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(Yall I just found out what a thot means... Ummm...)

(Yn POV)

My door was knocked really hard making me jolt up. "Yn!!! Wakey wakey!" Gojo said. I turned around and cover both of my ears.

I got up and stretched my hair. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. '8:15' I sighed.

I grabbed a towl and got I side the shower.


I got my clothes on and went to area they wanted me to meet them four.
When I finally met them I saw a girl with brown short hair.

Gojo saw me and waved."Yo! Yn!" Gojo greeted. "Sup" I said. "Our next stop...!" The two of them bowed waiting for their answers. I turns around to Megumi and stand next to him.

"What are they doing?" I asked."if your wondering that girl name is Nobara Kugizaki and Gojo is talking about the next stop that's all." Megumi explained. I sighed like the 100th time of the day.

"Roppongi!" Gojo said. "ROP-PON-GI!" Novara and Yuji said together. Anddd..... Is was...... A lie


"There are curses here aren't there." Megumi said. "YOU LIER!" Nobara and Yuji said again. Gojo chuckled. I went to the two and patted their head. "Don't worry. I'll take you there." I smiled. "Really Yn-senpai!???" Yuji said. Nobara turned around to look at Yuji. "Wait she our Senpai?" Nobara asked. Yuji nodded.

I chuckled a bit. "My name is Yn." I said. "My names Kugizaki Nobara. I'm happy I'm not the only woman here." Nobara smiled.


(Ima time skip the fighting sorry y'all but yea)

"Good work guys!" I said."So what do you guys wanna eat?" Gojo said. "STEAK!" "SUSHI!" Yuji and Nobara shouted out. "And you Yn?" Gojo asked."I would like... (Y/F/F)" I said. "And you too, Megumi?" Gojo asked again to megumi but megumi ignored Gojo.

"Okay, anyways." Gojo said while the three of us walked I turned and tapped Megumi." Let's go gumi." I said.




(An: this is abit short so I'm sorry because I wanna end it and ummm cut the fighting part because yn is not gonna be in the fighting part sooooooo. Sorry!)


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