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      I wake up with a slight headache I look around to see its still dark outside feeling around the bed I don't feel Lorenzo or Roman sitting up abruptly I start to look around the room till my eyes land on a figure sitting in the chair in the corner of the room making me go stiff and my breathing pick up. I felt fear start to creep up my spine I slide my hand up under my pillow feeling my feelings glide across the familiar metal griping it tightly while seeing whoever it was unbothered blowing out a large cloud of smoke filling the corner of the room grabbing my gun I pull it out from under the pillow pointing at them. "Who the fuck are you? Make yourself known before I shoot." I made sure to keeping my voice steady whoever it was cocked their head to the side before moving their hand to the lamp touching it causing a dim light to fill the room. I let out a sigh in relief putting my gun back under my pillow. "Jesus Lorenzo I almost shot you. What are you doing sitting in the dark?" I lie back down letting out a huff looking over at him he's deathly quiet. "I couldn't sleep I needed to think and clear my head." He swirls the whiskey around in his glass before taking a sip with the cigar still in his hand. "What are you thinking about?" I asked turning on my side holding my head up with my hand to get a better look at him seeing as he was only in a pair of loose sweatpants leaving his chest completely exposed. "A lot of things actually. The party just ended and that Russian bastard kept pushing on me to find Grazia but I just cant figure out why the fuck its so hard for him with his resources. I don't understand why he thinks I would be the one to help it just doesn't any sense but I think once I get back to Italy I'm going to look into it." He scratched his beard. "Also don't think I forgot about that shit you pulled earlier with Roman as per your request I haven't put a finger on him but you will be the one getting a punishment for putting on your little show." He drinks the rest of his drink slamming it down on the side table taking another hit of his cigar. "What about your little show huh? Oh you think I'll jus forget about that shit you pulled with that bitch? By the way where is she? I haven't seen her since you had your tongue down her throat. You don't think she won't be asking questions about where you are or what have you already handled it?" I scoff rolling my eyes feeling my migraine getting worse. "Do you always go a million miles a fucking minute? Jesus Daisy take a breath will you. I don't know where she is at currently nor do I care I had one of my men earlier take her away and distract her. I was tired of dealing with her annoying ass whining. As for that show it was all for you baby I was hoping to get you riled up enough to have that anger of yours finally snap I have to admit it turns me on." He puts out his cigar in the ashtray before standing up and walking over to the bed. I can feel my nipples hardening through my shirt with anticipation but I make sure to keep myself calm and collected. "Trust me it's not a pretty sight at all. Thank you for not doing anything to Roman even though I know you can. How much longer is Raina going to be here I don't like having her around here." I cant shake the feeling of her something is just off about her maybe I'm just acting like that because of how close she was able to be to Lorenzo. "I'm hoping that the deal will go through in a couple of days and the shipment should be arriving in three days after that she's gone trust me I want her gone more then you. I just have to play things smart I have to much at stake right now and I have to play out things while lying low but in time things will be dealt with." He sighs climbing on top of me in bed trapping me below him. His breath smelt of whiskey and mints filling me with comfort he pushes my hair out my face looking down at me with a heated gaze. "Have I told you how fucking beautiful you are? Just thinking of you makes my dick hard and drives my mind fucking crazy." He pushes is head in my neck taking a deep breath inhaling my scent I can feel his lips rub against me before placing a hard kiss right below my ear. He was placing teasing kisses along my neck before finally smashing our lips together kissing me hard letting his tongue completely dominate my mouth his strong arms keep me trapped in place kissing me deeper sliding his hands down my body gripping my ass tightly as he grinds his dick against my barely clothed pussy causing me to let out a loud moan he continues kissing me hard letting his tongue caress my mouth before pulling away. "Fuck babygirl I can't wait any longer I need to be in you." He groans huskily pushing me further into bed. "What are you waiting for?" He doesn't waste a second before pulling off my nightgown leaving me in nothing but my white knee high socks and matching white thong. "Fuck me." At this rate I was already breathless. He groans looking down at me before wrapping his finger around my thong snapping it clean in half. He slowly runs his middle finger up and down my lower lips coating myself with my own arousal but he didn't need to do much considering how bad I wanted him snide of me. He quickly pulled off the remnants of my thong before getting on his knees aligning his dick to my entrance but he doesn't do anything yet just looking down at my body with hungry eyes. He glides his dick up and down my pussy lips getting the head of his dick wet before slowly sliding in inch at a time. I can feel him stretching out my walls making me cry out. I feel myself in slight pain by how much I was stretching out but it quickly subsides into pleasure as he pushes him self all the way in. I could feel my pussy pulsing around his dick.
