Chapter 35

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Instead of returning to the DOD or his home in Smallville, Superman decided to track down an old friend who had experience with taking in with strays, which was why he was currently in Corto Maltese, walking up to a very lavish villa.

"Of course, even though he's retired, Bruce can't resist showing off his wealth." Clark said, glad he'd switched from his suit to regular clothes, especially considering the weather in Corto Maltese.

"Well, what's the point of having money if you don't spend it. Especially since I'm trying to enjoy my retirement, which makes me wonder why you're here." Bruce Wayne said to his old friend as he walked up to greet him.

"So, the rumors are true. You've really settled down and are living the domesticated life. Diana and I honestly thought you were joking, even though we all know you don't have a sense of humor." Clark said with a smirk.

"Very funny. Selina's out shopping, so we've got some time before she sends you back to the States, so why don't you come in and have a drink before you tell me what you need my help with and I can shoot you down, since my days of wearing a cape are over." Bruce said.

"Relax, I'm not here for that, I'm here for your advice." Clark said and Bruce nodded.

"Still, come on in." Bruce said as he showed Clark inside.

"I have to admit, it's weird seeing you smile so much. I'm so used to seeing you with a scowl on your face and bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders." Clark said, not used to seeing Bruce so at ease.

"What can I say, retirement agrees with me. But anyways, what brings you all the way out here?" Bruce asked him.

"Long story." Clark said as Alfred, who'd of course, despite Bruce's offer to let him retire at long last, followed Bruce and Selina to Corto Maltese where he continued to serve as their loyal butler, though Alfred had said it was because he didn't think that Bruce knew how to live without having him there to take care of him and Selina hadn't complained about keeping a butler, though Kate had complained about Alfred abandoning Wayne Manor, despite the fact that the rest of the house staff had stayed behind there.

Anyways, after Alfred brought them drinks, Clark explained the whole situation to Bruce.

"So, you want my opinion on what to do with this clone of yours, since I'm assuming you won't allow the DOD or any other government organization to conscript him into their service and your father-in-law would never allow that to happen and risk jeopardizing the DOD's relationship with you." Bruce said.

"Pretty much. After all, you're no stranger to taking in strays." Clark said.

"True, but I think we both know that you're not in a position to take the kid in either." Bruce said.

"No, I'm not. Starting with the fact that between Lois's sister staying with us, Lois being pregnant herself and now Jordan's temper tantrums, I don't think that bringing another superpowered teenager into the house is a good idea right now." Clark said.

"Not to mention it sounds like the boy looks too much like you to say that he's adopted and people will ask questions, since if you still lived in Metropolis, you might be able to pull it off, but no one in Smallville will believe that you had a fling with a woman long ago enough to have a son that age." Bruce added.

"I know. But I don't want that clone to feel abandoned. I already feel like I made that mistake with Kara when she first arrived." Clark said.

"You made the only call you could then Clark and I still say it was the right one, even if it wasn't easy, since you weren't in a position to raise Kara when you had enemies who wouldn't hesitate to use her to get to you. You had to keep her hidden until she was old enough to stand up for herself." Bruce reminded him.

"I know, but that doesn't make things easier." Clark said.

"Look Clark, I get what you're saying and if things were different, I'd say take a shot at doing what I did with Dick and Jason, but that's not ideal here and you know it." Bruce said.

"I know, I came here hoping you might have an idea for an alternative solution, since I think that this clone could be a hero despite his Luthor side if he has the right role model, even if it can't be me right now." Clark said.

"Have you checked with your cousin, maybe she could take him in, finally get the chance to take care of a version of you like she was originally sent here to do. Not to mention with her dating a Luthor, it could help the kid embrace both sides of his heritage." Bruce suggested.

"Not a bad idea. Though I'm not sure Kara will agree to it right now. I'd like to have a plan B just in case." Clark said.

"Well, we could send him out to San Francisco and work with Dick and the Titans, I think he'd fit in well there and we both know they could always use a Super out there." Bruce said and Clark chuckled.

"I'll talk to Kara and Lois and then depending on how those talks go, I might be making a trip to San Francisco before, since I want to make sure that we have a solution set up before I go back to the DOD." Clark said.

"Agreed. Now, if that's all, I suggest you get out of here before Selina gets back." Bruce said and Clark chuckled as he finished his drink and did exactly that.

I've got ideas for Conner in both Supergirl and with the Titans, I'm just curious about which one you're all more interested in. I admit, I have a preference, but still, I'm curious.

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