreement and with that they had maple syrup covered pancakes.

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