1 year dating anniversary

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Evan: Madelyn I'm home.
Madelyn: I'm in the kitchen
Evan: hey baby.
Evan wraps his arms around Madelyn.
Madelyn: so remember yesterday I told you my period  was going to be coming today and to heat up for the moodiness. Well it actually was supposed to come yesterday according to my tracker app. So i then was like oh crap I grabbed what I am about to show you from my under the sink area.
Evan: Your pregnant?
Evan looks down at her stomach
Evan: my girlfriends pregnant. This is the best day of my life.
Madelyn: even better than Super Bowl LVI?
Evan: Yes Madelyn even better than that! I love you Madelyn.
Evan hands Madelyn a card that has something in it.
Evan: happy 1 year dating anniversary my love of my life who always brings a smile to my face everyday and always looks so adorable.
Madelyn: I have you to thank for helping me when I pick clothes out by telling me straight up if something doesn't look good on me.
Madelyn hands Evan and card.
Evan: aww babe I love you. You didn't have to get me something for our dating anniversary.
Madelyn: oh that's just the first part.
The door bell rings
Then Madelyn and Evans ring apps go off with doorbell notification. Madelyn looks at the app.
Madelyn: yay! Two of the things I got you came the other package I am expecting is out for delivery still it's a pair of shoes as my white vans got bleach on them the other day.
Evan: wait your white vans I got you for your birthday this year got bleach on them?
Madelyn: yes, they did.
Evan: why didn't you tell me?
Madelyn: cause I didn't want to upset you with news like that. Don't worry I got you a pair to match with me. So two pairs of vans are coming and are out for delivery with FedEx the door bell rings again.
Madelyn: oh that must be the FedEx drop off of the vans. Evan I think you should grab the two packages and the shoes packages.
Evan: okay I will.
Evan opens the door and sees a big American eagle box and H&M box. Along with the vans shoes in a box.
Evan: Madelyn I might need help the American eagle box is quite heavy.
Madelyn walks over and helps Evan drag the two heavy boxes in and then brings the box with the two pairs or vans in. Then Evan locks the front door again.
Madelyn: I think I definitely went overboard. You'll see when you open the two heavy boxes
Evan opens them.
Evan: Babe OMG you didn't have to go overboard and get me this much clothing.
Evan walks over and wraps his arms around Madelyn
Evan: aww Madelyn your so sweet to me.
Madelyn: yeah I know.
Madelyn: I'll open the card from you now.
Madelyn opens the card and sees a $100 American eagle gift card in it.
Evan: so do you like it?
Madelyn: I love it Evan. Your legit the most perfect human ever.
Madelyn gets down on one knee
Madelyn: so I was definitely inspired by my all time favorite bachelorette Becca Kufin. Anyways Evan McPherson,
When I met you on tinder swiped right and matched with you I had no idea what I was getting into. After talking for 2 weeks I remember you asked me out and flew in to take me on a date and meet. Everyday since then has been a blessing. I am so blessed to have such a sweet supportive guy like you in my life. Without you there would be no me of who I am today. I love you Evan with all my heart. Your the best thing to ever happen to me. I also know your gonna be the best dad out there. So Evan will you marry me?
Evan: yes Madelyn: I'll marry you.
Madelyn stands up and slides the ring on Evans finger.
Evan looks at it and immediately kisses Madelyn
Evan: I love it Madelyn. I am the luckiest guy in the world to have a girl like you who I get to now call my fiancé. I love you Madelyn Nova Laine.

