The Bad Batch: Flash Forward pt 5

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"TECH!" Echo raised his voice, "I'm picking up signals coming from behind!"
Two ships charged toward the Marauder and flew beside it. A transmission came over the ship's com, "This is the Belatower Guard. You are in possession of stolen property. Prepare to be boarded."
"Aguilla- I thought you said it would work!" Hunter growled.
"It should've!" Aguilla cried, "The auctioneer gave it to us and he didn't suspect anything-" Aguilla froze, "Aw kriff...."
The transmission came again, "Repeat, this is the Belatower Guard. You are in possession of stolen property. Prepare to be boarded, immediately."
Tech looked at Hunter for instructions. The whole batch did. Hunter could see the guilt in Aguilla's eyes. It would've worked but they weren't the only ones trying to steal the Keenossphere.
"If Metla knew about this, her guards would be all over us. This is the auctioneer's fault."
Aguilla tried to recover her pride. She stood strait and tucked her lips.
"Well, then I think we should teach that guy a lesson." Everyone focused on Hunter. "No one outdoes us." He gestured to his chest.
"This is Belatower guard. You have not complied with orders. Comply or we will engage in open fire and cease your ship."
Aguilla marched up to the com and without the consent of the rest of the batch she smashed the button with her finger. "Good luck, sleemo." She snarled.
"YEAH-HA!" Wrecker cheered and ran to the gun. The batch took their positions.
"We're locked in a duo-tractor beam." Tech said increasing speed attempting to break free. "Wrecker! Fire at the side of the ship!"
"Which one?!" Wrecker yelled.
"Any!" Echo yelled back, "Just hit the tractor beam!"
Wrecker fired once and hit it but it didn't break them loose. "It didn't work!" Wrecker grumbled.
"Again! Just keep firing!" Echo said, trying to keep the ship stable as Tech opened a panel on one side of the ship and began tweaking wires. The Belatower guard showed no mercy and didn't bother to tell them to comply again.
"They've enabled shields!" Wrecker shouted. He continued to fire anyway.
"TE-ECH!" Hunter raised his voice as he watched two more ships approaching on the monitor. "We've got another problem!"
Aguilla felt helpless; as did Omega, but not for long.
"Omega!" Tech called out, bent down over an open panel. Meg quickly scooted over and began following instructions given by Tech. Aguilla just watched.
PEW! A blast hit the back of the ship and sent everyone flying forward. Hunter reached out his arm to catch Aguilla but she landed hurled over on a chair. Hunter landed, beside her legs, on the floor.
"Tech! Shields!"
"Working on it." He turned and flipped a few switches and returned to the panel.
Aguilla pushed herself off the chair holding her stomach and groaning.
PEW! Another blast hit but this one was less disastrous.
"Wrecker fire on those ships!"
"I'm trying!"
A transmission came over, "Cease fire, immediately!"
"They want the Keenossphere." Aguilla turned to Hunter, "There's no way they would blow us up- completely."
"No, but they are taking us back!"
Aguilla looked down. She had an idea but it was crazy: and Hunter knew it.
"What? What are you thinking?"
"It's crazy," She looked up to see if he was still interested. He raised his brow,
"At this point, I can rely on you for that."
"We pretend to comply...." She continued telling Hunter her plan.

Hunter smiled, "I like that." He turned to Tech. "Tech?"
"On it. I've prepared the engines to get us out of here as soon as we are free of the tractor beam. We will lose shields momentarily."
"We can make it." Hunter stood tall and strong. This was true leader.
Tech spoke over the com, "Belatower, this is Grunger," the ship's current ID, "we will comply when you stop firing on our ship."
The other side was quiet for a moment but the blasts stopped.
"Very well. You've been given profile. Prepare to be boarded."
As Wecker rushed in, everyone turned to Hunter, and Hunter to Aguilla. "Ready?"
She nodded.
The ships escorted them to a ship bay to board; and by escorted, I mean, used a tractor beam to force them to the ground.
The ships landed and the batch readied themselves.
"It's busy out there." Aguilla looked out the cockpit window. "We'll have to do this fast."

A squadron of new stormtroopers gathered their guns as they walked towards the ledge. "Troopers?! What's the empire doing here?!" Echo said harshly.
"Splended. Just what we needed." Crosshair crossed his arms and glared at the little Twi standing in front of him but not blocking his view at all.
"Well, it's too late now." Hunter said, "We need to stick to the plan," He faced Aguilla, "and maybe- tweak it a little."
"Fine by me." She shook her head in embarrassment. This whole mission was her idea after all. She quickly changed out of her dress in another room; as did Hunter.
Echo would fly the ship while Hunter and Aguilla would disable the beam from the other ship. They would be able to break free from the other tractor beam; or at least, that's what Tech said.

The Bad Batch: Flash ForwardWhere stories live. Discover now