Chapter 28

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"Mom, is it weird that ever since my powers came in, I'm always hungry?" Sarah asked her mother over breakfast, grateful that Sophie wasn't in the room.

"No, one of the perks of our powers is that we can eat as much as we want without ever gaining any weight. Something that I did miss about my powers." Lana said with a smirk.

"So basically, I'm the girl that every other girl hates because I'll never get fat?" Sarah asked and Lana chuckled.

"Yep, but don't go spreading that around. The only people who know our secret are us, Clark, Lois and their sons. Not even Lois's father knows, even though he knows Clark's secret and if he finds out about us, it'll just make things more complicated for everyone." Lana said and Sarah nodded.

"So, does that mean that I can't ever tell Aubrey?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know. I think that just depends on how serious you get with her." Lana said.

"Do you ever regret not telling dad your secret?" Sarah asked.

"Sometimes. And I will admit that the stress of keeping this secret from him is probably a part of why things didn't work between us." Lana said.

"Why didn't you tell him? I mean, Mr. Kent told Lois and they're still going strong." Sarah asked.

"Clark kept his powers, which meant that he'd need to tell her eventually, especially since Lois is a reporter and she would've figured it out eventually, though I will admit that those glasses do one hell of a job at it. But I gave up my powers and lived a normal life, which meant not telling your father certain things. He knew I was adopted, but as far as he knows, there's still no indication about what happened to my birth family." Lana said.

"Mom, I hate having to keep this secret from dad. I feel like a hypocrite, I call him out for making me keep a big secret from you and now you're having me keep an even bigger secret from him. It doesn't seem fair." Sarah said.

"Sarah, I get it, but it's not just our secret to tell." Lana said.

"Okay, changing the topic, do you think I'll get all the same powers you and Mr. Kent have?" Sarah asked and Lana, grateful for the topic change, considered it.

"It's possible, though they may take awhile to develop, since your dad's human DNA means that you won't necessarily absorb as much solar energy as Clark and I do. I know that Jordan still hasn't developed all of the same powers yet and Jon doesn't have any powers, though the sun does make him smarter." Lana said.

"I still think that means he's cheating in school, since his super brain means he doesn't have to study as hard." Sarah said and Lana chuckled.

"Trust me, Lois makes sure he doesn't abuse it." Lana said.

"Good, but what about Supergirl, have you ever met her?" Sarah now asked.

"A few times before you were born when she first landed on earth. I was very annoyed with Clark for not raising her himself like he should've, but it worked out in the end. And I do get his reasons now, since she was originally sent here to protect him." Lana said.

"Wait, what? But isn't she like 12 years younger than him?" Sarah asked.

"Not originally. Supergirl was actually a teenager when she left Krypton, but her pod got knocked off course on its way to Earth and drifted into a region of space where time didn't pass and by the time she got here, Clark had already grown up. It's complicated." Lana said.

"Sounds like it. But mom, if you ever do decide to put yourself out there again, do you think you'll tell the guy?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe, I don't know. Honestly, with the campaign and teaching you about your powers, I don't really have room on my plate for anything else, but anyways, you need to get to school." Lana said.

"Right, thank you and remind me when the Kents get back to thank them for this necklace." Sara said, referring to her new sun shaped necklace that seemed to be giving off a faint red light.

"I'm surprised you're not complaining about it, since it does dampen your powers?" Lana said.

"It's the only reason my head doesn't explode when a bell rings and I'm not tearing lockers off the wall. It makes it easier to act like I'm still normal. I'm just grateful that I can wear it during cheer practice." Sarah said.

"I agree. Have fun and I'll see you tonight." Lana said and Sarah nodded as she headed out.

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