Later that night
Evan: I have a idea for if our baby is a girl and one for if it's a boy.
Madelyn: oh yeah what were you thinking
Evan: so for if it's a girl I was thinkingNova Arden McPherson. And for if it's a boy I was thinking Jasper Beckham McPherson.
Madelyn sets her laptop down and turns her head  facing Evan and places several soft gentle kisses in different spots on his face.
(Kiss on lips)
(Kiss on right cheek)
(Kiss on nose)
(Kiss on left cheek)
(Kiss on forehead)
Madelyn: I love it. I love the names you picked out.  There so freaking adorable.
Madelyn doesn't hear an response from Evan and  then she feels soft kisses being placed all over her upper chest.
Madelyn: Um Evan what are you doing?
Evan: shh I'm placing soft kisses all over my drop dead gorgeous fiancé.
Madelyn: feels her hair being pushed behind her then feels her hair being tucked behind her ear. Then she feels the soft kisses being placed on her neck up and down her right side of her neck. Then she starts to feel her right side of her neck get cold.
Madelyn: Evan my right side of my neck is cold. Are you leaving wet kisses up and down my neck?
Evan: Um yes. Why do you ask.
Madelyn directs Evans face by moving it to meet her eye gaze and starts undoing Evans button down down white t shirt. she places several kisses as she's working her way down unbuttoning Evans shirt.
Evans let's out the cutest moan Madelyn has ever heard come out of his mouth.
Madelyn: awe I love when my handsome fiancé lets out the cutest moans.
Madelyn kisses a certain area of Evans upper half that she knows is his tender spot on his upper half cause he has told her that.
Evan let's out a huge sexy moan.
Then Evan proceeds to grabbing a hold of Madelyn's zipper on her dress and unzips it. Then he feels around for her bra clasp and eventually feels it and un clasps it
Evan lifts Madelyn off of the cough and takes her to the master bedroom and lays her down on the bed then realizes the beds made then lifts her up and moves her legs to where there wrapped around him and pulls down the spread and takes it completely off the bed to where only there gray silky sheets are visible. Then pulls down the top sheet to the bottom of the bed then sets Madelyn down on her back on the bed.
Then slides her dess down and throws it on the floor then slides her bra down her arms and also throws it on the floor then he takes a moment and just stares at his pregnant finances gorgeous pregnant belly.
Evan then peppers Madelyn with kisses all over her belly.
Madelyn: I can already see the dad figure in you Evan.
Evan: really you do?
Madelyn: yes I do cause I know your going to be the best dad ever.
Evans phone rings
Madelyn looks over at it
Madelyn: Evan do you know this number?
Madelyn shows Evan.
Evan: crap that must be the realtor.
Madelyn: what do you mean Realtor?
Evan answers it
Jamie Langley who's Evans realtor is helping Evan with buying a big huge house for him and Madelyn that has a large backyard and pool.
Jamie: Hello Mr Evan McPherson I got word back on two of the houses you put offers in on. So for The modern one the seller didn't accept your offer as there was a better  offer that was over the asking price. But I did hear back about  the new build farm house. and there's multiple  offers and the new build house construction company said if you want it then you'd need to offer them a new purchase price above selling price.

Evan: okay no way am I doing that. I would of considered doing it. But my girlfriend proposed to me as of this morning she was inspired by some former bachelorette Becca Kufin who proposed to her fiancé. Also my fiancé is expecting which means she's pregnant.

Jamie: oh my gosh tell your fiancé congrats on the pregnancy. Also congrats to you and your fiancé on your engagement.

Evan: thank you. I wont be needing your help anymore as I have decided that i want to talk to my fiancé about building a house on a plot of land. One of her Friends said her house which is on the south end of Fort Worth on farm land is no longer feasible for growing crops. And yes her friends fiancé is a farmer. So her friend said that her fiancé is willing to give up the part of the farm land to me and Madelyn my fiancé for us to build our dream house on.

Jamie: oh okay wow that's awesome of her friend. Well have a great day.
Evan: you too.
Evan hangs up
Madelyn: Evan what were you thinking telling your realtor that?
Evan: well I didnt want to hurt her feelings over you and I going through your brothers realtor company which is the most successful well known realtor company in all of Fort Worth. It would make her feel like she's not good enough. Cause I'm not gonna hurt my best friend from high school Jake Langleys sisters feelings.

Madelyn: wait your realtor is Jake Langleys sister? Omg what that's crazy.
Evan: yeah Jake has said his sister Jamie has a grudge against your brothers realtor company as she has had long time clients who have switched from her to your bothers company. Jake's cousin Tyler Norris switched from Jake's sister Jamie's company to your brothers company. Apparently he had a bad encounter on the phone with Jamie's receptionist who was pregnant and told Jamie she wasn't in the best state of mind the day of the encounter and Tyler called to speak with Jamie and the receptionist came off to him with a slight attitude. Jamie never heard from Tyler ever again after that.

Madelyn: OMG Jake is related to Tyler Norris? How?? I am so shocked beyond belief. How are they related?
Evan: well Tyler's mom was divorced met Tyler's dad who was divorced and Jake said his dad said it was love at first sight and they fell hard for each other. Dated for 4 months then got engaged after 4 months. Yeah Tyler's dad moved in with Jake's mom down here in Fort Worth after 3 months of dating long distance. They met at a club one night. Tyler's dad was down in Fort Worth visiting a friend of his from college he and his friend went clubbing and that's how he ended up meeting Jake's mom. So Jake and Tyler are step brothers but Jake doesn't like to call him stop brother same with Tyler so they call each other cousins.
Madelyn: this is so crazy.

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