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(Name) whistled to herself as she walked down the streets of Konoha pretending nothing was the matter. She reached the gate leading to the forest outside of the village. She slipped through easily; those two knuckleheads Kotetsu and Izumo were sleeping on the job. (Name) Shook her head and traveled forward. She laughed to the irony of Naruto saying it's too dangerous for her even though she knew where Sasuke is...It's just they don't know it. She already knew what lies ahead of them, but being in the story was odd. It felt like the plot shifted, and her being here was concerning. She stopped in her tracks, and looked up into the canopy of trees. She sighed to herself, "Well this is everything I ever wanted..." A cold chill ran down her spine...but something isn't quite right..... She tried to ignore the strange feeling of uneasiness and trudged on, looking for Naruto and the others. 

She shook slightly as she felt someone's gaze burned on her back. She got out a kunai and got in position. "Who's there?" She hissed. There was nothing but the sound of the wind whisting; rattling the leaves of the trees. She huffed, and closed her eyes. She put her kunai away and kept walking. As she walked on for maybe five minutes, a body pinned her to the ground taking her by surprise. "W-what the hell?!" It was a masked man. It was a mask so familiar, as if she had seen it a thousand times. She looked up, to see an arrow lodged in a tree. This man....just saved her. "Ah—! Thanks..." The masked man said nothing, but held up a finger to his cat mask's lips silently shushing her. 

Not wanting to be a creep and asking if he knew her, she stayed silent hearing for any one who want to assassinate her. She gulped and dreaded the fact: it's killed or be killed. The masked man seemed to nod his head to tell her it was safe. He offered his hand. She took his hand, and he pulled her up close to him. He was still silent. He held tight to her hand, but she was afraid to ask him to let go. There was a certain aura surrounding him that she didn't want to tamper with. "E-excuse me?" She asked. He looked at her, and she continued. "Have you by any chance seen a blonde headed moron named Naruto pass through here by any chance?" The grip on her hand tightened, and she winced. 

The mask man apparently saw her wince and loosened the hold a smudge. "Okay..." She drawled out. "Can you help me? I mean he did go on a retrieval mission to get back a guy with duckass hair and if we don't my alternate ship won't happen! Oh-" (Name) cut herself off, her cheeks burning a furious scarlet. (SasuNaru.)Underneath the mask, the man's lips twitched up in a smile after seeing his love's face turn a ruby red, just like the pendant he gave her. (Name) looked down at the necklace and gasped. It was pulsing vibrantly, and was hot to the touch but it didn't burn her. The masked man lifted the ruby up, and ran his thumb over it. "Wait, how are you able to touch it?" (Name) asked confused. The mask looked away and placed the necklace back against her chest. 

The mask man just grunted, and for a cover up he showed her his gloves. Embarrassed, (Name) stared at her feet. "Erm, well I'm going that way." She pointed north. "You can travel with me if you want." (Name) shuffled awkwardly.  He had turned still, like a statue. (Name) wants me to travel...with her? As much as he had dreamt about this moment ever since he laid eyes on her, it was not that time. He knew he would do something he regretted if he went with her. His work lied behind the shadows. He shook his head no and took and step back from her. (Name) did a small smile. 

"I would like to meet again!"  The masked man did a few hand sings and disappeared in a swirl of leaves. (Name) blinked surprised.What kind of jutsu was that?Nevertheless, the stranger was kind. She was still a little uneasy about the idea that someone was after her...Who had shot that arrow? She dwells on it while walking. It could have been a bandit. (Name) shook away her thought and focused on her task ahead of her.  She ran at full speed towards the group an practically tackled the blonde. "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD KEEP ME AWAY?!"

"(NAME)?!" They all shouted. 

"I was going to go if you liked it or not." She winked. 

"What happened to Shikamaru protecting you?" Naruto demanded.

"Uhhh Well you see..." She snickered, and thought of Shikamaru flustered. "You can ask him that yourself," she smirked. "Anyway the real reason I'm here is because I can help find Duck-ass."

"(Name)!" Naruto protested.

"Don't even start Naruto, I know what I'm doing. I'll show you that I'm not weak!" She stated. 

 Sakura who could relate to those words stuck up for her. "Naruto...let her come. Let her prove herself, I don't know why you are getting so worked up." 

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the fighting. "Kakashi." (Name) sung. "I'll give you a special addition of Icha Icha." 

His eyes widened. "How? WHERE CAN I GET IT?" 

(Name) put a finger to her lips. "In due time, just let me join."

"Naruto, no complaining. She's coming." he said. 

"W-WHAT?!" Naruto's jaw dropped. 

"I mean, she's made it this far all by herself." He said. (Name) thought about mentioning the masked man, but thought better of it. 

"Yus!" (Name) celebrated. She pulled Sakura and Naruto in a hug. "Let's get back Duck-ass!"

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