1 week later

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Madelyn gets a call from her youngest brother Nick who pitched an idea for a new show to HGTV.

Nick: hey Madelyn: guess who's idea that they pitched to HGTV got a big applause for while on a zoom meeting with the heads of HGTV channel?
Madelyn: OMG your show pitch to them got approved?
Nick: yes it did. Its time to make it a reality. I know I told you I wasn't gonna tell you the premise and name till after I pitch it and if it gets approved. But the name is called celebrity house hunters. Yeah so basically celebrities who are interested in showing there house hunting journey can apply to be on the show and me and my crew will go around and film them along with a get to know you segment from there current home.
Madelyn: wow that sounds like it will be a big hit.
Evan: Madelyn who are you talking to?
Madelyn: hold on nick. Evan im talking to my brother Nick who's new show idea he pitched to HGTV channel got approved. Okay nick do you mind if I put you on speaker phone cause you might need to explain it to my fiancé Evan.
Nick: wait wait wait? You and Evan are engaged?
Madelyn: yes your the first one to know about it
Madelyn puts her phone on speaker
Evan: hey Nick how's it going?
Nick: oh it's going awesome.
Nick tells Evan the premise of his show idea for HGTV channel that was approved.
Evan: wow thats awesome. Would you be able to put Madelyn and i down as interested in being on your show?
Nick: OMG yay! I was about to ask if you two wanted to be on the show. Cause your lovely fiancé told me that you two are engaged. She said I'm the first one to know and that it needs to be kept on the low for now.
Evan: yeah thanks for agreeing to that Nick.
Nick: why are you two keeping it on the low anyways.
Evan: well my mom always makes a big deal out of special moments in my immediate family and extended family. So I'm trying to prevent her making a big deal out of it. Madelyn and I decided we would announce our engagement when we send out our wedding invites.
Madelyn gets a text from her brother Braxton
Madelyn: OMG Evan Braxton texted me that the one house we really liked and put an offer in on has been accepted.
Evan: So what your saying is the huge craftsman house we put an offer in on was accepted?
Madelyn: yes Evan.
Evan: OMG we're gonna be homeowners!
Nick: Umm I'm still on the phone with you guys.
Madelyn: omg I'm so sorry Nick. I am also sorry if what I am about to say is gonna hurt your feelings. But scratch Evan and I having interest in your show and that we asked you to put us down as having interest. Again I'm sorry Nick.
Nick: it's okay Madelyn. I totally get it.
Nick: omg James what are you doing here?
James: I flew in to surprise my most favorite human who I get to call my boyfriend.
Madelyn: Um nick who are you talking to my brother?
Nick: OMG crap. I forgot you were still on the phone with me Madelyn. Well I guess I have to come clean. So Madelyn, I am gay. I met the most amazing guy when I was out in LA 3 weeks ago pitching my idea to HGTV channel. He's the most perfect human I've ever laid my eyes on.
Madelyn: nice, now I did hear you say James. But would you be open to Sharing his last name?
Nick: hold on let me FaceTime you I'll just show you him as you will recognize once you see him via FaceTime.
Nick FaceTime Madelyn.
Madelyn: Oh my freaking god your dating James Bonsall from BIP 7&8 and Bachelorette season 17 contestant.
Madelyn squeals
Nick: sorry if you had to hear that James. My sister is the biggest bachelor nation fan ever. She has a instagram account where she shares bachelor nation updates and the most #1 reason he's account is successful is she makes memes with parts show in every episode for the given current season. She has 1 million followers she just hit 1 million followers on the bachelor in paradise season 8 finale day and reunion day episode.
James: well congrats Madelyn on reaching 1 million followers.
Madelyn: Evan would you be able to pull up the one post from my bachelor updates account the one from week 5 of bachelor in paradise season 8?
Evan: yes I can do that.
Madelyn: can you send it to my brother Nick please?
Evan: yes Madelyn I can do that.
Madelyn: so when you get a chance today can you show James the post Evan forward to you from my bachelor updates account?
Nick: oh god please don't tell me it's the one that has the James being eliminated at the rosé ceremony meme.
Madelyn: yeah that's the one. Just please show him.
James: yeah Nick please show me.
Madelyn: I'm gonna leave you to show him nick bye.
Madelyn hangs up
James: can you show me it?
Nick pulls it up

Madelyn hangs up James: can you show me it?Nick pulls it up

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James: OMG how many likes does it have?
Nick: let me see. OMG your not gonna like this. But look.
James: Hily crap 500,000 likes! How could people be so rude and like when bachelor update accounts make memes out of parts of episodes and like it for poops and giggles?
Nick: actually people like when bachelor nation people are made into memes. Im sorry but this is too funny.
Nick starts chuckling.
James: well I don't like it.
Nick: okay sorry for chuckling about it James. Anyways how long are you gonna be here visiting me for?
James: well??
Nick: well what??
James: let's just say my boss told me about a position available within the Dallas Texas branch of the company I work for. I was telling my co worker who's a guy Marco that I am in a new relationship and he was happy for me. He asked me who the new lady is. I said Marco it's not a lady. Marcos jaw dropped. He said wait it's not a lady? Then I said this needs to be between us only. I said Marco I met a guy the Saturday before last week at a club. The guy and I are doing long distance dating for now. So I am gay Marco. Marcos jaw dropped big time. Soon after my boss walked in and interrupted my conversation and asked what are you two talking about that is so fascinating that Marcos jaw is dropped. So I told him everything even told him you my boyfriend live in Dallas Texas. My boss proceeded to tell me that the Dallas branch has an opening and said maybe you should think about transferring to the Dallas branch location so you can be closer to your boyfriend. So I submitted a transfer request form and it got approved.
Nicks jaw drops.
Nick: Oh my freaking gosh!
Nick immediately places a bunch of kisses all over James face. Then kisses his lips
Nick: this is the best news ever!
James: I love you Nick. I am never letting you go. It's you and me against the world.

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