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After that memorable night, Vada and Mia became really close over the next few weeks. They were inseparable. Their thoughts were so absorbed with each other that no one else could possibly cross their minds. That's at least what they hoped...

⌞ Vada's pov ⌝

"Hey um I'll call you back later." I say to Mia as I hung up the phone.
"Amelia... what happened?" I say walking up to my sister who is bawling her eyes out in a hunched posture.
"I don't want to talk about it." She sobbed.
"Who do I need to kill?" I questioned in a serious tone.
She let out a slight laugh.
"I have a crush.. well did.. on this guy," Amelia said while sniffling.
"He told me he likes someone else... a guy." She cried harder.
My eyes widen as I try and hold in a grin.
"VADA! It's not funny. I actually really like him and thought it was mutual." She said while fidgeting with her hands.
"I'm sorry Mel," I said while bringing her in for a hug. "You must have a type though this is not the first time this has happened to you."
She slapped me playfully and proceeded to wipe away her tears.
"Let's go grab lunch and forgot about him?"
She gave me a soft smile and nodded.

I brought her to The Cheesecake Factory and Starbucks after. Her two favorite places.
"So when am I going to meet your friend?" Amelia questioned as we walked back to our house.
I took a breath and faced her.
"I have something I have to tell you..."

⌞ Mia's pov ⌝

Once I got off of the phone with Vada, I continued my walk along the busy street of LA. I smiled at the thought of Vada and I's plans for tonight. We were going to have a scary movie marathon and make brownies.

I was about 15 minutes from my house when I heard a loud car horn and felt my entire body being slammed to the ground.
I couldn't move or feel anything. I heard an ambulance in the distance as I slowly lost consciousness.

⌞ Vada's pov ⌝

"So Mia is not my friend anymore," Amelia looked at me confused.
"She's uh my girlfriend." I said hesitantly.
After a few seconds, Amelia hugged me excitedly and squealed.
"I had my suspicions." She laughed.
I looked at her confused as I grabbed my ringing phone from my basketball shorts.
"That's weird no caller ID." I said.
"Hello?" I questioned as I answered the phone.
"Hi is this Vada?" The woman on the phone asked.
"Yes, how can I help you?" I said.
"Do you have any relations to Mia Reed?"
"Yes." I said with uncertainty.

"I have some unfortunate news."

——————————————————thank you guys for all the feedback :)
I'm going to finish this & start a wenclair story after

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