Clubbing/Big Secrets

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Evan: Sam why did you bring me to the most popular club in Dallas Texas?
Madelyn: OMG Sam is that you the one and only Sam Hubbard star Naperville north highschool class of 2016 football player?
Sam turns around
Sam: Madelyn how have you been?
Madelyn: okay I guess. I am mental draining mode.
Madelyn: Sam who's this fine looking man with you?
Sam: oh this is Evan McPherson he's the kicker and one of my teammates on the Cincinnati Bangles. Im gonna grab a drink I'll be back in a few.
Evan and Madelyn lock there eye gazes on each other then shake each others hands
Evan: hi I'm Evan McPherson.
Madelyn: and I am Madelyn Laine. I have Finnish heritage.
Evan: Madelyn were you thinking? You wouldn't just tell Sam that you and I are an item and that we met via tinder.
Madelyn: okay let's get out of here before Sam is done getting his drink.
Madelyn and Evan scurry out of the club
Sam turns around to walk back and sees Evan isn't there. He immediately starts to look very suspicious.
Sam: well I'll call Evan to find out where he went.
Sam dials Evans number
Meanwhile in Madelyn's car Evans phone rings
Evan: well this is just dandy!
Madelyn: what's wrong Evan.
Evan: Sam's calling me. I am gonna decline it as I don't need him distracting me from my time with my girlfriend.
Madelyn: I've missed you so much Evan. We need to make a pit stop to the hotel ur at with Sam to grab your stuff cause id love to have my boyfriend in my arms if your okay with that.
Evan: aww I have the sweetest girlfriend ever!
Madelyn: and I have the sexiest boyfriend ever.
Evan and Madelyn intertwine there hands.
Evan looks at his phone and sees Sam texted him.
Sam: Evan bro where did you go?
Evan texts back
Evan: okay I've been keeping something from you that your gonna hate me for. But here goes nothing. Madelyn and I met via tinder and have been dating for 8 months now. And the Dallas cowboys have offered me a multi million contract that has gone in affect the day after the super bowl this year. My contact with the Bangles ended at the end of this season anyways and I didn't renew it cause the Dallas cowboys offered me a lot more money than what my contact with the Bangles was. Plus I get to live with my girlfriend who's the best thing to ever happen to me!
Sam: What!! I am so pissed off at you! Good luck not having me as a friend anymore. Cause I am no longer gonna be your friend!
Evan: fine! I don't need you anyways.
Evan blocks Sam's call number and deletes his contact
Evan: I'll run up quickly to my hotel room I was sharing with Sam. There's a door in the back can you pull there I'll come out that way.
Madelyn: okay will do.

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