Chapter 20

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Jonathan was keeping an eye on Jordan, since his brother had been a bit of a pill lately, especially since Jonathan had started to show his super intelligence and their dad had started sharing his kryptonian heritage with him too and now they were walking down Main Street at the street fair, though Jonathan did wish that Jordan would grow up so that he could go hang out with his friends, since right now he just felt like an unpaid babysitter.

However, he was pulled from his thoughts when he followed his brother's line of sight and groaned when he saw that Jordan was staring at Sarah Cushing and her girlfriend Aubrey and Jonathan was worried about what his idiot brother would do, since he had a not so secret crush on Sarah and he was not taking the fact that she was with someone else very well.

"Dude, whatever you're thinking, just turn around and walk away." Jon said, trying to subtly get Sarah's attention to get her to move before Jordan made an ass out of himself.

"You don't trust me to keep my cool?" Jordan asked his brother.

"Not one bit. Now come on. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be around Sarah until you get over your crush." Jonathan said.

"I can handle it." Jordan insisted, getting angry at his brother.

"Jordan, for once, let go of your ego and let Sarah have her happiness, even if it's not with you." Jon said.

"Jon, you know how I feel about her." Jordan said, not taking his eyes off Sarah.

"And she's made it clear that your advances are not wanted or welcome. Dude, you have to let this go before you end up doing something that gets you arrested. And dude, you should be glad you don't have x-ray vision yet, because if you did, with the way you're staring at Sarah, mom would kill you. Then dad would kill you. Basically a lot of people would kill you." Jonathan told him.

"Jon, let me do this." Jordan said.

"Just because you have super strength does not mean I won't kick your ass if you don't back off." Jonathan said as Sarah finally got his message and quickly moved herself and Aubrey away.

"You tipped her off." Jordan accused.

"You're damn right I did and I wouldn't have had to if you could stop acting like a child. You need to grow up Jordan." Jonathan said, actually smacking his brother over the head, since he was done with his brother's attitude and he was done making excuses for him as he walked away.

"Thanks for that heads up. Where's your brother now?" Sarah asked Jonathan as he joined her and Aubrey.

"Don't know, don't care. Honestly, I'm done with him. Hope you don't mind a third wheel." Jonathan said.

"Of course not. Besides, we owe you for making sure your brother didn't cause a scene." Aubrey said, welcoming Jon.

"Thanks." Jon said.

"What is Jordan's deal anyways? Lately he's been a real jerk." Sarah said.

"Trust me, I wish I knew. But I know that my parents aren't going to tolerate it much longer." Jonathan said.

"I hope not. I miss when we could all hang out as friends." Sarah said.

"So anyways, how have you been doing lately? Especially since we're coming up on the one year anniversary of." Jon said, trying to find the right way to say it.

"It's okay, you can say divorce. And honestly, I know I took it pretty hard back then, but honestly, that was partially because it was so soon after I came out to my parents as bi. But Aubrey has really helped and so have you Jon." Sarah said to him gratefully.

"Happy to help." Jon said with a smile, right as he noticed Sarah's dad with his parents' co worker Chrissy Beppo.

"Hey, look, there's your dad." Jon said, not noticing the look on Aubrey's face as Sarah's face darkened at the sight of her dad with his girlfriend.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Sarah said angrily as she stormed over to her father and it did not take Jon long to figure it out.

"Oh, don't tell me?" Jon asked, looking at Aubrey.

"If you're thinking that Ms. Beppo is Sarah's dad's new girlfriend that he's making her keep secret from her mom and now he brought his new girlfriend to the fair where her mom is and I'm betting he still hasn't told her." Aubrey said.

"Okay, we should probably." Jon said.

"Yeah." Aubrey said as the two rushed forward to where Sara was currently letting her father have it.

"How could you do this? Take your girlfriend out on a date in public when you haven't even told mom yet when you're expecting me to keep my mouth shut about it." Sarah yelled at her father.

"Sarah, calm down. This is not the time or place for this discussion." Kyle said, trying to calm his daughter down.

"No dad, it's not bad enough that you had to destroy our family, but you forced me to help you keep another secret from her." Sarah yelled.

"Sarah." Kyle said, right as Jon and Aubrey and to everyone's surprise, Jordan, rushed up to pull Sarah away.

"Sarah, calm down." Aubrey said as Jon turned to his brother.

"What are you doing?" Jon asked him.

"Look at Sarah's eyes." Jordan muttered and Jon did that and he immediately saw what caused Jordan to step in, since it looked like Sarah's eyes were starting to glow a very familiar red. The same red Jordan's eyes glowed whenever he used his heat vision.

"Sarah, you need to calm down. Jordan, go find mom and dad and maybe Ms. Lang." Jon said and Jordan understood his brother's point and nodded as he ran at normal speed away to go tell their parents while Jon and Aubrey continued to try and pull Sarah away.

"No, you have some nerve moving on so quickly while mom is still hurting and you've even had me hurt her just to cover for you because you don't have the guts to tell her how quickly you moved on after you hurt her." Sarah shouted as people started to stare and Chrissy started to look uncomfortable.

"Sarah, that's enough." Lana said as she and Clark joined them with Jordan next to them and from the looks on their faces, Jordan had told them about what he and Jon had seen and it was clearly starting to happen again and they knew why.

"Mom." Sarah said as suddenly became aware of her eyes starting to feel weird.

"Lana." Kyle began, only to be silenced by a look from his ex.

"We'll talk later, but right now, I think it's time I took Sarah home. Can you please keep an eye on Sophie?" Lana asked.

"Yeah, I got it." Kyle said.

"Come on Sarah, we're leaving." Lana said, hoping that no one besides the Kent boys had seen what she'd seen.

"But mom." Sarah said, trying to rub her eyes.

"Sarah, let's go. I promise we'll talk about all this when we get home." Lana said, hoping she could get Sarah somewhere private before she lost control.

"I think we should go too." Clark said and Jon and Jordan both nodded, since they were hoping for some answers about what was going on with Sarah.

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