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        I wake up the next morning and the events of last night come flooding into my mind. I look next to me in the bed to see Lorenzos spot empty I don't hear the shower running so I figured he either didn't come to bed last night or he left early his morning either way I don't give a shit I'm still pissed at the way things went down last night, I'm more upset with the fact that I let my anger get the best of me and almost killed Raina, but Lorenzo didn't try to stop me with all honesty he looked like he could have gave a less of a fuck. Climbing out of bed I make my way into the bathroom getting into the hot shower letting the water run over my tension filled muscles. Feeling my stomach grumble with hunger I quickly rinse off and do my skin care routine. I wanted to be comfortable today so I decided on a brown twist front crop tee with jean shorts, I threw on a pair of matching sneakers and give myself a once over in the mirror pleased with my outfit I make my way into the kitchen.

        I half expected there to be at least a couple of Lorenzos men walking around but I haven't seen one everything is deathly quiet

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I half expected there to be at least a couple of Lorenzos men walking around but I haven't seen one everything is deathly quiet. I don't question it for now to focused on making myself something to eat I get all the supplies out prepping the food. While I was cooking a throat clearing makes me jump lightly whipping around I see Roman sitting on one of the stools across from me with an amused look on his face. "So last night was interesting." He gives me a goofy smile making my lips lift slightly, I shake my head at his antics turning back to my food cooking. "Out with it already, stop being around the bush." I fling a piece of bacon at him and he catches it in his mouth. "Okay fine you little asshole. What the fuck happened last night? I mean I know I don't know yo that well yet but I have yet to see your anger get like that. Everyone thought you were going to kill her." His words got me to thinking. (So they were talking about what happened. The last thing I need right now is for them to be asking questions.) "she has been trying me since she got here and I tried to be the bigger person and not even converse with her but she continued to push me, her petty words never got to me but when I seen her kiss Lorenzo I saw red. Why didn't anyone stop me?" I question while putting food on two plates for me and him. "Look at you getting jealous I bet she was not expecting you to react like that, shit no one was expecting you to react like that but you were pretty bad ass, and Lorenzo wanted to see how far it would go. Unfortunalty Raina will make a full recovery she is upon her room bitching away." He groans before stuffing his face, I dig into my food as well but I do feel bitterness that Raina was already up and complaining I guess next time I have to go the extra mile. "Where is Lorenzo anyway? He was gone when I woke up this morning." I take a sip of my orange juice while looking over at Roman and see him taking. Give bite of food chewing like a damn wild animal making me cringe. "He scheduled a mandatory meeting this morning. We will be docking in about three hours he wants to make sure nothing goes down, he let me go early when he heard that you were awake he's still in his office last I heard he was in there trying to get information from Raina." He finishes off his plate and gulping down the rest of his drinking letting out a loud burp and leaning back in his chair rubbing his stomach. "The food was delicious but I have to go before Lorenzo cuts my balls off I got to get inventory done I'll see you later." He stood up putting his dishes in the sink before leaving in a hurry, I finish up the rest of my food before cleaning the dishes and making my way to Lorenzos office.
I barge inside without knocking not giving a damn if he gets mad or not. He snaps his head from where Raina was sitting to me once they made contact with me they softened a bit but still help his authoritative gaze. I break eye contact with Lorenzo and look over at Raina to see big purple and dark blue bruises around her neck and a big cut across her forehead from what I'm assuming was from me smashing her head onto the bar top. Can't say I'm not satisfied with the damage, she doesn't say a word to me but she continues to glare daggers at me. "Bambina di cosa hai bisogno? Sto cercando di assicurarmi Che tutto fili luscio quando tocchiamo terra." He pulls out a cigar from his shirt pocket lighting it and taking a big puff. (Babygirl do you need something? I'm trying to make sure that everything goes smoothly when we touch land.) I shake my head walking closer to them. "Quindi non woi park are di quello Che é successo ieri sera? Non mi Fido di questa puttana-." I didn't even get to finish what I was saying when Lorenzos hand slams down on the table making Raina jump in her seat letting out a soft squeak. (So don't want to talk about what happened last night? I don't trust this bitch-.) Lorenzo takes the cigar he was smoking out his mouth before glaring at me with pure annoyance. "E Penpi Che mi Fidi di questa puttana? Lei sa qualcosa e ho cercato di ottenere informazioni." He takes another hit of his cigar turning his attention back to Raina blowing the smoke right in her face making her cough and use her hand to try to swipe the smoke away. (And you think I trust this whore? She knows something and I've been trying to get information.) a loud knock on the door breaks away Lorenzo and I staring contest. "Come in." His loud voice booms through his office and whoever it was opened the door walking in. I turn to see Roman walking through the office giving me a friendly smile that Lorenzo did not approve of making my smile at Roman grow. "Raina get out." Lorenzo commands dismissing her and pointing to a seat so Roman can sit down and I follow suit sitting in the one beside him not caring if Lorenzo wanted me gone or not. "What's the problem? You're supposed to be on inventory." Lorenzo sighs pinching his brow together with his cigar between his finger Roman leans back in is chair running his fingers through his hair . "I am but we have a problem everything was accounted for except our ammo, we are short five crates but whoever checked inventory before we