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(Yn POV)

I open my eyes. My eyes hurt. They sting like hundreds of needles piercing in me.

I groan in pain and very uncomfortable. I look down and see Maki, Panda, and Toge. They look at me in shock. Maki was on my lap sleeping. Toge shook Maki while I close my eyes.

"Fish flakes!" Toge said shaking Maki. "What?!" Maki said. Toge pointed at Me looking at them. I smiled. "Where's Yuta...?" I asked. My voice stinged too very raspy that I haven't got any water for ever.

"He's in a mission right now." Panda said. I humed. "Yn... Was it true you are a devil?" Maki asked. "Hmm... Yes... I am the recantation of the Darkness Devil himself." I said.

"Gojo wasn't lying. No one in the school knows only Shoko and Gojo. But now you guys know and the other staff and teachers know. They might kill me..." I said sadly. "But I don't think I will die since I am the strongest." I said with confident. "Wait I thought Gojo -sensei was the strongest...?" Panda said. "Nah, he has the Six-eyes and the Limitless but it can't surpasses my techniques that I have as a Devil. I'm like a God for example but I don't recall myself as one too." I said.

I signed." How many days has it gone by since I knocked out?" I asked. "Hmm... 5 days." Panda said. "I was shock." Okay..." I said closing my eyes.









Z z z z...

"She's sleeping?" Panda whispers. "Yeah." Maki said. The three walked out of the room looking at me sleeping peacefully.

(No ones POV)

The three walked out and see Gojo walking to them."Gojo-sensei, is there something wrong?" Maki asked. "No, its just that the staff members have a plan. Maki and Yuta stay in the school with Yn while she recovers and Panda , Toge you two will go to Kyoto, got it?" Gojo said. The three nodded.

~~~~~ (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧~~~~~

(Back to yn POV)

My dream...

I opened my eyes and see I was in a field of green grass lands but the sky was full of doors going forwards and backwards quickly. Once door was stopped and was opened to a black blob falling out.


The black blob hit the ground making everything go black. I looked down facing away the Darkness Devil infront of me. A vision of astronauts with their half bodys cut and their hands into a praying position.

I closed my eyes as sweat falls. The darkness devils presents was in front of me. A heavy dark feeling of the fear if the Unknown. I took a deep breath. Getting my thoughts clear.

"Is there something wrong?" Devil said. I bowed on the floor. "Please... Please heal my body... I want to live." Tears fell off my face. The Darkness devil crouched to my level. "No need to worrie. I'm here for you." The darkness devil said. "戻る" Darkness devil command.

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