Chapter 1

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Okay, the first chapter of this story is the same as the rough draft, but that's because of how good it originally was. The rest of the story will be different. Besides, you guys have waited long enough for this chapter.

Clark Kent was currently standing out on the porch of the farmhouse of his childhood home in Smallville Kansas, trying to calm himself down after the series of weird, even by his standards, dreams that he'd had earlier that night also for the past couple of nights.

"Clark." his wife, Lois Lane said to him as she walked out onto the porch, a blanket wrapped around her body as she did.

"Hey, I didn't want to wake you. I know you need your rest." Clark said and Lois chuckled.

"You don't get to start trying to treat me like an invalid until I start showing, which won't be for another month." Lois said, since she was currently 2 months pregnant.

"Can't wait for number three." Clark said.

"Who will be the last one." Lois said, looking at Clark.

"You do know that's more of a you thing since what you're thinking of won't work on me." Clark reminded her.

"I know. But seriously Clark, you think I was really able to get any rest with you tossing and turning around in bed next to me?" Lois asked and Clark sighed.

"I know. I just wish I could figure out why I keep having these dreams." Clark said.

"Why don't you tell me what they're about." Lois said and Clark nodded.

"They don't feel like dreams, more like memories, that aren't mine. Memories of me putting Lex in jail and fighting alongside Kara, who had finally put on a cape, along with a guy who was wearing a bright red suit and could run even faster than I can. The memories feel so real, but they can't be." Clark said.

"Maybe you should go to the Fortress, see if your dad can help you put some of the pieces together." Lois said and Clark nodded.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Something tells me that whatever this is, it won't stop until I get to the bottom of it." Clark said.

"Then go." Lois said and Clark nodded before flying off, leaving Lois on the porch.

When Clark arrived at the Fortress (the same version of the Fortress from Supergirl), he found Kelex waiting for him.

"Greetings Master Kal. How may I assist you?" Kelex asked.

"I need to speak with my father's AI." Clark said.

"Of course." Kelex said as he floated away and suddenly, a hologram of Clark's kryptonian father Jor-El appeared before him.

"Father." Clark said and Jor-El smiled at him.

"Hello my son. What troubles you?" Jor-El asked him.

"Lately, I've been having dreams. Strange dreams. Like memories of a life I never lived." Clark said.

"How very odd. Let me see if I can find the cause." Jor-El said as he proceeded to scan Clark.

"Well?" Clark asked after the scan was completed.

"Well, this is fascinating. According to these readings, it's as if you're suffering from some sort of temporal dysplasia. It's as if your memories are being affected from some kind of alternate timeline, though that should not be possible." Jor-El said.

"Those memories are not from an alternate timeline." a new voice said and Clark turned to see a man that he'd heard stories about standing there.

"Mar Novu." Clark said.

"You know of me?" Novu asked.

"I've heard stories from across the galaxy about you. None of them good." Clark said.

"Son, do not attempt to engage him. His power is greater than even yours." Jor-El warned.

"And I am not here to fight you Kal-El. I am here simply to provide answers." Novu said.

"What answers?" Clark demanded.

"The memory fragments you're seeing, they are not from an alternate timeline. They're from an alternate reality. One that no longer exists. But I can restore your full memory of it." Novu said.

"Can you stop these flashes?" Clark asked.

"Not without restoring the memories. Now that you somehow managed to crack open the door separating your memories of this reality from the memories of the old one, it won't stay closed. The flashes will just keep coming until they overwhelm you and they will become painful. The only solution is to open the door now and let the memories come flooding in. Do not worry, it will not affect your memories of this reality, but I think that you need to know the truth. Especially since your cousin trusted me enough to allow to do the same to her." Novu said, telling a version of the truth.

"Kara trusts you?" Clark asked.

"That might be a bit too much, but she knows I would never intentionally harm a champion of this earth. May I?" Novu asked.

"These memory flashes really won't stop if you don't?" Clark asked.

"I'm afraid not. And eventually they will not just appear during your dreams, they will appear during the day." Novu said and Clark sighed.

"Do it then. Open the door." Clark said and Novu nodded as he placed his hand to Clark's temple and sure enough, he was able to bring Clark's pre-Crisis memories back.

"Are you alright?" Jor-El's hologram asked his son once the process was complete.

"Yeah, that was just a lot to take in." Clark said as he looked at Novu.

"Is the Crisis really over?" Clark asked.

"As far as I can. The Anti Monitor appears to have been defeated and this new world was created as a result. And now that you are aware of the old universe, you can help defend it, alongside your cousin and the other champions of this world." Novu said.

"I remember the old world, but I still have my memories of this one." Clark asked him.

"It's complicated." Novu said.

"Sounds typical of you. But those memory flashes are done?" Clark asked and Novu nodded.

"And now I will be taking my leave." Novu said as he vanished.

"Are you sure you're alright my son?" Jor-El asked.

"Yeah dad, I'm fine. And I need to get going." Clark said as he flew out of the Fortress.

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