left marked everything down as present. Either someone lied on inventory or someone dumped crates while we are on the water." He continues further what he says peaks my interest I snap my head in his direction. "So if what you are saying is true, wouldn't that mean that whoever dumped them would still be on here somewhere?" I butt in making both Roman and Lorenzo turn to me, Lorenzo puts out his cigar in the ashtray on his desk. "Yes thats if they haven't already fled the boat but if they were smart they would stay on trying to play it off, but if they fucked up inventory before we left then they could still be on the island. Roman find out who the fuck did inventory before we left and shut don the fucking boat no one leaves when we dock." Lorenzo eyes are filled with pure rage making him look feral and sexy as hell, I bite my bottom lip trying to control myself even though I'm still mad at him for not pushing Raina away quicker when she kissed him. Roman nodded standing up and leaving the room bidding me a quick goodbye as soon as he walked out the office and shuts the door behind him I get up and walk behind Lorenzos desk to where he was sitting. He scoots his chair back allowing me room to walk between his legs he runs his hands up the sides of my bare thighs before making their way to my hips he grips them firmly pulling me down onto his lap. I lay my head between his collar and jaw basking in the peace and comfort he runs his hands up and down my back making me feel safe. "About last night, I was in shock that she kissed me and didn't pull away fast enough but trust me I don't want her, but seeing you beat her ass did something to me Daisy I like seeing you like that, so full of rage and jealousy I thought for a minute there you were going to kill her not that I have any objection to it. I am curious though what did you say to her when you was strangling her?" He asked with amusement continuing to run his hand up and down my back I smile and look up at him seeing his eyes looking down at me with curiously I place a small kiss on his lips pulling away. "I told her that if she continued to disrespect me or touch you that I would slit her throat and watch her drown on her blood." I summed it up looking at him waiting for his reaction his smile grows bigger giving me the perfect view of his perky whites, and a view of his dimples that hide behind his beard. "Who would have thought you could become so violent. I cant tell you how turned on I was seeing you beat her ass, I wanted to follow you back to the room and fuck you but I had to deal with Raina's crybaby ass." He groans out before planting a small kiss on my head and giving my thigh a hard slap. "Only a sick sick man would be turned on from me beating someone up, but I think we both know you're a sick man." I tease making him laugh causing a vibration to go through his chest. "At least you know babygirl." He agrees grabbing the back of my head pulling my face to his in a deep kiss his tongue pushes pat my lips and into my mouth, I give in quickly letting him do as he pleases. He grips me tighter letting his tongue explore my mouth, but before we could go further another knock interrupts us making Lorenzo growl with frustration. "Come in." He shouts and the person opens the door revealing one of the captains, he walk in and shuts the door behind him. "Sir we will be docking in thirty minutes everything is in place, just waiting on your signal." He went straight to the point not even paying attention to me sitting on Lorenzo's lap. He just nods his head dismissing him he nods his head in acknowledgment at me before leaving. "Okay I'm going to need you to go into our room Roman should already be outside waiting for you, once you get inside lock the door and do not open it for anyone besides me. Roman is going to be waiting inside the room with you for extra measure if anyone comes in thats not me shoot them. Do you understand me?" He grabs my chin tilting my head up toward his making me hold eye contact with him to make me understand the seriousness of the situation. "I understand, but please be careful I cant have you dying on me now." I joked trying to play off my concerns for his safety but he knew better he lightly shook my head side to side with his grip still on my chin making me giggle. "Be careful baby it's starting to seem like you are getting feeling for me." He smirks down at me with no ounce of concern on his face making me feel slightly at ease I smack his chest while getting up off his lap. "You would like that wouldn't you? Just don't get yourself killed." I give him one more kiss before making way to our room, I see Roman standing by the door rocking back and forth on the balls of his heels waiting like a impatient child, I shake my head at his childishness he sees me and stands up straight trying to act normal and clears his throat. "Damn about time." He grumbles opening the door for me allowing me to walk inside with him following behind. "Oh shut up will you, damn crybaby. How long am I supposed to be stuck in here?" I groan plopping face down on the bed Lorenzos intoxicating musky scent fills my nose making me taking a deep breath. "I don't know however long it takes I'm just waiting for the signal but no matter what you hear or how long it takes you will keep your little nosy ass in this room." I've haven't seen Roman this serous before making me sit up in bed straightening out my back I look over at him an see his posture no longer playful. "What the fuck is really going on Roman? Why do we need to go the extra mile like this? I thought this was just some kind of meeting." He looks away from the door to me for a moment before returning his eyes back to the door running his fingers through his hair gripping the ends. "We aren't even sure what the fuck is going on Ricardo hasn't been in contact since before Raina showed up. He's never gone MIA like this before it's starting to raise major red flags considering the issues we been dealing with inside the business, something is going on within the inside. That's all I'm telling your ass." His words are really starting to turn gears in my head. Could this be work of Aleksei? He could just be toying with me and fucking with Lorenzos business to get to me while trying to gain Lorenzos business but I couldn't be sure. All I could do is sit here and wait for Lorenzo.

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