The Bad Batch: Flash Forward pt 7 (Finale)

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"Well, boys," Cid closed the case with the Keenossphere and slid it behind her desk, "Expect payment in two days." She said hoarsely as she held up two fingers.
"As for you Gila monster-"
Aguilla twisted her lip. Cid picked up a very small case and slid it across the desk to her.
"That's yours." She turned around to put away her own credits and turned back to see confused clones and a confused twilek.
"Get out- I have other business to attend to. You look like idiots standing with your mouths open like that."
"Why should she get paid first?" Cross said from behind Echo and Hunter.
"Maybe because it was her intel that got us this pretty piece of technology. Now, get out all of you."

                               ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ ❂ 

Omega sat on the backdoor porch of Cid's bar with her knees tucked against her chest.
She had more to think about now that she was older. Her thoughts came frequently, her questions multiplied, and her mind and heart were at war most of the time.
I guess that's why it hurts sometimes, she thought.


The door behind her opened and she looked up at Hunter who looked rather tired.
He didn't say anything; he just sat down next to her and let out a long sigh.
Omega patted his shoulder and leaned her head on him. Hunter placed his hand on her head. They sat there, not talking, for what seemed an eternity; but it was nice.
Sometimes, people don't have to talk to be understood.
Omega looked at her hands. She studied every line, every scratch; each one a reminder of past missions.

"Hunter?" Meg lifted her head, "Do you have scars?"
Hunter stared at her quizzically. His were quite obvious but she may have meant big scars.
"Sure, I've got plenty scars."
Meg shifted her hands to him, palms up, for him to look at.
Her took her small hand quietly.
"Looks like you've got your own."

They sat in silence for a minute more when Meg broke the silence.
"I think some people have scars on the inside."
"Yeah- a lot of people do. Why did you bring that up?" Hunter felt a little broken at the thought.
"Agui- why Aguilla? Did something happen?"
Meg just looked at the ground and moved the dirt with her foot.

"She doesn't have many scars but she looks hurt."
"Woah- Meg, what are talking about?" Hunter leaned in worriedly.
"She hasn't told me anything. But sometimes, after she fights with you, or plays with me, or talks with Echo, she turns away- and she looks hurt." Omega turned to Hunter and held his hand tightly. Her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned. "I want her to tell us why."

Hunter felt that he understood precisely what Omega was talking about.
It seemed that anytime they drew close to her for too long, she would isolate herself and push them away; and no matter how polite she tried to be when she did, they always knew there was something wrong.

"I know, Meg. Maybe Echo could-"
"He's tried already!" Omega quickly turned her head. "Even I tried but she pushes us away... I just thought that you might try but you don't care about her. You two just fight all the time." She tucked her face into her knees.

"Meg- it's not like that- I do care about her." Hunter rubbed her shoulders. Meg didn't move.
"And I do like her, I think she just doesn't like me- now, I don't know why, but I'm trying Meg; I can promise you that."

Meg looked up but not at Hunter.
"She's our family too, right Hunter?" She sounded more like she was interrogating him.
Hunter hesitated but thought about his brothers.
"Yes, Omega. She is our family."

Meg turned to Hunter and barely cracked a smile back at him. She pushed herself into his chest and squeezed him tightly. Hunter felt it; she was much stronger that when they first took her in.

Hunter pet her hair as they sat silently on Cid's porch. The moons began to rise over the city.
The noise of busy people grew silent. Night had come, and so had rest....

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