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        I wake up and feel around for Gianni but my hand come in contact with a cold spot jumping up I run out the room and down the hall trying to find everyone. When I come into the kitchen everyone stops eating and turns to me in confusion. I'm sure I look like a nutcase looking around frantic I spot Gianni in the arms of the man I met at the party he stands up once he sees me and comes over to where I was tanging and hands Gianni over gently. "Do you think we could go somewhere and talk." He nods his head in the direction of the patio outside I nod and follow him outside bro sparing a glance at anyone in the kitchen once we are out of eyesight the chatter amongst the kitchen starts back. Stepping outside the bright sun beats down on my skin warming me up instantly. "I don't even know where to start." He looks out into the ocean scratching the back of his neck looks to me like a nervous habit. I sit down in the small bench and pat the open spot beside me inviting him to sit. He comes over hesitantly and sits down he looks like he's nervous to say something that might set me off it's a funny sight to see such powerful men tread lightly around me. "We can start wherever you want. I know you have many questions as do I and don't worry you're not going to upset me so don't hold back." This seems to make him ease up a bit leaning back on the bench he looks down at Gianni who was busy looking at the clouds passing by in the sky. "Congratulations on Gianni  by the way. I know they would give anything to be here for this all they talked about was how proud of you and Gabriele they were. I wish they could be here and experience being grandparents." He shakes his head by the looks of it their death still affects him too. "I think Gabriele is still alive." I blurt out and he turns ti me quickly. "What makes you say that?" He asks and I can hear the hopefulness in his voice. "When I was brought to the party that Aleksei was at he didn't recognize me and was talking business with Lorenzo and said that he got a tip that both Gabriel and I were both alive still anything leading to him was a dead end thank god but he seemed pretty shaken up about it so I have a feeling that it wasn't just a hunch that was telling him he is still alive and thanks to Damon he was able to keep me under the radar for a long time while I started to established a life  that was until I met Lorenzo." I laugh out looking over at him. "It seems like I belong in the mafia no matter how hard I try to get away." I joke but it had truth to it and he seemed to pick up on it because he lets out a grunt. "I know how that feels kid." Was his vague reply but I dint push him on that. "I'm going to have my men look into Gabriel some more and hopefully he will let us find him." He nods his head while speaking. "Lorenzo is also looking into it for me I think we can use all the help we can get." He silently agrees throwing his arm on the back of the bench. "Why didn't you say anything at the party that night when Lorenzo introduced me as Carlo Romana?" He asks frowning down at me making me feel bad. "To be honest I don't know why I didn't say anything to you. I haven't even told Lorenzo at that point and I was just hoping that I could keep it a secret till I knew what to do myself." He takes in every word remaining silent. "Why didn't you ever come and try to find me?" He finally asks the question I know has been killing him I sigh looking down at Gianni before turning my attention back to Carlo. "I knew you just recently left the family business to start your own life and after everything I was scared that you were already dead plus I didn't want Aleksei to come for you next he went crazy and started a blood bath I couldn't loose more family." I explain my logic as best as I can and he seems to understand the most part anyway. "Why did you leave in the first place?" I've asked the question that's been on my mind. "Your father was taking over the business I was finally able to leave and take a long vacation but I guess we both know it didn't work out." He was still staring off into the water. "Do you think he is still alive?" I asked looking at his side profile he looks a lot like my father did and it fills my heart with both content and sadness. "I have my suspicions that he is and he is just in hiding and as for Aleksei death will be the only thing he's begging for when we finish with him." His jaw tightens at the mention of Aleksei and the mood around us darkens but I dint speak anymore on him not wanting to hear his name anymore. "Are you married?" I change the subject and he looks thankful that I did so. "I was at one point but it didn't work out. I was to focused on revenging my brothers death that it practically took over my life he grew apart and she left and I didn't fight for her to stay but I'm happy for her she's now married with children it's more then I would have been able to give her." He speaks as though it's no big deal but I can see the way his eyes shift when he speaks about her even though he keeps a emotionless facade I can see the sadness behind his eyes from my father to his wife. I sigh and place my head on his shoulder. "You have family now Carlo we even came back from the dead." I joke hoping to lighten the mood and if seems to work cause he lets out a small laugh. "I'm glad you're okay kid. I'm here for you now." He gives me a side hug being careful with Gianni on my arms. A soft knocking on the sliding glass door breaks up our conversation. Aria peaks her head around the corner smiling sheepishly at us. "Sorry to interrupt but Lorenzo needs to see you Carlo and mom wants us to go shopping for the party coming up." She looks at me with and apologetic look. Carlo gives me one more squeeze before letting go of me and standing up adjusting his suit jacket and quietly dismiss his self walking through the doors back inside. "How are you holding up?" Aria asks as she takes a  seat beside me. "Honestly things are better now then they have been in a while thanks to everyone." I give her a genuine smile making her own appear on her face. "I'm glad to hear that come in let's go before mom throws another fit." She scoffs rolling her eyes standing up holding her hand out for to take. "Let's go shopping."

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