The Bad Batch: Flash Forward pt 6

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Aguilla sat in the very small cargo bay of the ship. She had taken off her stolen armor and set it aside. She remembered Hunter's words about it.
Maybe he can help me modify it.
She thought. It would do her good.
Aguilla had on her usual comfortable clothes again. She saved the dress; she might need it later and it was one of the few elegant clothes that actually looked good with her skin.
Aguilla wore dark brown capris and a sleeveless dark green shirt that tucked into her belt. She examined her fit when she brushed the blaster graze on her left arm.

"Ow!" Even though it didn't really hit her, it still burned and now she could feel it. Adrenaline had been kind her when she had the armor suit on.
She observed it for a second and before she could get a med mit, Hunter walked in holding it.
He locked eyes with her as he walked toward her but they shifted to her shoulder where her small wound was.

"That doesn't look too bad." Hunter smiled until he saw her cautious expression.
He then frowned and stopped beside her.
"You okay?" He said quietly as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hmm? Oh yeah- I'm fine." She fumbled her words and then looked at the med pack.
Ugh- great.
Hunter exhaled and gestured for her to sit down on a crate.

"I'll have you patched up in no time."
Aguilla hesitated but then hopped onto the crate with her knees and swiveled around to hang her legs.
"Where's Echo?" She questioned as Hunter opened the pack. Echo usually took care of everyone.

Hunter answered very quickly.
"He's uh- busy helping Tech with something." His face could lie when his life depended on it but for stuff like this, he had a glass mask.
Luckily, Aguilla didn't turn to him when he said it because she would've spotted it immediately. 

Hunter cleaned her wound with a bacta wipe and began wrapping her arm. Slowly. Hunter needed time with her. Hunter gathered his thoughts before he spoke.
"Chssss!" Aguilla winced.
"Sorry..." Hunter felt like wincing himself. With the boys, he would've told them to shut up and deal with it.
Hunter was halfway done wrapping as he looked up and stared at her, waiting for her to notice.
"Sorry." She apologized out of nowhere.
Aguilla put her face down and turned away.
"About the mission. I didn't mean for it to go like that."
They were alive, they got what they needed, and they were together.

"Don't fret about the mission, Aguilla." He continued wrapping.
"I feel so stupid."
"You shouldn't." He examined the wrapping on her arm more closely. He gently stroked it with the back of his fingers.
He realized Aguilla was side-eyeing him.
His eyes grew wide but he couldn't seem to register that his hand was still on her.
They just kind of stayed there staring stupidly at each-other.

"Ahem-" Hunter cleared his throat, "Aguilla, what I said back in Belatower- in the closet?"
"Yeah... sorry we couldn't find your com," Aguilla scoffed, "But it's not like we can go back." She rolled her eyes to him.
"That's not what I was talking about." Hunter rubbed his neck and looked down.
Aguilla looked down to think.
What was he talking about?

She bobbed her head sideways and looked at him.
Just when Hunter opened his mouth to elaborate, Echo popped in.

"There you are." He smiled at Aguilla and turned to Hunter. He paused.
"Oh- I guess you got this taken care of then." He gestured to Aguilla's shoulder.
Hunter nodded, a little too eagerly.
Echo raised an eyebrow and then glanced back and forth between his sergeant and the Twi.
Aguilla was examining her shoulder. It felt just slightly tender and the bacta had eased the sting.
"Hunter- can we talk?" Echo said curiously.
Hunter turned his whole body awkwardly and he and Echo walked out.
What is going on with him? She thought.

                                   ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ 

Hunter and Echo entered the cockpit just as Omega and Wrecker rushed out. They would go and see if Aguilla had anything interesting to say about the mission; Other than the charade they pulled in the imperial docking bay.
Hunter sat down on a seat across from Echo. Cross sat in the front beside Tech.
The room was deathly quiet for a moment.
Echo cleared his throat and looked to Hunter.
Countless things started to add up and Echo needed to know what was going on with Hunter.

Hunter squeezed his eyes shut and his shoulders dropped. He opened his eyes again and leaned his head forward.
He exhaled. He could rely on his brothers.

Echo nodded, waiting for him to continue.
"Aguilla never really talks about her past and I respect that."
Hunter shook his head and rubbed it. "But-"
"But- what?" Echo was doing his best to encourage him to keep talking. Too many times Hunter would start a conversation and then quickly end it without satisfactory answer.

"She does- things. Like, weird things." Now Hunter just looked at the floor, confused.
"When we were at Belatower, she would be focused on me- on the mission, and the next moment- well, I guess...." Hunter just sat back in his chair and stopped talking.
"Oh no, no, no- you're not getting off that easily." Echo poked him with his scomp. Hunter wrinkled his nose when Tech and Cross both turned to him.
Tech seemed to already know and Cross just gave him a lazy glare.

"Never mind." Hunter tried to relax in his chair but it seemed to grow more uncomfortable by the second.
"I believe you are referring to Aguilla's mood swings." Tech pointed.
"What?" Hunter cocked back.
"It's quite obvious that Aguilla's mood changes frequently and drastically. You mentioned Aguilla's past; perhaps you think her mood is affected by past trauma and you hope to address her about it."

Everyone just stared at Tech because that seemed like the worst idea he'd ever had.
Aguilla was happy; at least, with the others. She would fight with Hunter anytime; and she mainly ignored Crosshair- unless she and Wrecker were playing jokes.

"I don't know, Tech." Echo said cautiously. "She does seem pretty okay. She just doesn't like Hunter."
Everyone turned to Hunter who just crossed his arms, pursed his lips, and slid in his chair so that he was slouching.

"I don't think Hunter likes talking about his crush." Cross said without a smile but everyone knew he was teasing him.
"She's not my-ugh." Hunter covered his face; and that's what convinced Tech and Echo.
Echo smirked at Tech who in turn gave a quizzical smile to Cross and then Hunter.

Hunter peeked through his fingers.
Why me- why now? Hunter felt his heart ache. Nevertheless, he retained his honor and stood up; shoulders back, and head high.
"I don't want to hear anymore of this." He softened his manner, "Just forget about it."

Echo, Tech, and Cross, would not forget: in fact, Echo would capitalize on it. Tech would help Echo but more for the "Science of Attraction."
Cross didn't like it. The head tails, the skin, and just Aguilla in general.

This would be a strange adventure for all of them. For now, they had to get the Keenossphere to Ord Mantell. Cid would meet their buyer in a few days.

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