  He throws his head back groaning when he's all the way inside me the sight alone almost has me cumming. I glide my hand up his tatted abs and chest feeling the ridges of his abs on my fingers. He took it as the opportunity to thrust his hips deep into mine hitting the deepest part of my crevix. "Holy fuck Lorenzo." I cry out throwing my head back on the pillow. It encourages him to fuck me harder causing the large headboard to bang against the wall. He puts both of his hands on the inside of my knees opening my legs wider before pushing his self deeper inside me. The position he has me in his my legs quivering. He leans down not breaking his steady pace and runs his tongue up the valley of my breast licking up the sweat slowly making his way up to my lips giving me a sloppy kiss as he moves his hands to around my throat as he started to rail into my pussy harder and faster then before causing me to scream out. I bite my lip to try to keep the noise at bay but Lorenzo grips my throat tighter. "Don't. I want to hear your screams as you cum on my dick. You want that don't you?" He gives my cheek a light smack making me clinch around him he moves his other hand down to my clit rubbing it slowly as he slowed his pace down making me whine. "Tell me what you want baby?" He is now slowly rocking in and out of me torturing me. "I want you to fuck me so hard that I can't breathe I want it rough. Fuck me like you hate me. Please." I cry out making him smile evilly down at me before flipping me over and lifting my ass up I arch my back eagerly waiting for him to do something. I felt him come up behind me slipping his dick against my entrance. I turn my head to look at him and see him starring down at my pussy. He spreads my cheeks apart spitting on my asshole letting it drip down into my quivering pussy. He uses his thumb to rub over my asshole making me feel nervous. "Hey if-" I didn't get to finish when he rammed his dick back into my tender pussy knocking the words right out my mouth. "What were you saying baby?" He slapped my ass gripping my hips tightly before I turn back to see him grinning seismically before thrusting in and out at at rapid pace. My moans get loud with each hard thrust. "Oh fuck Lorenzo yes just like that." I scream with each thrust becoming harder and harder. I arch my back more causing him to push past my moist channel but he pushes deeper. "Dio piccola, ti senti cosi bene con il mio cazzo." He grips my hips tightly moaning out pushing me further over the edge.
(God babygirl you feel so good around my dick.)
"Holy fuck you feel so good inside of me." I start to feel my eyes roll back in my head and broken moans start to leave my lips. "This what you wanted?" He growled bringing his hand down on my ass causing an immediate red mark to begin to appear. "No I think you want more than this sí?" He slaps my other cheek harder making me clinch even harder around him making him moan out. "YESS! Lorenzo I'm close please don't stop." I scream not caring who could hear. I begin to rock against him our thrust matching I cry out and my juices begin to coat his dick making slurping sounds that now synced with our moans. "Fuck Lorenzo I'm cumming." I cry out with literal tears of pleasure falling out my eyes while squirting all over Lorenzos dick. "Oh Fuck Daisy." He lets out a loud moan. I Slam my hips back into him rapidly riding out my high hearing him moan out my name before emptying him self into me before slowly thrusting into me a couple more times before fully pulling out and walking into the bathroom leaving me there to catch my breath.
  He returns shortly still in his naked glory he leans over the bed looking into my eyes. "Are you okay?" He brushes my hair out my face I lazily smile up at him. "Never been better." I giggle feeling an after high sex kicking in. "I have a shower ready for us let's go." He grabs my hand gently pulling me off the bed as I slowly walk feeling my legs become jello but manage thanks to Lorenzo who held me as we walked into the bathroom and under the hot water. He grabs my throat pulling me to him looking into my eyes. "I'm really not letting you go now babygirl. You know that right? You fucked up when you ran into me." He smiles at me like a pure lunatic but I couldn't help but love it.
When we finally lay back down in bed Lorenzo grabs me and pulls me closer running his fingers up and down my back in a soothing manner. "I am going to try to speed up some of my business deals here so we can wrap things up and go to Italy early I don't like being here with so little men." He speaks into the darkness continuing his hand movements on my back. "Is Raina coming with us?" I asked hoping to god that the answer to be no. "God I hope not I am trying my hardest to get her father to meet sooner to sign this deal but he just dropped her off like some bitch and left her here for me to babysit. Like he doesn't know who the fuck I am. This is last fucking thing I need. I don't know where the bastard is but when I find him he'll sign it even if I have to break his fingers one by one to do so. Till then I have to play nice with her to get information if not she throws bitch fits and run off to who knows where making shit way fucking worse. I wouldn't care if she wasn't the only one to know where the bastard was." He groans his words laced with stress. "Fine whatever but I'm not being nice to her." I grumble getting comfortable in bed feeling my eyelids starting to droop. "I don't want you to. Make her life a living hell for all I care." He kisses my shoulder blade pulling my back against his chest tightly. "Goodnight babygirl." He gives me on last peck before I drifted off into a much needed sleep.

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