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(Yoori's pov)

"It's nice to meet you your h-"

"Just shut up don't even try talking To me, you are a lower ranking then me."

[jeez what side of the bed did you sleep on?]

"How did you even get the ranking as his "personal knight"

(She gets up and circles around me like she's nitpicking everything about me)

"I don't have anything nice to say about you, your hair is unstyled, you dress like a man and you act like one."

(I make eye contact with her, and she smacks me)

"Don't make eye contact with me, i don't need your filth to rub off on me."

(She lifts my chin up with her fan)

"Even your face doesn't look that feminine."

(Once again she smacks me with her fan, she sits back down)

"I have nothing to worry about then"

(She takes a sip out of her tea, and sunoo finally comes back)

"Did you two get along?"

"Oh yes of course, we have a lot in common."

(Sunoo looks over at me)

[is my face still red from her smacking me?]

(Sunoo sighs and sits down across from Mina.)

"So Mina tell me more about yourself."

"Well i like going shopping,dancing-"

"I'll stop you right there miss Mina, yoori likes none of those things."

"Oh but she said Sh-"

"You told her to say nothing, because she's a lower rank then you."

"I never s-"

"I also know there is no princess of nightingale named "Mina"

"But your hi-"

(Guards walk in and start taking her away.)


(Sunoo closes the door after the guards leave.)

"How did you know?"

"Because both of the princesses of nightingale died at a young age. Now are you okay?"

(He walks over to me and cups my cheeks in his hands)

"She didn't hit you too hard right?"

"She didn't sunoo im fine, but how did she make it look realistic?"

"My guess is that she bought clothes from a market and made them look more realistic."

"That makes sense."


(He starts caressing my cheeks with his thumbs)

"You sure she didn't hurt you too bad?"

"She really didn't, it's not like she stabbed me in my thigh."

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