Chapter 23

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After getting her powers back, before he'd let her leave, Clark insisted on making sure that she could control her strength, especially since he knew she wanted to confront Kyle about what she'd learned at the fair and he needed to be sure that she wouldn't accidentally kill him or expose her powers to him, since she was rusty.

"Clark, this isn't necessary. I remember how to control my strength." Lana said.

"Then you'll have no problem indulging me. We both know how our powers are triggered by our emotions and I'm sure you're feeling some pretty strong ones towards Kyle. We need to be sure that you won't lose control, especially since it's been so long since you've had powers." Clark said.

"Okay then, how do you want to do this?" Lana asked.

"Fight me." Clark said.

"Wait, you want mom to fight Superman? Are you serious?" Sarah asked, thinking that was crazy, but to her shock, Lana just grinned as she supersped forward and punched Clark in the gut.

"Whoa." Sarah said as she quickly pulled out her phone to record this since she'd need to show Jon and Jordan this fight for proof.

"You've been wanting to do that for a while haven't you?" Clark asked her with a grin, which Lana returned.

"You have no idea. Now, let's see what else I remember." Lana said as she then proceeded to fire her heat vision at him, only for Clark to dodge with ease.

"You may not be as rusty as I thought, but I've still got a lot more experience than you do now." Clark said.

"Good thing I'm not trying to beat you. I just want to see what I can do. Make sure I know what I'm doing." Lana said.

"Right." Clark said as he let Lana get a few more shots in on him, though since he'd still been absorbing solar radiation for a much longer amount of time, he barely felt her hits, though it was clear that Lana was enjoying herself.

"Maybe we should try something else." Clark said as he grabbed Lana's fist.

"What do you mean?" Sarah asked.

"Kelex, pull up Jordan's training program." Clark said.

"Right away master Kal." Kelex said as suddenly a holographic list of all of Clark's different enemies.

"Whoa, what is this?" Sarah asked.

"It's what I use to train Jordan to control his powers. AIs of all my enemies. Kind of like a video game simulator." Clark said.

"Oh, something I can punch with ease." Lana said with ease.

"Take your pick on who you want to fight." Clark said, showing her a list of choices of his enemies, including Atomic Skull, Equus, Mechano-Man, Titano, Zod, Parasite, Bloodsport and Brainiac.

"Damn, quite the selection you have." Lana said, looking through the list.

"I've got no shortage of enemies to choose from. Which one do you want to fight?" Clark asked Lana.

"How about Maxima." Lana said with a grin as Clark groaned.

"Seriously, of all of my enemies, you choose the one who came here to marry me." Clark groaned.

"Wait, what?" Sarah asked, since this was one Superman story she had to hear.

"Maxima is the former queen of the planet Almerac, since she decided that the only man in the universe worthy of her was me." Clark said as Sarah burst out laughing.

"Really Sarah?" Clark asked.

"No, I'm just laughing because that chick came all the way here from another planet just to get rejected. And I'm guessing she didn't take it well?" Sarah asked.

"That would be an understatement, considering she's currently locked up in a top secret government facility for going on a rampage in Metropolis and nearly bringing war to earth if I hadn't had put her away." Clark said.

"Really?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, but I don't think that Clark was supposed to tell you about the top secret government thing, since technically, while Superman knows, I doubt that Clark Kent, even if he is the son-in-law of DOD general." Lana said.

"True. Besides, while I do some work with Sam's division, I don't work with the government that much. Not like my cousin does." Clark said as he pulled up Maxima's hologram.

"Don't tell Lois about this, just because she hates Maxima and I don't want her to know that my AI has a hologram of her, even if it's only for training purposes." Clark said.

"Does Jordan know?" Lana asked.

"No. And you can't tell him either." Clark said.

"Done." Sarah said and Lana agreed as Clark started the simulation so Lana could start training.

"Dad, are you there?" Clark asked as his father's AI appeared.

"Greetings son, Ms. Lang. Who is this?" Jor-El asked as Lana began sparring with the Maxima hologram.

"This is Lana's daughter Sarah and she's begun developing Kryptonian powers. I need you to run scans on her to find out how similar her situation is to Jordan's." Clark said.

"Right away." Jor-El said.

"Wait, do I need to undress for that?" Sarah asked, thinking that this was like a doctor's appointment and she was not comfortable with Mr. Kent seeing her like that, but Clark chuckled.

"No, that's not necessary. The only reason your mom did it earlier was just because of what she was doing. A scan is much less invasive and requires less exposure." Clark assured her as Jor-El ran his blue scanning light over her for a few minutes.

"Scan complete, it will take some time to analyze all the data." Jor-El said.

"Then in the meantime, why don't you start giving Sarah a history lesson. Starting with the history of Krypton." Clark said.

"Oh come on, there's homework?" Sarah complained and Clark chuckled.

"Don't worry, there are no tests or anything like that. But if you're gonna use the powers, then you need to know about your heritage. It's kind of a two for thing." Clark told her.

"He's right Sarah. I'll continue your education at home, but Jor-El can start it." Lana said as she continued her sparring with AI Maxima and she was doing well. It was just like riding a bike after all.

"Okay then. Let us begin." Jor-El said as he brought up a hologram of Krypton and began to teach Sarah about her people.

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