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(I'll be fast forwarding the story now for another time! So this is now the JJK0 arc! Spoilers ahead!)

(Maki POV)

"Did you hear the new two students coming here?" Panda said. "One of the students stuffed four people into a locker and the other one was held captive and trained secretly over the past years!" Panda said spilling some info from Yaga.

"You mean one of the transfer students killed the four stuffed students?" I asked. "Nah, the where seriously injured." Panda answered. "Benito flakes." Toge said.

"Well, if he mouths off, I'll put him into his place." I threatened the trabfured student even if he's not in from of me. "Katsuobushi!" Toge said.


CHAPTER .1. The Cursed Child

The door was busted open by our anoyying teacher, Gojo-sensei.
"Everyone! Get fired up!! Transfer student coming through!!"
Gojo shouted but no fired up students.
"I heard he's a moody kid doesn't he. But sorry there's no way I'll be fired up by him." I said.

Panda stayed quiet. "Salmon." Toge agreed. Gojo sighed. "Ah, well... Whatever... Come in!" Gojo shouted at the door. 'I'll just ignore him.' I thought inside.

(Yn POV)

I was standing next to a black haired boy with coal eyes like mine and baggy eyes. Seems like he never got any sleep. Look so basic too. We both heard a faint 'Come in!' From... Hojo? Gojio? Gojo! Ah yes Gojo!

The black haired boy opened the door first. Once he took a step. Everything. Even me. Went dark. Heavy cursed energy. I took a step making it worst.

A strange creature was shown behind him.



veryone but not Gojo stood up and attacked us before the black haired boy said his name. I didn't even get to introduce myself. Unfair.

A spear(?) Was stabbed on the chalkboard cutting a string of the black haired boys hair. "Hey!" A feminine voice that sounded like they were angery. I turned my head around and see a green haired girl with her hair tieded up to a pony-tail.

"Your both cursed. There's no place like you curses to be here. This place is only to learn curses, not for the curse to come here." The green-nett said, warning the both of us but it didn't scare me.

My face was like a line. My lips were a line and my eyes still have that rust ever since that 'accident' happen in my life. "In Japan, the numbers of people who die mysteriously or go missing is, on average, over 10,000 a year." Gojo explained the jujutsu world.

The five people turned to the white haired dork and shot him an confused look. "W-What!? Why didn't he said that earlier!?" The black haired boy said. "What? He didn't tell him?" The three sorcerers said.

Gojo put his hand up. "Sorry." Gojo apologized. "Ah, yea you should get away from him by now." Gojo warned the three confusing the three. "?".

A big hand was coming through the chalkboard and grabbing the spear.
" 𝐃𝗼 𝐧𝗼𝐭...! 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲... 𝐘𝐔𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀𝐀!!" The arm was about to grab the three sorcerers but the hand was cutted by me. Before, I summond a sword with bells, pitch black with golds ends and golden helt.

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