Little to no words.

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(Jungwons pov)

[god this rain isn't letting up.]

(I walk outside)

[it feels nice to feel the rain. But I'm more worried about yoori, maybe I should go there and see if everyone's okay.]

(I start heading towards the door, i open the door to find a tall guy there.)

"Who are you?"

"The campsite is under attack." The guy said breathing heavily

[what would yoori say!?]

"Is there anyone else with you?"

"The princes of nightingale."

(The guy moves to show heeseung and Jake both injured)


"Yes your highness!"

(I start making a run towards where the king of starline campsite was at.)

[i knew something was wrong, i should've gone earlier,i should've stayed there with them.]

(the knights are following behind me)

[is yoori even alive? I should've told her to stay there with me, if so none of this would've happened.]

(We finally arrive at the campsite, everything is covered in ashes.)

(I run over towards the barely moving body of yoori)

"Shhh it's okay I got you, you'll be fine yoori I promise."

"I don't feel fine....." Yoori says weakly

[i promised I would never do this, I swore an oath to NEVER do this, I'm breaking the oath, i don't care what happens to me]

(End of jungwons pov)

(Almost a year passes yoori was in a coma for almost a year.)

(Yoori's pov.)

"Where am I?....."

(I slowly open my eyes my vision is blurry, my head is killing me.)

"Yoori?.... you're awake."

(I look over next to me, jungwon is sitting next to me holding my hand)


"Yes it's me yoori."

"What happened?"

(Jungwon went quiet)

"You died yoori."

"Then why are you in my afterlife."

"I guess it's because you secretly enjoy my company" he said it proudly

"I highly doubt that"

"Heyyy don't be rude to the person that saved your life."

(I sit up)

"Hey be careful you've been there for almost a year"

"A YEAR!?"

"Hey calm down calm down."

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